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Thread: Silly question

  1. #1

    Silly question

    Given the 15sec grace period, and the Yalmaha... how exactly do you PvP someone who doesn't want to be PvPed if they have a Yalm?

  2. #2

    You don't.
    Why should you?
    If they want to fight they will.

    Is this a problem for you?

  3. #3
    if you are a rooter class then u fly after them, unequip yalm and root them

  4. #4

    Not in the least...

    Originally posted by Thehardway

    You don't.
    Why should you?
    If they want to fight they will.

    Is this a problem for you?
    I avoid PvP like the plague (I'm an MA)... I was just wondering how in heck anyone can really force PvP on anyone given Yalms and grace periods. Given that PvP is all too often ganking, this seems a good thing to me to be honest... was just curious tho

  5. #5


    Originally posted by Wrob
    if you are a rooter class then u fly after them, unequip yalm and root them
    I don't know about you, but the length of time it takes me to get out of a yalm is more than long enough for the person you're chasing to get way out of your range...

  6. #6
    Originally posted by Thehardway

    You don't.
    Why should you?
    Because they are in 25%. My view has changed a lot over the course of my levels, but I've settled on this.

    If you go into 25%, expect to be attacked.

    I've got 141 levels without being attacked in a 25% unless I was there looking for a fight.

    There's no reason other people can't stay the hell out of 25% as well.
    Katelin Arinia Rhees
    Level 220 Enforcer
    Former Enforcer Professional
    Former President of the late Midnight Reveries
    Account Created: 2001-10-08; Account Expired: 2005-02-19

  7. #7

    Yep, my experience too

    I take that as a good thing, Arinia... and my experience has been identical. Was just curious if I was missing something, and if I should be more careful... as far as I can tell, if you're vigilant and pay attention and do not sit still when you zone out of a mission in a PvP area, you're pretty much invulnerable...

  8. #8

    Re: How?

    Originally posted by Greenhawk

    I don't know about you, but the length of time it takes me to get out of a yalm is more than long enough for the person you're chasing to get way out of your range...
    The person chasing after you will de-equip his Yal while his chasing you. As soon as the Yal uneqiups mid-air, he roots you as he plunges to the ground. He'll take 800 dmg for the fall. You'll be rooted in a Yalmaha, defenseless.

  9. #9

    Have you tried that?

    My understanding was that falling would still interrupt your nano... so you'd not root anyone, you'd just fall and splat... and by the time you got ready, they're gone.

    Additionally, if anyone ever DID chase me, I'm pretty sure I could simply lose them with a bit of "mouse look direction changing"...

  10. #10
    If you zone into a a 25% zone with a yalma, fly up high and then away, I have never been rooted in a yalma when I only wanted to get away to fly to mission or something, the 15 sec should work, and in most cases you will be in a 75% zone before those 15 sec is down so noone can root you...
    ICQ: 419860

    Clan Apocalypse - The guild for models

    Account closed.

  11. #11

  12. #12
    Its better than hunting tho

  13. #13

    Angry So...

    ...because people have seen that people gank for their title does not mean you should have the same attitude... if someone does not want to pvp ... LEAVE EM ALONE. Do not be another title hugging ebay twinky

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