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Thread: Gene13 - Please Stop!

  1. #1

    Gene13 - Please Stop!

    I'm sure you feel that your thread is full of greatly constructive ideas, thought, opinions, and all those things that make up a constructive thread, but please...

    Stop posting Pron-Style tunnels all over the place.

    It's bad enough that it takes FC an age to respond to threads, but there are alot of issues that people are raising in other threads that are just falling by the wayside because of junk tunneling.

    Try here:

    Last edited by Poweredge|vault; Apr 22nd, 2002 at 17:04:47.
    Powervault ~ Legion
    Poweredge ~ Omegastrike

    Poweredge's Soldier Guide (Now Sticky!)

    You want to use CAC in SL? READ THIS

  2. #2
    /me points at 'report this post...' -link.
    Feel free to use it.

    Oh, but know what? I don't think anyone will find the post you reported because it was posted by a player that plays a fixer.

    Bump your thread if you think it's important.

    pirates. with lasers.
    Are you having an argument on the internet, again?

    Gene13 - on a space odyssey since 2001
    XXX - N

    Some day your ship will come in, but you will be at the airport.

  3. #3
    It's not me I'm worried about. I tend to be fairly active on the boards and I like to think that I do come up with some fairly constructive points from time to time that usually get responses.

    It's the people that don't frequent these boards as often as me or you that I'm worried about. Some of them have some good points that are equally (if not more) valid that your own, but they go about it in a sensible, constructive, reasonable fashion.

    Perhaps if you took a look at the way that other people have approached the issue of raising important topics by using "one" thread, then you might actually learn something. People like Gummizluv, Snarf, Noer, & Mantravedi are prime examples of how to get a point across without ruining a whole MB.

    And finally, yes I can click "Report This Link", but I'd like to think that your own common-sense would override the requirement for anyone to have to click it. I'm not a forum-cop, I'm just a regular Joe Public with a need for being able to read topics in a fashion that is generally considered reasonable.
    Powervault ~ Legion
    Poweredge ~ Omegastrike

    Poweredge's Soldier Guide (Now Sticky!)

    You want to use CAC in SL? READ THIS

  4. #4
    I agree...Gene13, stop your childish posting. All your spam is covering up a lot of posts that deserve to be seen, but get shoved back a page or so because of your incessant, idiotic posts..

    Here's a hint...the Fixer board does get read..even if no replies from FC get you dont have to annoy the rest of us non-fixers like this..
    Commander Barron
    Prime Director: Omni-1 Operations
    2nd in Command
    Division 9 [R.S.G.E]
    Click Here to Visit the ALL NEW Division 9 Website

  5. #5
    Originally posted by Barron

    Here's a hint...the Fixer board does get read
    hes right you know, how else would they come up with ideas for new additions to other classes?
    My lungs arent blackened by tar, they're blackened by SIN!

  6. #6
    w00t!! Looks like someone at FC likes us..all of Gene 13's posts seem to have been deleted!!! Thank you bunches FC!!
    Commander Barron
    Prime Director: Omni-1 Operations
    2nd in Command
    Division 9 [R.S.G.E]
    Click Here to Visit the ALL NEW Division 9 Website

  7. #7
    At the very least, someone is reading the forum
    Katelin Arinia Rhees
    Level 220 Enforcer
    Former Enforcer Professional
    Former President of the late Midnight Reveries
    Account Created: 2001-10-08; Account Expired: 2005-02-19

  8. #8

    a fixer post. getting read ? being dealt with ?

    woohay this is news.

    now do something else to fixer posts than to delete them.

    non fixers would not understand this. GA nerf is alfa omega to fixers. this hurt our pride. it takes away only thing which made some of us feel good.

    when you take THAT away from us, there wont be fixers around to whine any more.

    problem solved.

    after 14.2 fixer whining will be over with.

    hmm by the way. how come most accusations of being childish, come from children ? its really not the mature way of telling someone to stop. try giving a reason except others meanings getting junked.

    fixers been junked all the way. we're used to junk. we ARE junk. we bathe in JUNK. now its time to share it.

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