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Thread: Crits are bad ;p

  1. #21

    Re: Hmmm

    Originally posted by Bauxite

    A few well planned traders with MAs buffs and people get all nerf-happy.
    Do you even pay attention to the game? It's ALL (ok maybe not all, but most) caster type players. Not just a few traders ;p.


    Anyway, I didn't start this thread to be a MA nerf thread. And I didn't say we should get rid of crits. All I said was that totally relying on crits is not a good thing.

    And to answer another of Bauxites statements, no you wouldn't have to fight greens. You just wouldn't fight things more than 50 levels above you. Yes leveling would take longer, but boohoo. That would mean that AO would finally be a challenge.
    Last edited by Councilor; Apr 8th, 2002 at 22:14:01.
    Chris "Councilor" Sandine
    In statesmanship, get the formalities right; never mind about the moralities.
    bu·reau·crat Pronunciation Key (byr-krt)
    1. An official of a bureaucracy.
    2. An official who is rigidly devoted to the details of administrative procedure.


  2. #22
    Originally posted by Detonate
    Like I said, next patch MAs will have the ability to change their damage type to ANY damage they choose.
    We will? Does your MA have some nano's I don't know about?
    Energy, fire, chemical, melee. Not cold, rad, projectile, or poison.

    This is neither here nor there'll be helpful in pvp, but the testing results posted on the Test forum make it pretty clear that it doesn't make a whit of difference in pvm.

    My main character is a 120 MA. He was 110 before the 'ma lovin' patch, and 95 levels of that were played 100% solo. I'm a sucker for punishment I guess I think every MA will agree completely that crit's are game-imbalancing. Many of us (myself included) wouldn't mind making our crit buffs self-only, as a possible solution.

    BUT: one thing that noone here has mentioned yet I think, is essential to consider. MA crit buffs are "more effective" on ranged weapon users than on _ourselves_. Noone has put forward and good explaination as to why this is, but observe, say, a high level soldier with a Nova and LMA, versus an MA with LMA. Their rates of attack will be very close, yet during the course of any given fight, the soldier (trader, enforcer, whoever) will crit _substantially_ more often than the MA.
    IMO, fixing this...whatever causes it...will go a LONG way towards rebalancing critical hits.

    Secondly: crits wouldn't be so bad, IF all the weapons that have high crit values have substantial drawbacks in proportion to the size of the crit. Some do (PNG Tactical pistol for example. Krutt Assault comes close, still a bit high IMO). A handful don't (Ithaca...Raid missile pistol...gamma beamer...vektor), and those are the weapons that cause the 'crit problem' to spiral out of control. Leave everything the way it is...but for those weapons with absurdly high critical values, either chop them down in proportion to how well the weapon performs generally (preferable solution), or make the weapon "REALLY suck" for any hits except a crit, and the problem is essentially solved.

  3. #23
    I think Bows need some loving.

    Where are all the Schuyler Bows? They rocked!

    How can you remove Schuyler Bows but keep Ithacas, Vektors, and Home Defenders?? Were Schuylers really that powerful? Here are the stats on the QL 200 one:

    att time: 2.5
    recharge: 2.5
    1-580 (200) proj ac

    Here are the stats on a QL 200 Home Defender:

    att time: 2.3
    recharge: 2.5
    2-438 (720) - projectile ac

    HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Looks like the Home Defender is a hell of a lot more powerful. On top of that, Home Defenders are Dual Wieldable (although you'd have to sink a lot of IP to do that, it's still possible). Heck, a QL 180 Vektor is better than a QL 200 Schuyler.

  4. #24
    I think that FC should make crit buffs for MA's self only.

    I also think FC should also put on their list of things to do for the game, make a larger range of weapons worth using. From what I've played fixers have ether mausser, chem maussers, sluggers or aleph's. Maussers are only better then chem bc they have longer range but with range nerf and scopes it doesnt matter bc you can get a scope to get to a lot higher range on your chem mausser. Sluggers are nice bc of fast attack rate and Alephas are a fixer gun but they add to stam, why dont they add to agil insted? The other day I picked up a gun that added agil and max hp from sw mine in lush field. If it was higher lv it would be good for my fixer but it used assualt rifle and fullauto so it was clearly a soldier gun but soldiers dont use agl that much. Soldiers have the choice of using Novas, eskotios and breamers, eskotios are nice bc they add stam and str. I think every class should at least have a weapon that is fast, slow, in the middle, good crit, and one that adds skills. For the skills added by weapons I think it should be abilities, they ether add one or two skills, and if it adds one it adds more in that skill then if it had two skills. Soldier guns should add stam and str and should should enf weapons. And for the other professions it should add to the skills that the profession uses most. This weapons should be two handed also. This would add more custimised players running around.
    Leader of Shadow Company

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  5. #25
    Critbuffs should either be completely removed (and nerf mobs HP at the same time) OR left as is. (I'd prefer the first option)

    Making crits self only would unbalance this game alot, cause MAs would outdamage kindof any profesion ingame.

    I dont need a critbuff to play good but if MAs would only have em that'd be unbalancing. MAs are balanced as is (especially with the damagetype output changeable). MA fists do about same damage as my Nova, so dont tell me i'm uber with a critbuff, everyone is...

    Remove critbuffs, it wont nerf MAs... It will nerf everyone.
    soldier Punkbum
    trader Punkbumm

  6. #26
    Here we going again with the nerfs...

    Remove TMS. TMS MK X lasts for 1:20 every two minutes. Everyone knows TMS is utter BS. Remove them completely from the game. They unbalance the game.

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