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Thread: Selling

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Selling

    It would be cool for character to be able to purchase their own terminals where they would have so much space alotted (like a backpack, depending on the quality of the termial) to place in items they wish to sell. The player could literally take out the terminal and set up anywhere they wanted. Other characters that passed could shop in their terminal as if they were shopping in any other store, and the seller would recieve money as the items were bought.

    Sorry if this has already been suggested, and kudos to whoever may have already suggested this specific idea.

  2. #2
    Very cool. One thing: How will you prevent busy areas from becoming overcrowded with terminals?

    But I really like the thought of players being able to sell stuff without them having to spam the shopping channels. How about this:

    Scattered throughout RK are shop terminals where players can deposit their items. They would be the same as normal shops, ie armor, weapons, etc. A player can drop their item in the shop, set a price for it and wait for a seller to pick it up.

    Of course, this would make the normal shops rather obsolete, as no one would use them anymore. So perhaps there should be a timeout. If after a set amount of time the item isn't bought, it disappears. That way, there is a risk involved in selling and you would make sure that people wouldn't simply drop every item they find into the shops. They would sell and buy common items to and from the normal shops and use the special shops for wanted items.

    A few more ideas:
    * allow players to buy additional time for a percentage of the selling price
    *allow auctions, again, for a (large?) percentage of the selling price
    * Let the price drop with time. It would be very exciting to compete with other players for an item. Of course, this option could be rather useless, as people with lots of credits would simply buy it when it appears in the shop...
    * Show info about the seller
    * Make terminals dependent on price range. Eg a terminal for 0-10000 creds, 10000-50000, 50000-100000 and so on. That way, you can easily pick a terminal that fits your budget.
    Vanguard Mharc. Self-equipper extraordinaire no longer. I'm back!

  3. #3
    Make it so when you open the terminal you can chose what price range you want or you can choose what lv the items you want are, then from there you could pick if you want armor, weapons etc, then from there you could choose what type of skills the armor uses or what type of skill the weapons use etc. This way it makes shopping for an item SO easy and you have less spam items. Also have the items only buyable from the terminal they are placed in. You can access databases all around Rubi-ka and it would tell you the price, QL and were the item is. Set it so the price set itsn't what the seller gets, they only recieve a % and put some terminals in a few pvp areas with a better % for the seller in, that way it can be deadly for a person to go get the item but the item can be sold for less bc the seller will still make more money bc the terminal is taking less of the money.
    Leader of Shadow Company

    Guild's URL

  4. #4
    I don't see overcrowding as a problem, and if there were a large cluster of terminals in a given aread, so be it. The freedom of being able to sell anywhere is what makes this idea work.

    As for pricing, and determining what is being sold at what terminal? A pice could be entered below every item that is placed in the terminal like any other shop, and titles could be given to terminals by the player. So if you shift+left click on a terminal it would bring up the name which would tell specifically what types of items were being sold, possibly with an explaination.

  5. #5
    this was mentioned quite a long ways back around november... someone mentioned it, but I'm not sure what happened with it. I really like this idea. I have lots of useful items in my bank and such that i know people would rather use. Heck i'd even give it away for free... but i have no time in posting it all in the shopping channel...

    but anyways, my suggestion is: We have a store down here called "sports junkies" there selling system works well.

    When sell it to the shop, the person bringing in the item "starts" the amount they want to sell it for on the item. and then they place it in the shop. Say for instance a snowboard... u come in and say i want to sell this to people for 100 dollars...

    So what happens is, the first week its at 100 dollars, then after 1 week. it drops down in increments of say 5 dollars for instance. Then the week after that another 5 dollars.

    It could drop all the way down to 5 dollars... so the seller who placed it there has to check on it regularly... if it gets too low, he has to buy it himself (pays a small cost to the store ~ thats h0w they make their money) and then place a starting cost once again..

    In my opinion this is much better than your item just "dissapearing" like magic.

  6. #6
    Yeah, that's what I meant by "let the price drop with time".
    I know this system is used at aution but I didn't know it was actually used in stores. Pretty cool
    Vanguard Mharc. Self-equipper extraordinaire no longer. I'm back!

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