In all the changes for new players listed above, I noticed one thing missing! That's the Newbie OOC chat channel, that I always found so helpful when I was starting out a new character. It's one of the few channels that sticks with you no matter what zone you're in, and I got tons of helpful advice from other players there when I was just starting out. It's the one channel you can ask the noobiest of noobie questions in and not get laughed at. And you lose it after level 6!

If we're going to make it so XP loss won't start until level 30, how about keeping the newbie channel until level 30 as well? I know I needed that channel long after level 6.. I used to log in with a level 1 character just so I could ask questions there after my main character got too old for it. Anyway please consider this, I think it would help a lot of new players.