The red and blue colors of the lights mingled with eachother in the reflection on the water. Two sentinel guards, one opifex and the other atrox, were joking with eachother.
The opifex had a dark grey tint, his eyes were white as his hair was. Judging by his gestures and actions it seemed he was the funiest of the two. The atrox was bald and had a large scar that ran from his head over his left eye onto his cheecks. In between the bursts of laughter where he waved his arms franticly to the air and back down to his legs wich he ocasionaly stomped on the ground out of excitement, he took puffs of his cigaret.
The cigaret was flung away and a nod was directed towards Legaron who passed by slowly.
"Goodday sir Davoudi. Qiuet day in town init?"
Kya walked up to them and smirked.
"Yeah sure is, no unrest today at all?"
The men shook their head and the atrox picked up where the opifex had started.
"Nah, juz one o dem fancy pancy one wif the sauwce 'Chowzem' ones that ran buy and shot one o toow guawds. Onem got shottina leg and otha got shottina neck pretty badsee. But I sure they be awrite. Commandaz owdas to keep insuwance up to date evy day."
Kya nodded.
"You guys see it happen?"
The atrox shrugged and looked at the opi.
"I seen it happen, prolly went too fast for my buddy ere. We cant do nothin bout it tho. Some of these hee fellaz be too damn fast for us. Too strong too. This one time one guy was being shot by FIVE of us and he just stood there pickin his nose!"
Kya nodded again.
"The commander is still researching the alien weapons. Soon as hes done you guys are gonna be getting upgrades and you wont have to worry about a thing no more. Surely your trainings will be better too. The Council is doing everything to ensure the safety of Clan teritory."
The men smiled at eachother and nodded contempt.
"I be shoofin dem Ommez by da dozen wen dey pop into Tir through the ICC woompaz! I even ask Commanda Fizk ta station me by da woompaz juz fo datta! I ashoor ya mistah saia Davoozy!"
Kya chuckled slightly at the atrox who was just a bit shorter than himself.
"I'll make sure to pop by once or twice to help ya out. For now, I gotta go kill some aliens. Take care guys."
The saluted eachother and Kya walked away, prepared his yalmaha and flew towards the whompas...

The sunglaces on my broad nose hold back the flashes of the cities light.
Like the last curtains that protect the song wich my soul sings.
The stories the song tells about a neuter that is in a constant battle with his own body and mind.
Anything..Whatever it was..It was like a fountain of warmth that shined.
It was like noone..But it looked like myself..It looked like me.

If like a reet I shook my wings.
If it was under the rain that I felt fear.
If that fear I presented to the Beloved.
If I withnessed my own downfalls.
Until I found out what heart broken ment.
This was my way. My way only.

If a hundred screeches of pain I let out.
If I could not murder the shadows within.
If a hundred time one kissed the face of death...I have kissed a thousand times.
If the wounds and the gashes on the keeper cuiras.
If the gift of a friend was departure from one.
I've never turned back for this was my way. My way only.

I was the good dream that was left without a cage.
Without you I left, and with you I returned.
Dream of smiles, moment past moment.
The last drips of blood, the emptied torture.
These all were the dreams of Rubi-Ka.
This was my work. My work only.

I was within myself. I was above myself. Yet still it was I that was myself.
I had been simple. I had been complex. I had been the wounds on the peddles of a flower.
My work was once more destruction at my hands.
This was my way. My way only.
This was my way. My way only.

I had also been like a jungle withouth land.
Sentenced to emprisonment and slavery for life because I had discovered a beautiful flower.
Side by side in the cages I was the loneliest.
You were the most silent at moments I screamed.
The songs of others, note by note, were clear but hidden.
The only sent that I smelled was newly cropped grain.
The most fantastic dreams are reality.
The wounds on you and I are wounds of labor.
Your work is to go up.
Fading is my work.
This was my work. My work only.
This was my way. My way only.

I am now the wave that has no rest and never tires.
I am now the one who does not take simplicity as a virtue.
I am now the one always in contest with my own being.
I am now the one that never stays at one place, because I am placeless.
Travel is now my companion and I am its lover.
Always away from here and there and never at place.
Thousands of coasts and brinks and unseen spots I have seen.
This is my way. This will be my way.