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Thread: You going to fix Hidden Zeniths and Fists in THIS patch?

  1. #1

    You going to fix Hidden Zeniths and Fists in THIS patch?

    You asked for our feedback a few patches ago when YOU broke Hidden Zeniths and Fists stacking...when exactly did you have in mind to FIX it again?
    As it stands now Hidden Zeniths (and a few other improved MA weapons) are useless.
    You constantly add new wonderful things then either break them or nerf them rendering your work pointless.

  2. #2

    Still like an answer on this...


  3. #3
    The problem, I believe, is that the bug is proving to be very hard to track down. There's a great thread over in the MA forum about this problem, and it's -very- sporadic. Some people can get Zenith Taichis to work, some can't. Some can't get ClickStabbers to work. I personally couldn't make an Acroblade work, but others have no problems.

    It's not as easy as you make it out to be. There is a serious issue here, and I'm sure FC is having some problems nailing it down.

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