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Thread: Gankers role call NAME AND target

  1. #1

    Gankers role call NAME AND target

    Sick of zoning out of a mission only to have some guttless player gank you using a lowbie in there team to enable insta gank?
    Sick of those unimagintive players that have nothing better to do at the weekends than spoil anyones game so they can walk around with a title they have no reall right to, (let's face it if they where so ubur, why gank? answer they aint, they just seem it to anyone 90+ lvl's below them, if they where so ubur they wouldn't be doing it they'd be fighting with some degree of fairness.

    That's not a problem, we'll all be up at lvl200 one day, and when that day comes, it will be everyones turn to go have some revenge, so I sugessed a list.. gankers please reply with your flames about carebears(yes your that perdictable, so is anyone with that much imagination defficency)

    self confessed ganker number one(strage he seems proud of it??)

    Pleasse add to the list any that have ganked you, there are a growing number of player happliy gaining lvls every day that are looking forwad to some payback(ah what that's not fair ganker? ah whos's the carebear now?)

  2. #2

    142 Levels of hutning,kinda makes you bored, you little ****.

    PVP is something better t do whilst "leveling"

  3. #3
    two words:

    Perhaps if you had any imagination, you'd figure out another asspect of this game, other than the 2 you have so far explored.


  4. #4
    2 words: wake up. Think of it as a bully... I mean if you ever REALLY wanted to wait outside of a resturaunt so you could kick a guy's ass and steal his money, could you not? There's nothing preventing that from happening, and likewise, there shouldn't be anything preventing "gankers" (aside from supression gas) from doing the same. I will side with you that zone changes make it frustratingly difficult for the target to have a chance of escape/victory.. but in the end, if ever I die from a gank, big deal.
    Last edited by KramerTheWeird; Mar 31st, 2002 at 09:23:38.
    Fatal Halcyon
    No guild, no longer playing until (if ever) things change for the good.

  5. #5

    "wake-up" yawnnn wow no-one ever said that before
    and no-one ever said "get used to it"
    and no-one ever said"tough carebear"
    Yadda yadda

    Ok I hear ya it's old news, but after 14.2 not only do you loose xp, you loose all your items since your last save, if the ganker want's them he only has to loot you, now after compleating your 3 hour mission for an item you can't find anywhere some ass takes it off you with 4 seconds work, how easy is that gonna be to swallow, they will do it, and if they can't sell it, they'll delelte, trust me on this it's gonna happen, people that get off on ganking, have the physcological make for it

    well your reading is good, however your comprehention, sadley missed it this time. I want gankers to post here, I want players to post the names of gankers, to me AO is a community, when we have them I and 50 other players can team up at lvl 180+ and go have fun spending an hour each, every weekend ganking the gankers back(well it would happen in RL where I come from, you never saw a Death Wish movie?) I'm not here to whine, re-read the post, I HAVE used my imigination, and suggeseted a soloution, lets post the names and go get them back and take their titles off them.
    And yep I have been mugged comming out of a resurant, it sucked, it spoilt the whole evening with my wife as we waited 5 hours in the ER so I could get stiched, mind you I still have one of the muggers teeth....

    Take care out there, and /tell me if you ever need help

    here's another cliche to keep your "wake up" on company on this thread
    "carefull where you tread!"
    Last edited by caloss2; Mar 31st, 2002 at 18:51:58.

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