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Thread: Why Can't i play more...

  1. #1

    Angry Why Can't i play more...

    I read about all youse guys here and you seem to be playing this game alot. I've played other online games(fantasy based) and I seemed like you, I played until my eyeballs detached themselves from my sockets... and then played for 6 more hours. But now I'm playing AO and can't get hooked. I'm only a lvl 13 Nano-Technican and already have had this game for 3 weeks. Nothing draws me in. Im not setting my alarm for 2am to play for 4 hours before school like i did with other games. Yeah i hear Ao is the best of all MMORPG's and i can see why but im just not hooked. The missions piss me off and there is no one to team up with to hunt. Is there something wrong with my class?? What can i do to get hooked?? you see i love the feeling of my life being validated by a video game and i need that. Please i need youse guys help. What are the really fun and addictive things im missing out on??

  2. #2
    at lvl 13 your not really high enough to team with anyone. Most people mission until they are 25 or so (or at leasy until they get a 60/120 token board) After you pass level 25 finding a team isn't that hard especially if your omni
    Mick "Nuggethunter" McMullet
    Lvl 191 Soldier
    Loyal Advisor of Trinity 'till my last breath

    Plain and simple.... NERF bracers in PvP

    Hey, I’m uh.. I’m not a lumberjack or a fur trader. And I don't live in an igloo or eat blubber or own a dogsled.
    And I don't know Jimmy, Sally or Suzy from Canada, although I am certain they're really really nice.
    I have a Prime Minister, not a President. I speak English and French, not American. And I pronounce it "About" not "A boot".
    I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack. I belive in peacekeeping, not policing. Diversity, not assimilation.
    And that the beaver is a truly proud and noble animal. A toque is a hat. A chesterfield is a couch.
    And it is pronounced "Zed"! not "Zee".. "Zed"! Canada is the second largest landmass, the first nation of hockey,
    And the best part of North America! My name is Nugget… and I am Canadian!!!

  3. #3
    AO, in my opinion, is the best game, but has the worse content (or close to it).

    And that is probably why you aren't getting so drawn into it, especially if it's the content you are looking for.

    The majority of your enjoyment will be through interaction with other players, not interaction with the game itself.
    Doctor Valen, Omni Medic
    Keeper Mezathras

  4. #4

    Question Ok...

    So i should just mission until 25??
    But are the people in the game mostly cool?
    Descend- LvL 15 Nanomage Nano Technican (RK2)
    Dadelus-Lvl 4 Solitus Soilder (RK2)
    Xantunite- LvL 11 Opifex Martial Artist(RK2)

  5. #5

    Just wanted to toss in a suggestion; Try finding a guild that could suit your playstyle (PvP, RPG, OT, Clan, Neutral, Twinkers, you name it) and see if you could join in. A lot more fun in a guild

    Omni Shadow Ops

  6. #6


    Im on RK2 can you tell me any low lvl guilds and there leaders??
    Descend- LvL 15 Nanomage Nano Technican (RK2)
    Dadelus-Lvl 4 Solitus Soilder (RK2)
    Xantunite- LvL 11 Opifex Martial Artist(RK2)

  7. #7
    Just SHIFT click on everyoen you see.. and find some guild names. Then approach a few.

    RK2 is harder.. because it has a lot less players than RK1.. but its also very nice fo rhigh level game.. because of that reason
    Shattered Dreams

  8. #8

    Re: Why Can't i play more...

    Originally posted by RK2 Descend
    What are the really fun and addictive things im missing out on??
    Check other games dude.

    I like snails with garlic. A lot.
    But then I'm french.
    "Donner à des millions une connaissance de l'anglais, c'est les rendre esclaves". (Hind Swarâj, ch. 18)

  9. #9
    You know, he has a point. I love AO... but there is just something missing I can't quite put my finger on. I'm reasonably sure it has something to do with the social aspect of it, but I haven't figured it out yet.

    Speaking of social, why does no one go to the various clubs in game? Such a waste...

  10. #10

    Question Could it be...

    Originally posted by Bhaaz
    Speaking of social, why does no one go to the various clubs in game? Such a waste...
    Because there is no particular *reason* to go there...

  11. #11
    Some actualy get this syndrom when they grow up... Suddenly gaming is not that important. I always feel sorry for my coworkers that express that feeling ("I dont feel like playing anymore...")

    Hope I will never grow up, and as I close in on 30 it looks promising And I've got civ3 installed too The biggest threat to AO right now? The summer and the Cougar Hotas

  12. #12

    I think AO is what you make it. I dont really play computer games alot, and AO was a gift. When I first turned it on, I didnt really like it, it was too dark and confusing, and the skills left me with no clue on what to do.

    I was about to give up. Then I realised that it is dominated by real people, and talk channels so I took advantage of those. Also, a higher level character (129) took to me and showed me around the world of Rubi-Ka when I was level 9. That is what made the game for me.

    It took me about 3 weeks to settle into the game.

  13. #13
    try a character on rubi-ka one
    also try a character that is easy to solo: ma, mp, enf, etc
    nt's are pretty hard to solo with as of now :/

  14. #14
    Try keeping a couple of characters. I have two mains one on RK2 and one on RK1. When the lag on RK1 starts to bum me out I hop back to my engi on RK2. When the solitude gets to be too much I hop back to RK1. I also have a couple test charcters. Other classes I wanted to take for a test drive. I found once I got into my 20's and could explore a bit more than the path between Tir and Newland or Omni Ent and Omni Trade, the game became a more enjoyable. The freedom to travel without the fear of being sent to reclaim by a herd of filthy stinking rollerrats. Last night, I was trotting all over Lush and Galaway running missions...a whole lot of nice new scenery. The AO world is beautiful. FC did an amazing job with textures and graphics.

    Max your CompLit get on the grid and see the world.

  15. #15


    Originally posted by Tsuneko
    try a character on rubi-ka one
    also try a character that is easy to solo: ma, mp, enf, etc
    nt's are pretty hard to solo with as of now :/
    Well, that seems to depend, at least up to lvl 40, NTs solo like there's no tomorrow... Then I got bumped to 80 (this was on test before you ask) and, NTs solo like something that really doesn't solo well... I've talked to higher level NTs, and apparently it does get easier again until really high levels...

    One drawback of NTs (any any other nano dependent class), is cost, nanos are expensive, and unlike weapons and armour, where you can get away with not upgrading every couple of levels, its much harder to keep using the same nano for that time... If you have rich benefactors though...

    But yes, for a beginner, I'd suggest MA, Soldier or Enforcer, MPs and their pets and stuff suffer from the nano cost issue, and from pet pathing and general pet annoyances, though they do solo well if you can put up with all that...

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