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Thread: Bug list

  1. #1

    Bug list

    System specs:

    Intel 1.7 GHz CPU
    256 Mb RAM
    Nvida GeForce 2 Pro 32Mb video
    Win Me (with latest MS updates)
    1024 X 768 resolution
    16 bit colour
    Cable connection

    Bug 1: ALT+TAB out of the game to another app, and then ALT+TAB back into the game to find the geometry of the characters and some of the buildings incorrect (i.e. upside down and half buried in ground). Must logout to correct.

    Bug 2: Sometimes there is serious disparity between the time I kill a MOB and the MOB actually dying (i.e. I automatically stop firing because it's got no points left, but it's still up and attacking me. I try to fight back but I get a message saying taget is already dead. In some cases this situation lasts for 5 or 6 seconds). Seems to get worse as I move through the mission.

    Bug 3: During a mission, I'm running from a MOB that uses a melee attack. I use a speed stim. I have two rooms distance between the MOB and I but it still manages to inflict damage on me.

    Bug 4: During a mission, sometimes the game slows to a crawl, somewhat like slow motion. Opening up the area map will fix this in some cases.

    Opinion: I see alot of things being worked on for the 14.0 patch (i.e. new colours for the text chat) but I read nothing about FC fixing some of the serious problems with basic gameplay functionality.



  2. #2

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