I just read that article about quests and static dungeons and i had an idea.

How about making quests to have more randomness in them, meaning that the first NPC starting the quest would appear in random coordinates (or appropriate, eg clan npc not showing in omni terroritory and vice versa) and STAY there for say 48 hours dispensing info to all who can find him/her and then walk away. Effectively disappearing that is. Just to emerge again in other random location.

What happens then is that the NPC just gave you a clue (that has been randomized from 50+ different options) to continue the quest. Next clue is also randomized from 50+ options and so on.

The point is that the whole quest is randomized in ADVANCE and it will be on for that 48 hours or whatever time feels appropriate. And then it will effectively reset and those who have not completed it in given time will be left out cold.

Of course info about time left will have to be available on every clue that emerges. Or maybe so that quest does not reset until someone completes it first. Anyway 5 clue quest with 50 individual options to choose from would make enough randomness to effectively shutdown camping and to give brain candy to everyone for a long time. (Enough time to plan next quest that is

I'd personally like to see focus shift from statics to these quests as statics are nice but the camping is making it difficult to gain certain loot from those. Also the fact that everyone knows the loot and the location makes these items loose their glamour.

Feel free to comment. I just plain hate the idea of static quests