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Thread: Some IDEAS about ITEMS and Insane Respawn times. I thought these were good.

  1. #1

    Exclamation Some IDEAS about ITEMS and Insane Respawn times. I thought these were good.

    Ok. I have recently emailed funcom about some ideas for the game to make it better. The main point of discussion was items. I mean how many people think the items in the game are way to low. I mean u have maybe 2 items per profession that are good. And how bout those Static Missions like Nalebs and stuff. U know the ones with 18 hours before the monster respawn? Isn't it just fun waiting for that... and for a item that isn't that good. Shades... well id love the extra Intel/Psy but hey.. Why?
    Nalebs... Probally one of or the best item int eh game for any nano base character. Everything else isn't needed. Profs vest... good item but to bad it probally will never be used by any low levels since its nano-mage only and takes STR? (dunno what f**n**m was smoking when they made that up) , The item isn't worth waiting 18 hours for (Which don't allways drop) and they have to spend more time raising STR. : /. Ne ways here is a paste of what i sent to funcom. BTW Im tired and excuse all writing errors and grammer. Someone people will read it and ignore everything and complain about the grammer. BTW Flames are welcome considering no one really cares and there is allways someone who like to complain about others ideas without looking at the point or even considering the person who wrote it may take it different then others. Well enojoy.

    Hello. I hope this reaches someone important as Iam speaking for alot of people. Today we were in the Longest Road static mission. It was fine and Dandy till I reached the Main Boss room. Any ways, a crat in my clan needed the crat suit so I said hey, ill help them get it. Any ways we waited almost 4 HOURS!! for him to spawn... I began to think, if u have to wait for 4 hours to get this item then it must be extremly good.. what do we find out? It blows for a item u have to wait 4 HOURS to get, not to mention that its constantly camped and for people who have waited day/hours/ maybe months to even have a chance to get it CAN"T cause others come in and just out dammage them (not to mention u have to make the item afterwards). One thing I noticed lacking in this game is good items. Monsters never drop Uniqe items that have good mods for specific class or extra dammage over normal guns. Yes there is a scattered time u find a gun which has good mods on it but who in the world will raise those skills? (which are mostly on guns) I mean I find guns all the time with mods on it. How bout some Unique armor that drops in missions from mobs like in the game DiabloII etc. So that way people dont' have to go to 1 location to find half decent items that probally arnt' worth the time u wait.

    Another incident to back my point is the Professor Van Horns vest. I mean the guy has a spawn of 18 hour!!!?!?!? and DON"T allways drop the vest. Then when i finally see the item its NanoMage only and requires A LOT of str. ok... It tok like 9 people which I GATHERED to take him down and to gaurentee it would be our kill, considering he is camped alot. We killed it after waiting 2 hours for him to spawn so no one would steal it and when we killed him... we got nothing of value for the kill.. Even if i got the vest it would suck cause i would have to spend a lot of IP to use it... even then its not worth it with the reqs on it cause u will probally be high enough that the item is obsolete to anyone anyways. I find the game lacks any item value... A lot of items are find only but really.. they arn't something to jump for since its sooooo old. Wow i foudn a beam... whats it good for? An enforcer. Wow i found a pistol with awsome mobs but sucks completly otherwise and 99% of RK will enver need it or use it cause only 1 mod might be good but have no effect on the char at all.

    I mean i play a 139 eng as my main char... and i find it really boring since there is absolutly nothing left to do on it. Only thing in the game that would be good is Shades of Lubrication but i don't wanna know the spawn on him or take the risk to get it. +40intel/+40 Psycic from what i hear but i mean.. ?? how does that really benifit someone? Why not have shades of lower qlvl or rareness that can drop or be found in chest in any mission that give like +5 to something. Or find unique items that are worth keeping or wearing for a while. Like for instance. Nano helms with Uniqe Modifiers which makes it NoDrop and adds like +50 nano or random skill increase to say Intel Psycic or to nano skills etc. Or say for a enf... finding a regular beam or maybe have a chance to finding a Unique beam which probally does a extra bit of dammage for the qlvl or has a + to str bonus or something, by making the item no drop. Or with hammers.. Or NoDrop hammers in Chests ETC that have better recharges and such or add to Intel or some nanoskills, but the hammer has decreased dammage or a bit slower in attack.

    Basically my point is, alot of people would like to have better items to be found in regular missions that just the plain ol normal loot. It would make doing missions actually fun cause u have a chance to find maybe something ur character can use and maybe Unique to u and no one else could get it. I mean it gets tiring to do a mission and allllways find guns on a my eng... that I really can't use. We the people are not asking for insansly good unique items to drop in every chest. Maybe have some really good mobs on items but have the chance to find like a yalm. But have Uniques that drop more often but give random things. More rings would be good. Stuff to actually wear. Unique stuff for the shoulders that actually do something. Clusters that are Unique stuff like that. Well This is my 2 cents. The item system in the game is kind of lame... I don't have 1 item that im proud of. Cause 99% of RK has the exact same stuff. If u look at the professions...... just look at how many are almost all identical in the way they are built. Engineers? SG and bots.
    Traders. SG
    Enforcers... Beams or hammer
    MP... just pets cause they are the best class by far and are Over Powered in everyway.
    Fixer,, all chem Maussers
    Doc... nothing cause they just dont do dammage
    Crats.. gotta charm to live
    MA's.. just plain boring. no items to do ne thing for them.
    Agents... All the same rifles
    Soldiers ALLLLLLL Novas
    NT. Just nukes.. Nothing inovative. Just nuke.. nuke.. Nuke.. Root. Would be nice if they had some kewl nueks that just did more then HIT the enemy and do dammage.. (nukes that knock the enemy back or have chances to have after effects or such)
    Can't remember the other classes. Just those are the main ones i see.

    Well plz respond.. would be nice to hear from a actual person instead of automated email.

  2. #2
    Hey! Some of us enforcers use pipes and alloys also =)

    And dont give me that crap about docs doing no damage, everyone who isnt an enfocer, MA, or Soldier uses shotguns now.

  3. #3
    Well about docs. Dont' see many so I don't really know. Almost everyone uses a Vektor or Krutt class weapon.

    In general i was refering to all items. Not just certain types. Make new ones and so on so everyone don't have to go down the same route. Im just getting bored of seeing and making chars that have no individuality of there own. Everyone follows the same path pretty much...

  4. #4
    Docs can do damage, serious damage even. Getting sick and tired of doing so much damage that only good enforcers or poor NT's can get aggro away from me...

    On the rest of your post I agree 100%. AO is slowly turning into valey of the clones (warned for this months ago). There aren't limitless good ways to play a certain class, there is only a few good ways to play a class and weapon/armor selection is even more limited. This game lacks DIablo 2 style rares/uniques with mods that actually help something else then equipping better armor or getting 3 more points in bio met. Mods on armor would be nice also. I kinda miss the D2 days, should never have given away my account. Base lvl 25 Firewall combined with base lvl 25 fire mastery does more damage any NT in AO could ever throw out (so does a popstickle btw)
    Corine "Lifedelite" Harrist - 198 clan doc - Rimor - President of EcoDisaster <---- semi-retired
    Angel "Speeddragon" Dust - 74 clan Fix - Rimor - EcoDisaster <---- semi-fanatic
    Fighter "Reflekt" Gunz - 169 clan Sol - Rimor - EcoDisaster <---- I like Guns! equipment

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