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Thread: Make Rare Sought After Items Nodrops!

  1. #21
    BTW MrBunny - [sarcasm] you gain a LOT of credibility by calling everyone "whiny *****es". WTG! [/sarcasm]

  2. #22
    Originally posted by Zaal
    Dude its a game.

    Why is infinite money in circulation a problem in a game; MMOs are and will keep doing this. ALL MMO's do this. It's part of the way it works and as for crdits going out of circulation? Well lets put it this way, people who quit the game don't alwasy give all their money and credits away. Some of them take it with them.

    I understand that you have to have payouts, I'm not disputing that fact. What I'm saying it that there needs to be things that draw money out of circulation. Rent on appartments, upgrades to Yalms, or even as I suggested here. And don't give me that about people taking money with them, because the people that are carrying around hundreds of millions of credits aren't about to quit this game.
    Princess"Lashleigh" Tabledancer - Unit member of Nirvana


    Yes, I had my own fan club. Behold the power of spam....


  3. #23
    Well as I understand it FC is working on the apartment thing... and guild halls.

    Envisioned Changes:
    The ability to buy and sell apartments.

    Organisation housing.

    Improvements to the trade-skills, such as – increasing the tree, armour tradeskills, the ability to create grenades and chemical weapons.

    Omni-Tek Departments (such as Omni-Pol)! Omni-Tek will be opening their ranks to their citizens - Omni Guilds will be able to join story-based official departments such as Omni-Pol.

    The ability to upgrade apartments.

    The ability to switch from one dimension to another.

    Clan special abilities – Clan organisations will be able to choose certain skills in which all members of the organisation receive a buff.

    Playing a monster – This is a very long-term goal, and not something that is likely to be seen anytime in the near future, but we agree with the players and think it’s a great idea – Planned for next summer.

    New outdoor playfields.

    A black market! Stores in out of the way locations carrying illegal goods, where only certain people can get to, such as Fixers.

    The ability to change your profession – this is still in discussion as to how we want to implement this and to what degree, but it's something we think players would really enjoy – Coming around summer.

    An improvement to player-generated missions – One idea being tossed around is that the revised system could be used in conjunction with the trade skill upgrades to help players make more money – Estimated for summer.
    P.S. When I go I'm taking it all with me..... and I know others who are too... so whatever bro. Not tryin to be argumentative in this case, just honest.

  4. #24
    Static mobs that drop special loot are just a mistake. All you're going to do is create conflict among your playerbase as they all try for the special item. Just look at EQ and you can see all the problems this creates.

    If you want some item to be rare (and I don't understand why you would) just have it in the treasure tables, at an appropriately low percentage, and have any mob of the correct level have a chance at dropping it. Item stays rare, people don't have to fight each other over rights to a specific mob and get all pissed at each other.

    Giving the mob with the special loot multiple spawn points will not work. High level people will just clear the entire dungeon hoping to force a spawn. I know they will, I did it in EQ. I needed a quest item from a inferno goblin wizard. They could spawn anywhere. So, I just killed everything in the Sol-a dungeon. Fortunetly it was an unpopular dungeon and I wasn't taking anything away from lower level people.
    Why did it have to take me 30 minutes to find a ql 50 mc cluster?
    Down with boring timesinks!
    Get rid of random shop inventory
    Do it for the children!

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