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Thread: List of bugs I've encountered in the past couple days

  1. #1

    List of bugs I've encountered in the past couple days

    Some of these may have been reported before, but I didn't see them on the first page of posts here, so I figured I would share mine so other players can know of these bugs (since Funcom doesn't care):

    If you pop up into the boss level on a team mission, then leave back to the floor before and no one there is to take the bosses aggro, it still registers you as being in a fight and you cannot heal.
    This remains until someone else goes up and gets aggroed on by the boss.

    After leaving the bosses level, you can still be hit. This caused several deaths for my teammates last night... ended up having to leave to heal when only at half health because otherwise instant-deaths were too common.

    Team mission rewards are bugged like solo ones used to be regarding rewards. I took a mission for an Enforcer nano, ended up with an Engineer nano instead.

    Kinda bug:
    Bosses should yield *MUCH* more xp than they currently do. As it is, its a frikkin waste of time to even bother with them. 20 minutes of fighting and you only get as much xp as you do for the mobs that go down in 2 or 3 rounds. At least there are usually some items in there.

  2. #2

    Re: List of bugs I've encountered in the past couple days

    If you pop up into the boss level on a team mission, then leave back to the floor before and no one there is to take the bosses aggro, it still registers you as being in a fight and you cannot heal.
    This remains until someone else goes up and gets aggroed on by the boss.

    Not a bug, its becuase you are still on the same "zone" as the mob and it kinda makes alot of sence.

    Team mission rewards are bugged like solo ones used to be regarding rewards. I took a mission for an Enforcer nano, ended up with an Engineer nano instead.
    Team mission rewards are given out randomly

    Kinda bug:
    Bosses should yield *MUCH* more xp than they currently do. As it is, its a frikkin waste of time to even bother with them. 20 minutes of fighting and you only get as much xp as you do for the mobs that go down in 2 or 3 rounds. At least there are usually some items in there.
    Again, why a bug?

    Tho i agree with the last one, more XP! MUCH MORE!

  3. #3
    I know that team mission rewards are given out randomly... what I mean is that I took the mission which included 1 Enforcer nano, and 1 trimmer as rewards. When the rewards were handed out, a trimmer went to my partner, and an Engineer nano went to me.

    And it doesn't make any sense that if you teleport to a different location that the enemy can not reach that you should be prevented from healing, its just stupid. I know its the same zone, but so what? How can I be "in a fight" if I am also in a completely safe area in no danger or taking damage and no opportunity to deal it?

    And I said the last point wasn't really bug I consider it a game design bug, not a code one... the "color" of the enemy is also not quite right. Obviously, HP is not taken into account in any way at all, let alone damage shields... the first boss I fought on the night these team misions started was a green to me.. and I had to hit him for 5 minutes just to use up his damage absorption shield! Then it took another 15 minute of standing there hitting, not even using first aid kits or leave, to get the amazing reward of 100 or so xp. Woop.

    P.S. All vitriole in this post is aimed directly at Funcom

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