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Thread: thoughts on 14.2

  1. #1

    Exclamation thoughts on 14.2

    i was talking with a friend a while back, and i read sum of the releases anout 14.2 at the AO site. i was actually a little upset! i am a trader, i have got the impression that alot of ppl hate us and want us nerfed *at least PvP wise. but when i was reading about the OE stuff, it made me think, will self buff NF count towards the OE? i mean honestly, at lvls lower than 100, a trader can freaking OE a weapon simply by using a ranska/deprive and then using those to cast a higher ransak/deprive. so u are negating the nanos u specifically gave to the trader profession. so now the one advantage we have, out higher self buffed shottys will be gone. we wont even need implants so ur nerfing implanst for a trader. i can see why a lvl 100 engi that gets mochams and a wrangle and has QL 200 implants that is able to cast a QL 200 pet is a little much. so why not leave things as is and just bump up the req. on the engis pets? i mean seriously the only other class that has major OE like this is a trader and its because u gave us the dern nanos! so in the process of *balancing* the professions u are gonna nerf us? WTF? i mean all an engi has to do is pick up a shotty and they're ok again. if u count ransaks and deprives towards the OE % and make it 20% instead of at least 25%, i look at 14.2 as a nref to traders IMO. what else could it be, traders and engis only class relly getting hurt and engis can still do sumpthan, ok so they cant solo missiosn more than 2 times there lvl..... but traders will suck. so plz do sumpthan to our NF or just dont count them towards the OE % in the OE formlua. thx. i think?
    [ Russel "Sentak" Neblett | 200 Clan Doctor and proud Veteran of Clan [color=sky blue]Synergy Factor[/color] ]
    [ "Schifter" Schwag | 50 Clan Agent and proud Veteran of Clan [color=sky blue]Synergy Factor[/color] ]
    [ "Jostle" | 1 Clan Shade and proud Veteran of Clan [color=sky blue]Synergy Factor[/color] ]
    [ QL 200 Implant Service!.. "You design 'em,... I do the rest!" ]

  2. #2
    OE balancing fro traders will be simple and far more better than any other profession : you will only have to run your ransack / deprive and stay within 20% OE.

    Damn, traders and MP will be the best profession OE wise after 14.2.
    "Donner à des millions une connaissance de l'anglais, c'est les rendre esclaves". (Hind Swarâj, ch. 18)

  3. #3
    guess your re-rolling again huh gummi ?

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