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Thread: Tir City Watch

  1. #1

    RK1 - Tir City Watch

    "Tir City Watch need strong men and women .. and unisex! We're currently doing recruitment for people between level 20 and 30, so sign up today!"

    Maybe you've seen this message over a channel once in a while.
    It doesn't really say much about the guild, though, so I thought I'd start a new thread and give some more detailed information here on the forum.

    The Tir City Watch is a guild comprised of uniformed watchmen.
    Our objective is to protect and help the citizens of Tir as well as taking an active role in the fight against Omnitek, Dust Brigade and anyone else who open fire on our fellow clanners.

    We have a base of operations in Tir (of course), and we try to take care of our fellow citizens. A lot of newcomers don't even know how to /petition and a lot of them need all the help they can get.

    When we take action, do operations, etc. we do it on a team basis. Each recruit will be assigned to a new team, and after some training, we'll appoint a team leader. If there is no team available, you will remain applicant until we have a new group of recruits to make a new. These teams should be as effective as possible, considering professions, and all members should be evenly leveled so that they all can get XP from team hunting. Communication during an operation will go through the team channel so as not to flood the guild channel.

    Also, upon joining, you will be given a recruit issue set of red, heated plasteel armor. This is similar to the ones used by clan watchers in appropiate clan colours. This is not meant to be used in battle, but on formal occasions or while on duty, such as city patrols. Therefore, we try to keep the QL at a minimum to reduce cost.

    There is one catch, however. For the guild to operate as it should, we need active members who play a lot with their current members. We do not want alternative characters in the guild, and we prefer if you're european due to the timezones. We also prefer mature players (at least 16 and up) with adequate english skills who don't mind helping out the occasional newcomer.

    We hope that, upon joining the guild and being assigned to a team, each member will make a lot of good friends that will stand by their side throughout their lives on Rubi-Ka, and possibly make lives a little better for our fellow brothers and sisters (and unisex) in the clans ..

    We hope to gain as many recruits as possible. Hopefully, we can expand and maybe .. just maybe .. one day change the name to "Clan Watch" instead, thus having a base in every clan city.

    Some additional information?
    Sure, we will have weekly clan meetings where we can give you information, provide you with gear and buffs, etc, and there will be a page up and running on ..

    Should you wish to contact me for a chit-chat or if you have any questions, just "/tell fouloleron". Hopefully, I will be online ..

    - Commander Ronald (fouloleron) Babilonia, Tir City Watch.
    Last edited by Didymus; Mar 21st, 2002 at 16:57:20.

  2. #2

    keeping the thread available


    Just keeping this thread available.
    As there are no questions, I hope it means last post was informative enough ..

    - Commander Ronald "fouloleron" Babilonia, Tir City Watch.

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