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Thread: Keyboard mapping

  1. #1

    Keyboard mapping

    One glaring flaw in this game that we love to hate (hate to love?) is the keyboard mapping. To be blunt, its awful. Personally, I mouse with my left, and keypad with my right. Hence, I tend to map all my important commands to my keypad. Guess what? AO does not allow this. In fact, for some arcane reason, the entire keypad is given over to camera control, and you =cannot= alter it. This is, well, stupid. We're talking about client-side control here. AO is not very intuitive as far as control goes, and it does detract from my enjoyment of the game. It is not difficult to set things up so all your keyboard commands are remapable, there is already limited support for this in place. Virtualy every other MMPORG has this ability to a far greater extent then AO. I am the first to admit that there are major game issues that need to be fixed before less important things like this are implemented, but I belive that it's something that should be addrd to Funcom's To Do list.

    Dierdri AKA Tekhead
    55 Solitus Engeneer
    Phase Shift
    OmniTek and proud of it!

  2. #2
    I'd also like to put in my two bits for an option to swap mouse buttons. I know its unimportant to 95% of the people playing but it really annoys me.

    Show the left handed people a little love.

  3. #3
    Why don't you just use WASD instead of the arrow keys? That's what the keyboard layout is centered around, all the attack and special attack keys are around that place.

    The arrow keys are just there for people who can never adapt.

  4. #4
    Get a more advanced mouse driver that allows you to swap the function of the mouse buttons. You shouldn't have to do stuff like that in every single program, you want your whole computer environment to work that way, and that is how it works.

  5. #5
    The keyboard layout is centered on a right handers world only
    im a lefty and i use the numpad, they wont even let me remap the essential keys
    i cant even get jump off the space bar

    its got great game concepts but poor interface design
    i cant for the life of my see why they dont let people create their configs.

    ive already rated this game as having the worse keyboard layout ever.

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