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Thread: I love this community !! so many nice people !!

  1. #1

    Red face I love this community !! so many nice people !!

    i love you all !!

    its like a big church !! )

    thank you for all the help !

  2. #2


    We need feedback like this. To remind ourselves how nice we actually are.

    Some people seem to forget that from time to time.

  3. #3
    this place is for talking to each other and helping each other?

    not for whining to each other?

    interesting take on things. gonna try this new paradigm.

  4. #4

  5. #5

    Thumbs down Try this one

    I noticed a few people in AO actually helping others. This however is limited by the game not rewarding people helping. Asheron's call has a Patron vassal system that encourages people to help each other. This really worked well.

    OK now lets go to the topic of experimenting.

    I shouted for help a few times in AO and NO ONE responded. Ok I thought they all asleep at the keyboards or AFK. BUT when I offered money for helping me I was instantly deluged with tells.

    Try that for yourself and you will find it to be true. I honestly feel very few people want to help in AO. I blame AO for this because of no rewards for helping are in place.

    I don't care if no one helps. The game is easy to play with no help. I just wanted to point out that 95% of the people in AO don't really care if you exist

  6. #6
    Thyrra, we welcome all kinds here!

    Although we like these ones more.

    And I do actually think that the act of helping is a reward in itself. I do get friends, which can help me in return later on.

    Finally free from this nightmare!

  7. #7
    actualy I help anyone I can when I can. do run by armor boosts.. buff for free.. (if you wanna give me money thats up to you).. go out to training ground buff people.. anything to help... that is when i'm not mission/hunting even then if I see someone way out there in the boonies I stop and say hi. Sometimes on the board I get aggroed at people who wine Quit give me you're stuff and walk away I'll redistribute the loot... like santa clause and everyone wins. WHINE I CANT DO XXXX DAMAGE IN PVP>> so what. who realy cares... this is not unreal tourny it's a ROLE PLAYING GAME. Go play Final Fantasy walk back and forth in a 2x 2 or 4x4 square for 15 hours just to gain a couple levels.. then come back and complain how AO is...

    Don't flame Just GO AWAY...
    Q u o t e:

    Pardon me for hijacking the thread, here..

    But, Brion - if you don't want your mother to know you were up and on the computer at 3:29 in the morning - DON'T post on a forum that she reads.


    From the WoW forums. best PWNAGE EVAH!!!

  8. #8


    I shouted for help a few times in AO and NO ONE responded.
    I just don't like people who stand around hurts my ears. Shout when your on Jerry Springer...ask on a chat channel in game.

    I like giving out stuff for free makes me all warm inside.

  9. #9


    Usually when I am running through zones, if I notice someone that is injured and I an not in a hurry, I will usually heal them.

  10. #10
    If I hadn't already quit...this thread would have done it.
    RoboKa & RoboKaKa
    Solitus Neutral Engineer & Pet

  11. #11

    Thumbs up on charity and helping

    There Are nice people out there.If i get a request for help of any kind i always Try to help as good as i can,and have never charged a penny for it,nor would i do.
    And i wish to adress the crazy Doctor i met in Cobal Sands the other day,what was his name,Pakl i think,who took pity on a poor soul (me) for not having found
    a yalm yet and sponsored me with 5 mil!
    :-D My sincere thanks to You,ive got my Yalm now!

    Phritzz,the UserFriendly Engineer

  12. #12

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