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Thread: So much nerfing (so negative) :(

  1. #1

    Unhappy So much nerfing (so negative) :(

    As the game progresses the rules are getting changed.

    As the version of AO becomes higher proffessions loose what they had worked for as a goal.

    My MA was going to be able to cast LMA and UVC on my friends at some time in the future but I think I should not even spend my valuable time on AO if I'm going to get shocked by nerfing after all of my effort.

    (don't forget that non self only buffs encourage a social game)

    Someone or group of production people at Funcom seem to want new accounts so they have made beginner chars eaisier with easy heals and no insurance effort until much higher levels. That's all fine. That's Giving. But who wants to play and invest time when in the middle of geting to Level 200 you find out that your buffs get nerfed to self only. (don't say your giving me lesser target/team buffs -- that was not the deal when I started )

    On another note, there are always a few negative whiners that want to nerf other proffession's buffs. You people at Funcom don't give into their mentality of taking from others to satisfy negative sentiment.

    Make changes by giving, not by taking and you will keep your customer base.

    I don't know if I'm gonna stick around if this MA crit buff reduction thing is implemented. *feels ripped off*

    --Minkii RK1

  2. #2

    Awww, a broken hart. =(

    Aye.... i agree...

    But being a MA isn't pointless u see.

    U just ahve to spend ur I.P. on one thing...MA, Physical Init, brawl, Dimach (optional). =)

    Not like soldiers: Put ALOT of I.P. into various weapon skills/ Ammo cost/ Constantly needing to buy new weapons.

    Ur weapon is ur fist, it grows along with u. All u need to update is ur Nano Skills. Don't worry girl. MA's r safe from the evil nerfing gods.

    They nerf our crit buffs to self only? So be it, other suffer, not us. =)
    Since when do we MA's need other groups? We are the perfect soloists, even better then Adventurers.

    We can stay out of a city longer then a adventurer would ever dream of after leveling 25 levels. Why? Because we have eveything we need with us.

    Healing spells, Our weapon which grows in power along with ur char and an AC buff, to help u cope with outdated armour.

    See? MA's aren't zat helpless.

    And besides... If u want to be social and group alot, be a Doc using Martial Arts. Trust me...nothing better then Martial arts... I do exactly as much damage then a fellow 69 soldier. EXACTLY the same damage! My crits is the equivalent to his "full auto"'s.


    Not to mention... when killing NPC's..u can ignore their main AC by using Chemical fists. *grins*

    See see see??? MA= good long term char

    But ultimately, i agree with u, Minkii. =)

    - Natelie, 69 MA
    Roobie-Kah-Wan, Zat is Za good Wurld!
    -A shifter between worlds

  3. #3
    You should try to get the larger picture.
    Crit buffs have been plaguing the PvP part of the game and now they will slowly get back under control with the nerf of LLTS and the OE rules. This are very positive changes for the community.

    As a MA you will became a very promising PvP profession, and you are already a very solid team prof. Sheer up.
    "Donner à des millions une connaissance de l'anglais, c'est les rendre esclaves". (Hind Swarâj, ch. 18)

  4. #4

    Unhappy PvP

    You think many people in AO really care about pvp? I see most in missions power lving and that about it. Look at some post people tired start about pvp how they were generally ignored by the community. Maybe if pvp had more of point to it people would pvp more or least more meaning to it. Very few patches have been made enhance environment which you pvp in and yet the rules game have been rewritten countless number of times because of pvp.

  5. #5


    It is not a PVP issue. It is Funcom trying to make the game harder to create a longer shelf life. Gee what a great Idea we do not have to put in any new stuff.... we just nerf people so they take longer to level.

    All I can say is I read the Boards and see so much dissatisfaction.

    This line of thinking by Funcom will take it's toll in the long run.

    Funcom is probably saying ... "We know what we are doing"

    Maybe FUNCOM should at this point RAISE Their PRICES to $19.95 per month!!!

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