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Thread: Universal Banking

  1. #1

    Cool Universal Banking

    OK ... I know this idea is controversial and not at all supportive to role-play but I think it is worth discussion as there are many pros and cons.

    In a nutshell, the idea would be to allow each character on a person's account complete access to all of their other characters money and equipment inventories, bags and banks. How this is accomplished really makes no difference but the game that allows this will set a trend in gaming I think.

    Rationale? Nothing important really. Only that gear-swapping has always happened, is happening now, and will always happen regardless of what game authors attempt to do to thwart it. It would seem that the code overhead to keep it from happening is less efficient than allowing it because it can not be stopped in any case.

    Perhaps a static character called a "Custodian" resides in my character lineup. I can log into an interface that simply moves gear around without unequipping or equipping any characters or moving no-drop stuff.

    Perhaps a common "bag" that sits in the bank is all that is needed although I would like to see the ability to move credits from one character to another as well.

    Let's face reality though. People that have been playing for the last 6 months probably have one or two characters of respectable level. Perhaps they want to build another one and group with a real life friend or guild-mate now and then. They are going to pass gear from one character to another anyway so just make it available as a part of the game.

    I know some people are gonna scream "twink" at me and I'd expect that. I role-play a little but when I want to test a character from 1 to 20, I don't think 10K and a set of worn metaplast (QL 1 to 5) is twinking either. Think what you like though. If you don't like to twink then don't do it. The enhancement I am suggesting has no effect on whether someone twinks or not ... and it doesn't promote it either. It just makes what is going to happen anyway, available.

    Mull it over, keep the flame down for a change (LOL) and objectively toss some feedback out here. Who knows? This could set the tone for many games...


  2. #2
    Other than "booooo", I don't have much feedback.

    About half the suggestions on this board are to make the game easier. The other half are either "more clothes/emotes" or stupid questions about long term game expansion.
    Aleksei "Zagadka" Garcia - Savior, Council Clerk
    Cindi "Razishlyat" Bolieu - Advisor Eternalist

  3. #3
    So where do your 592 posts fit? LOL...

    Gear transfers happen - we all know that and some of us have no problems with home LANs and multiple accounts. This was a suggestion and nothing more really. Something to consider that spreads out the convenience a bit more - I have a home LAN and multiple accounts so am not affected personally ... /shrug


  4. #4


    Vrach, what has gotten into you? Usually you actually have some reasonable things to say, but this is really low...

    The guy is making a fair suggestion here, and all you add is that it's stupid because it makes the game easier.

    If you don't like an easier game, how about a more smooth one? We're not talking about lowering mob hp's or quadrupling burst dam, he just wants to avoid bothering others with requests for transfer help and risking they take off with his goods...
    Or are you afarid of ruining some kind of business you have?

    stupid questions about long term game expansion
    Eh? What the devil do you think an "Envisioned" forum is for???
    Btw: I recently made a "stupid [suggestion for] long term game expansion" ("the meaning of life..."). Guess you'll hate it...

    Heh - just found this recent thread begging for Women's Cloaks in this very forum. I'm not going to tell who posted it, all I'll say is that it's the same person who wrote
    About half the suggestions on this board are to make the game easier. The other half are either "more clothes/emotes" or stupid questions about long term game expansion.
    Now, I wonder who that might be...
    *end of edit*
    Last edited by Hyperion; Apr 18th, 2002 at 22:35:46.
    May Muir enlighten your path...

    Muir Templar Ket Rosteen, Voice of the Templars (Clan solitus Meta-Phycisist).
    Muir Templar Sek Hardeen, Leader of the Templars (Clan solitus Bureaucrat).
    Muir Templar Het Masteen, True Voice of the Tree (Clan solitus Doctor).
    Muir Templar Meg Sylveen, Defender of the Tree (Clan solitus Enforcer).
    Muir Templar Teq Vargeen, Warrior of the Muir (Clan solitus Trader).

  5. #5



    As you say people can swap items by using friends, guilds etc etc anyway but this is hardly a reason to allow a universal banking system.

    If you can trade items so easy is it worth the coding a system which does the same. If its not broken dont try to fix it, the last thing we need is a complex trade system.

    Allowing inter character trading is rather against the whole spirit of the game the last thing we need is to make life easyier for twinks.

    Plus the most important point is at least the trading downwards forces people to talk to each other join guilds, this is not ment to be a solo game.

    I understand why you think this may be a good idea, but its really just a waste of FC's coding time. I would rather they spent the time on new things.

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