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Thread: When is the expansion pack?

  1. #1

    Lightbulb When is the expansion pack?

    There are 20 unreleased zones not including cities. Most of these seen to be high level zones. When are you releasing them, I say this on behalf of all the hight levels going LD in home.

  2. #2

    Post Soon

    (My dates are off, but you get the idea)

    Ultima Online 1995
    -- Second Age 1998
    -- Third Dawn 2000
    Ultima Online 2001 -Cancelled
    -- Lord BlackThorn 2002

    EverQuest - June 2000
    -- Ruins of Karnak Oct 2001
    -- Shadows of Luclin June 2002
    -- Planes of Power - Oct 2002

    Asheron's Call Nov 2000
    -- Dark Majesty - Nov 2001
    Asheron call 2 Dec 2002

    Anarchy Online - June 2001
    Dark Age - Sept 2001

    (By most subs, and I am giving AO the benifit of the doubt)
    #1 EQ after first year an exp pack every 6 months
    #2 DC Nothing announced
    #3 UO Expansion ever other year
    #4 AO Nothing announced
    #5 AC Expansion after 1 year. Versions 2 after second year

    Hmmmm.... So....
    1. You can rest on your laurels for a year while the game is still new.

    2. You need to provide regular expansion pack to garner news and to put a 'new' products in the store.

    3. The more exp packs you do the more subs you will have OR YOUR USERS WILL GET BORED AND MOVE ON

    4. Providing monthly content updates is not enough, i.e AC which does monthly ones, yet has the fewest subscribers.

  3. #3


    Good idea except AO does not have the benifit of high suscribership or very little competition. They have AC2 Neocron, SB SW:G COH and others coming out. I thinking end of summer probobly but I want an officail answer.

  4. #4
    I think it would be OK if AO did have a content patch every month, but I'm not seeing that.Last patch was in febuary, and here it is april with still no patch. FC is the slowest company in the world.
    They still haven't finished the core game.
    Why is taking so long to implement team missions? this was something that was supposed to be in the initial launch but here we are over half a year later and they still can't get it to work right. And apartments....whatever happened to apartments, yet another thing that was supposed to work from the beginig and doesn't. I swear FC must have like 2 programmers working in shifts or something.
    So in my opinion....AO expansion?
    Keep dreaming.It'll never happen.

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Originally posted by Zion
    I think it would be OK if AO did have a content patch every month, but I'm not seeing that.Last patch was in febuary, and here it is april with still no patch. FC is the slowest company in the world.
    They still haven't finished the core game.
    Why is taking so long to implement team missions? this was something that was supposed to be in the initial launch but here we are over half a year later and they still can't get it to work right. And apartments....whatever happened to apartments, yet another thing that was supposed to work from the beginig and doesn't. I swear FC must have like 2 programmers working in shifts or something.
    So in my opinion....AO expansion?
    Keep dreaming.It'll never happen.

    You forgot guild houses. Maybe one of the most important RP features in a game like this.

  7. #7
    Ummm...can we get the game fixxed and level before we start putting efort into adding more stuff that can have things go wrong with them?

  8. #8
    AO is not designed for expansion packs, it's content comes from patches; AO is constantly evolving.

  9. #9
    Well, maybe I'm just pointing out the obvious here, but FunCom is still sorting out the basic gameplay and engine stability issues.

    Knowing FunCom, they would wait until they get everything balanced and working fine, then release an expansion pack as version 15.0 (or 16.0, being a pessimist). When they do that, they would "re-launch" the game with much fanfare and all that jazz.

    Look at it logically from FC's eyes. It won't happen soon. Maybe next fall.
    Aleksei "Zagadka" Garcia - Savior, Council Clerk
    Cindi "Razishlyat" Bolieu - Advisor Eternalist

  10. #10
    ao does not compete with medieval games....anyone who sees fantasy as an alternative to ao has already uo,eq,ac or daoc or is planning to get sb etc...

    for ppl like me who got bored of medieval stuff and want to see technology in their games, there are less options and ao is the only one currently available....(that makes it the best one lol)

    some games that i m checking from time to time(or think they ll draw attention)

    necoron-->fps (i hate fps) other than that...its cyberpunk and in cyberpunk we believe (but too many ppl say it sux,i need to see it personally first)

    star wars galaxies-->no kudos to lucas after ep1....and well verants making verant

    city of heroes-->simple,yet of the better choices imo

    bigworld:citizen zero-->release date2003, the best alternative (check the new vid at gamestop) it seems to do right what ao had done wrong, too early to comment on it though(and FC s changing ao constantly, hope it ll change for better ALL the time)

    dark sector-->fps, but at least digital extremes is making it(UT guys, ut was one of the few fps i liked) too little info about it...

    planetside-->fps again..uhhh...and verant again too...uhhh...sorry...

    prison-->cryo was making this news about it for a long time too....was development halted? no? dunno...

    eve/earth&beyond-->both spacecraft based, might be interesting...might be boring....i applied for both beta....gonna see....

    be it daoc,ac2,sb or something else i simly dont care....sold my daoc account in my first month and gave up on uo a loooooong time ago(no never played eq/ac)....i cant play fantasy games for long, get bored real fast of the standart "knight,sword,dragon,castles and dungeons and whoa! that s all" type of world they provide.... the quality of the game is not important for ppl like me(geeks ) so think twice hehehee


    about expansions.....dont forget we re beta-testing ao...still!
    i dont see any expansions coming anytime soon....2003 maybe?

    (btw dont forget that the coding team and content team are diff guys, the worldbuilders should be designing new zones already...cause if not....then what are they doing anyway? )
    my rerolling squad (what s IPR? )
    Celebnor, Balbanes, Lacaan, Ignetos, Hadouken, Icehilda, Icementat and the late Seregnor

    if you ever met one.....well...nevermind

  11. #11
    World designers said it themselves (in the recent article) that they have been working on intirior areas.

    Ex: The upcoming inside of the council of truth and omni HQ.....going to be 25% hopefully!!!!
    I was one of the people who believe that FC had a "secret" 12.0 patch just before launch....he he.

    You start to think that the Shrooms are wearing off and then you look at the ceiling and realize you got a few hours.

  12. #12

    Smile Yay for interiors!!

    "World designers said it themselves (in the recent article) that they have been working on intirior areas."

    Sweet!! I would rather see the interior areas of the places we already have made real than have more zones added. Maybe it's just me, but the AO world seems so small, due to the fact that so many buildings cannot be entered.

    Also, I think it's so cheesy that most shops look exactly the same on the inside, and the same goes for apartments, backyards, etc.

    I realize they can't make every backyard different, but come on, can we have just a little variety please? I refuse to believe that humans would ever get to the point where they all agree on the same sytle, so what's with ALL backyards looking exactly the same.

    Of course I would like to have other things made real too, we should be able to wander around in buildings with multiple levels to them, there should be windows looking outside, we should interact with NPC's to do some of our business beyond shopping.


    O, and one last thing... please pay attention to detail funcom!! It's sooooo cheesy to walk up to a door that opens to a black wall!! Other games show a short hallway beyond or something to make the transition believeable. Please do the last 5% & really make the place feel real!!

  13. #13
    Originally posted by haniblecter
    World designers said it themselves (in the recent article) that they have been working on intirior areas.

    Ex: The upcoming inside of the council of truth and omni HQ.....going to be 25% hopefully!!!!
    Already been inside Council of Truth. Its 75% currently. And those screenshots in that gamespy article arent accessable. (if they are they are upstairs where there is no elevator or stairs currently)

    COT was added to game right before smugs den (its area 125. Smugs is 126) or maybe it was 124 and 125

    arg i cant remember

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