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Thread: 1 year acount reward

  1. #1

    1 year acount reward

    I think it would be very good of funcom to implament a reward for people who had an account active for a year like some other MMORPG's have. Being that a year is coming up soon since AO came out.
    Spongebobby 215 Crat : Rimor
    Magnatta 177 MA : Rimor

    "Feeling lonely and content at the same time,
    I believe, is a rare kind of happiness" -Nightwish

  2. #2
    Sounds good to me

    Perhaps a shirt that says 'Fanboy' on the back? j/k

    It would be nice if it were something that was actually visible on your Avatar, like the Pioneer Backpack is. Maybe a set of shoulderpads or something?
    Omni Enforcer lvl 43/3
    Formerly Vhaal and Ghilson
    "If you want peace, prepare for war"

  3. #3
    Yup, then 2 years, and 3...god..noo..4?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

  4. #4
    I do believe they should reward with something, those who stuck with AO deserves it I would just settle for something like social clothes
    Spongebobby 215 Crat : Rimor
    Magnatta 177 MA : Rimor

    "Feeling lonely and content at the same time,
    I believe, is a rare kind of happiness" -Nightwish

  5. #5

    1yr Gift

    I'll gladly let them turn my Nano CLoak and Helm a Different color. Even if it makes it Nodrop.

    Mmmmm, Nano Armor with the nice color and sheen of A Yamalha.

    I'll also take a colored Yamalha

    Vergil OT NT
    Newland Apt block 10, RK1

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