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Thread: Dual CPU support

  1. #1

    Dual CPU support

    Is there any chance that the programmers are going to give support for Dual CPU users?

  2. #2

    Question Um

    Works fine on my duallie...

    What kind of problems are you having?

    If you mean support as in running on both cpus...dream on. The LAST thing we need funcom trying to program is a smp-aware application, they're having enough trouble as it is. Anyways, only one game engine I know of actually does this, Quake 3. Its gets more fps...but a new videocard is a lot easier, anyways it was more Carmack doing it for fun/proof-of-concept than anything.

    Just be glad AO *runs* on SMP system, many programs don't, or require tweaking...a few still require you to boot with -onecpu if you want to run them at all.

    SMP is more useful for running multiple applications without your system bogging down...or when AO locks up and grabs 100% of cpu1, you can still use cpu0 to kill the friggin thing, and not toast your other apps.

    For all we know, their server software is tuned for smp...if it isn't, that would be a lot more useful to us than a client. Although I would worry about it adding 4 million new bugs lol.

  3. #3


    I dont think that the ao client is multithreaded so dont get your hopes up as it is quite complicated to make it work properly.
    SWG on the otherhand will not only support smp configs but it will make the game run very smoothly as terrain will be rendered on the second proc!

  4. #4
    It MUST be multithreaded... anything else is unthinkable.

    Thread priority seems a bit wacked though.

    Why they let eye candy have higher priority than actions / network traffic is beyond me.

    And whats with the multithreaded app with self respect should pause...

    Edit :

    And SMP support in SWG sounds very cool...

    I dont have dual CPU's at the moment but if more games start supporting it, I might go for a dual board next upgrade
    Seid. Clan Nano Technician, Atlantean
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    I would like to see a mail system in AO, for letters, money and goods, and with mail order !

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