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Thread: Dual Monitor Support? and other ideas

  1. #1

    Post Dual Monitor Support? and other ideas

    Dual Monitor Support

    I would like to see AO support 2 monitors in future. This allows us to put the side panels onto the second screen and make more room for playing.

    Resizeable gumps
    Perhaps the chat box and all the gumps can be resized too and moved.

    I find the trade windows etc quite fiddly to use with the tiny scroll arrows and so on.

    A resizeable Inventory and Bank window will be much easier to use and lessen the constant scrolling needed.

    eg when trying to combine say ammo in the bank with ammo in your pack, you need to scroll to the right place, remove all the ammo from bank, pick it up and scroll to the inventory window to find the matching ammo and then combining it.

    And then put it all back into the bank too! quite cumbersome!

    Player Vendors
    Player vendors accessible using the normal shop interface will be great. I envision that players wishing to purchase or check the stock of another player just does a "search" for the player name.

    Then the terminal will "connect" with the sellers "sell-list"

    since all players have a unique nickname, that will be sufficient to locate a particular vendor.

  2. #2
    That's a nice idea here.

    I find that all the team + map + friend + etc... windows are cluttering my screen, even on a 19" and 1200 x 1024 res.
    "Donner à des millions une connaissance de l'anglais, c'est les rendre esclaves". (Hind Swarâj, ch. 18)

  3. #3

    Talking BUMP

    My gaming machine only has one, but my design/workstation has multiple monitors... and I've grown very addicted to it.

    I'd add another video card to it in a minute if I could move some of the windows outside of my targeting areas. Clutter = bad.
    - Machiavelli - RK1 Clan Bureaucrat

    Under "Other, Additional Information" I listed "main is bureaucrat"

  4. #4
    i have 2x17" 1x19" useing 2 elsa glory and 1 GF3

    i use AOMD on the right monitor while i play in window mode,

  5. #5
    you can use AOMD on a second computer on your LAN, sometimes, since it does packet sniffing across a lan

    you can get all versions of AOMD
    as well as source code at

  6. #6

    dual monitors

    nice one Axyrn.

    I use a geforce3 with an old crappy pci card on two 19" mons.

    makes all the difference to gameplay with irc etc

    *wonders what AOMD is all*

    and frankly mons are so cheap nowadays and old PCI graphics cards should be fairly cheap (free?) to come by from older computers.

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