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Thread: We need a shortcut key to select our pets!

  1. #1

    Lightbulb We need a shortcut key to select our pets!

    Please Funcom, implement some sort of hotkey that us pet classes can use to cycle through OUR pets and not all people/pets in the group. Even better, make a specific command like /petselect <petname>. Bump if you agree
    Veteran of Synergy Factor
    lvl 220!!!!11one MP Diety - Player since 2001

  2. #2

    Thumbs up YES!

    Great idea, urgently required by every pet class.

    Also let us use the special name of "charmed" to cycle between our charmed pets:
    i.e. /pet charmed select - to cycle through our 2 charmed pets (or just pick the one that is charmed)

    Also allow special names of "bot", "rage", "doc", "mez" (or whatever) to be used in commands for summoned pets, so that we can rename them without having to change the macros.

    For semi-defensive crats:
    /pet bot guard
    /pet charmed attack
    /pet charmed attack

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