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Thread: Better Ground Transportation - PLEASE?

  1. #1

    Better Ground Transportation - PLEASE?

    Look, I understand why Funcom makes Yalmahas rare and expensive. For one thing, it takes a lot of challenge out of the game to fly over every hostile. For another, you don't get to see all their pretty scenery. In fact, seen from the air, this game frequently looks like crap.

    But because the ground vehicles suck so badly, the only real alternative is to jog - which gets really boring, really quick. In theory, for those kinds of distances, you could drive. But nobody does. The reason nobody does is that it doesn't actually get you there any quicker. By the time you spend the IP to raise Vehicle - Ground, you could pour those same IP into Running. That would get you the same trivial increase in speed, and it would work in missions, too. So that's what everybody does.

    Which is stupid. Ground vehicles need to have two speeds. The "walk" speed should be about the current "run" speed. The "run" speed should be about half the speed of a Yalmaha in flight, or roughly the speed of a Yal on the ground. That would make them worth using.

    For bonus points, to make them even more popular, they need to make two changes to the graphics. Trivial one: the Mid looks silly enough at its tiny size without making it look sillier by putting it at ground height. There's nothing in the game universe's logic that keeps it from flying at head height, and it would look less silly doing so.

    But that's trivial and unimportant, because the Mid is such a specialized vehicle. No, the Kodaik is the default ground vehicle. It's affordable. Its requirements are not unreasonable. It's too slow, as mentioned above. But it would be even more popular if it weren't so ugly.

    For one thing, it's too small. You could almost convince yourself it was a hoverbike with an enclosed canopy - if it were about half again the size it is now. It could also stand to be noisier.

    But with a bit of work, the art department could also make it much, much cooler. Early on, the banner ads for this game showed a woman astride a hoverbike. That's what the Kodaik needs to be. Change the mesh (and texture) for the bottom half of the character to a hover-cycle -- include heavy wrap-around leg guards, so you don't have to match the leg size, shape, and armor. Fix the character posture at leaning slightly forward holding the handlebars. (I don't know what to do with the weapon. Drop it from the icon would be the easiest thing to do.)

    Bet you money that people would stop whining about how expensive it is to fly, if they could zip around the outside areas at twice their current speed and look stylin' doing it.

  2. #2
    I can agree with all the points, its funny how vehicles aren't bugged, but the preferences are stacked. Don't forget to mention the Hydro vehicle. For that, wave underground caves to explore, underwater wreckage, and have hydrovehciles navigate the water like Yalms navigate the air. I can understand allowing the Hydro to be attacked. Anyways, I like ur bike idea, chance of happening, 4%. Just a guess. Greatest idea I have to offer - The Omni-Tek Van! Having trouble getting to your mission? Team memebr has no Yalmaha, afraid to lose friends while traveling to missions? The van solves all, carries a full team of 6 people! Image chugging along with your whole team to a mission while the leader drives? Fun I think! Imagine attacking an enemy facility, the van drives up, you deploy. I use the word van because all others escape me. I know they won't do this either, but its such a fun idea. How about an aircraft which can carry a whole team? Needs everyone to have a certain skill or something, or really high skills needed by the driver. Dunno, sounds fun!
    -- Falling never killed anyone, its always the landing.
    Telgi-61 Solitus Enforcer
    Gauf-31 Nanomage Doctor
    Saruzi- -=128=- Opifex Nano-Technician.
    Manstien-44 Solitus Soldier

  3. #3
    The word you're looking for is APC - Armored Personnel Carrier. But putting APCs in AO would require some serious programming changes, because there is no way to move a group of people as one unit in the game.

    Speeding up the ground vehicles is a database change. They could do it overnight, any time they choose to. Increasing the size of the Kodaik, also a simple database change. The Kodaik already changes your default size as well as your default mesh, see the database entry for it. All they'd have to do is search and replace all Kodaiks in the database, doubling runspeed and doubling scale. As long as they did it consistently in the store terminal, loot generation, and existing item databases, I cannot see what could go wrong. Nor should it be at all difficult.

    Changing the cruising altitude of the Mid would be a minor programming change. It could be squeezed into any patch. About all they'd have to do is make sure that it doesn't change when it's re-rezed at a zone boundary.

    Adding a motor/hover sound effect to the Kodaik would be potentially tricky. They had a problem with Quantum Wings for the longest time; you'd still hear footsteps when you moved. But the code change that fixed that should also make it possible to substitute a sound while hovering in Kodaik shape. If not, at least they know from fixing the Quantum Wings sound problem where in the code to look.

    Changing the model of the Kodaik into a real hoverbike would be a semi-serious graphics change. Doing it half-way would be easy. Getting the hands to reach the handlebars for all seven breed/gender mixes at all three heights might mean 21 different poses; the sort of problem they had making sunglasses work, only worse. So I admit it's less likely. But it's the only part of what I suggested that would take real work. The rest is a lead-pipe cinch.

  4. #4
    And then there's the problem that there are actually considerably MORE sizes than 'Short, Medium, Tall'. You've got Bracers of growing/shrinking for one (up to 20% in each direction if you have two of the best ones), and buffs such as the Essences, Enlarge, Ruse, Mongo and such which also change size.

    More likely they'd just match the size of the vehicle to the size of the player, which is what they do now in a way.

  5. #5

    Thumbs up

    just have to say, That hoverbike Idea OMG its Great so totaly great. And adding motor sound to cars that whould rock.
    ----== Omni Tek ==----
    Adventure -
    Enforcer -
    Here I was minding my own buissnes and you people have to freak out on me...
    Now Sign my Petition Damit

  6. #6
    There are already two more 'vehicles' in the game, just look around Harry's or Omni Trade.
    One looks a little like a drag racer: big wheels in back, small wheels in front and it has an open cockpit.
    The other kinda looks like a hover-bike with an enclosed canopy. There's even one that was in an 'accident' to the west of the Omni Outpost in Lush Fields.

    I don't know why they can't include these. It looks like they at least have an idea for more vehicles. They have Kodaiks sitting around that are much larger than the ones we might get.
    Anyone seen the size a Yalmaha is supposed to be? Just drop by 20k or that Wayland guys house in Lush Hills to see what I'm talking about.
    I don't care if they make noise or not. I wouldn't mind a bigger Kodaik with a good run speed buff. Until then it's on foot for me.

  7. #7
    I would love to see a motorbike that goes really really fast, so fast that if you crash you die.

  8. #8
    Originally posted by RumbleFish
    There are already two more 'vehicles' in the game, just look around Harry's or Omni Trade.
    One looks a little like a drag racer: big wheels in back, small wheels in front and it has an open cockpit.
    The other kinda looks like a hover-bike with an enclosed canopy. There's even one that was in an 'accident' to the west of the Omni Outpost in Lush Fields.

    I don't know why they can't include these. It looks like they at least have an idea for more vehicles. They have Kodaiks sitting around that are much larger than the ones we might get.
    Anyone seen the size a Yalmaha is supposed to be? Just drop by 20k or that Wayland guys house in Lush Hills to see what I'm talking about.
    I don't care if they make noise or not. I wouldn't mind a bigger Kodaik with a good run speed buff. Until then it's on foot for me.
    One thing that seperates the two vehicles you mention from the current cars is that they are open, ie you would see the people sitting in them. I currently have not seen anything in the game that shows it's passengers, so that is probably the limitation they are working against.

  9. #9

    Re: Better Ground Transportation - PLEASE?

    Originally posted by Brad, STL/MO
    For one thing, it's too small. You could almost convince yourself it was a hoverbike with an enclosed canopy - if it were about half again the size it is now. It could also stand to be noisier.
    When the game first launched, the 20% scale on the Kodaik's didn't work (they were large), and people complained, so Funcom fixed it.

    A case of you can't keep all of the people happy all of the time.

    Personally, I don't mind the small size. When you have a lot of people roaming the city in large Kodaik's, it gets ugly.
    Doctor Valen, Omni Medic
    Keeper Mezathras

  10. #10
    Go look at the motorcycles in Rising Sun

  11. #11
    Yes please.

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