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Thread: Getting the 'New Features' from new characters to apply to the old ones.

  1. #1

    Getting the 'New Features' from new characters to apply to the old ones.

    Alright, I do not know if everyone realizes this, but there have beem many enhanced settings to prefrences on newer characters.

    Some of these include..

    Saved Macro Bar (a literal must)

    Saved settings such as view distance, etc. (makes it so you don't auto-crash when logging into BS/PM on RK1 )

    Other various small changes to save settings that are not done on older characters.

    It would be nice to have these on new ones too. (for those who don't know what I am talkin about make a new character, or else you don't have an old one. )

  2. #2
    try renaming the preference folder for the character you are interested in. the game will create a new one for you.

  3. #3
    Originally posted by Bionitrous
    try renaming the preference folder for the character you are interested in. the game will create a new one for you.

    Didn't work, I even inputted the correct character ID for the new folder.

  4. #4
    not sure if you just plain got rid of your pref's folder. If there is no prefs folder for that character at all, then the game will create a new one from scratch. You'll lose all you shortcuts, macros, window positions, etc. (and this should be good proof that you did it right), however, and this was just a guess, I was thinking that if the client made a brand new prefs folder and file it should be no different than what it does for a brand new character.

    oh, well. I was worth a shot.

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