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Thread: Division 9 answer please!

  1. #1

    Division 9 answer please!

    Hi All,

    Normally I'm a pretty quiet easy going person but something happened to me two weeks ago that still bothers me today. First a little background. I joined Division 9 a few months ago. Everything was Great! my Lt. was a little "Full Metal Jacket" but hey this is supposed to be a role playing Guild so whatever. Well things were going good so I had my Real Life Brother apply to join Division 9 also so we could team together and make new in game friends. He agreed to join for my sake(yeah I *****ed at him till he signed up.) Well 3 weeks had passed since he submitted his application. so I sent an email to the head of recruiting asking on his status. I got a reply back saying he would look into it fine. Well Monday March 4th I get home from working all night and goto the Division 9 Website and check up on things going on, to my surprise I have graduated from the Academy and will be inducted as a full member on March 8th cool!
    Well my RL brother comes home from work and checks his email. He gets an email from Waashibi(Im sorry but I don't remember the exact spelling) saying that he has been declined by Division 9.
    Quote "Just because you know somone in Division 9 doesn't mean you will get in". No reason or explaination. At this point Im pissed off and send my resignation letter to five leaders of division 9(Tredge, Barron,Waashibi, Barzailli and Lelou - again Im sorry for the poor spelling) saying, "If my RL brother isn't good enough for Division 9 then I'm not either". I promptly go into the Game and Org kick myself. Well a few minutes later I get a tell from Elizabetha asking me why I left and I tell her. Well some time passes and she gives me a tell saying the reason my brother wasn't accepted was because he didn't fill out the questionaire. Well I tell her that is not true, he did fill out the questionaire and got an auto reply message stating they received the questionaire. Plus my brother sends an email to Barzilli and Wasahibi telling them about the no questionaire and how that was untrue and attaching the auto reply that he received and his filled out questionaire as proof. Well to this day neither I nor my brother has heard anything back about this. This is what bothers me why no response. Everything I have said is true and can be proved. Do I expect to be welcomed back no, what I would like is an explaination.
    Thank You for your time!

    Last edited by Garran; Mar 13th, 2002 at 23:50:35.

  2. #2
    From one easy-going guy to another, this is rather a strange place to ask for satisfaction about a problem your brother had with our recruitment. Nevertheless you sound intent on having an answer so I'll see what I can do.

    I think the order of events in your description is a little bent. I do know that you were an applicant and had been a member before your brother applied. Things to that point had gone great. You fit right in.

    I remember the application from your brother. We did get an app from him, no doubt. I remember it pretty well. There was next-to-no time put into it - it was as though he was assuming that because one member of his family was in, that he should be given a green light. It just doesn't work that way. I was un-impressed with the application and would have thrown it out right then if I wasn't made aware you were his brother.

    2 or 3 different requests were made to him to elaborate on his responses. No reply was given. The official reason he was turned down is "Failure to respond to requests for further information."

    This is what I call going out of the way to accomodate somebody. With the number of applicants we get in a given time, we don't have time to wait for each one to get their act together. Division 9 has no customer service department. We are not your telephone company, we don't clean your clothes, and we don't keep the power on in Rubi-Ka. If your experience here was less than you hoped, well ... I'll just leave it at that.
    Last edited by Tredge; Mar 14th, 2002 at 01:01:54.

  3. #3


    The reason I went to this forum was that I emailed 5 leaders of the Guild about this and not 1 replied as well as my Brother sending 2 seperate emails to Division 9 without a response.

    Quote - "2 or 3 different requests were made to him to elaborate on his responses. No reply was given. The official reason he was turned down is "Failure to respond to requests for further information."

    His computer is 2 feet from mine. The only email he ever got from Division 9 was the questionaire,autoreply that you got the questionaire and the declined email.

    No I don't expect anyone to "do my laundry" all I want is an answer why mine or my brothers emails were not responed to. Even when he sent you proof that he responed to the questionaire.
    Last edited by Garran; Mar 14th, 2002 at 02:55:08.

  4. #4
    Woah there guys...
    *points to forum title*
    Garran, would you mind using the Division 9 forum for this matter? I am sure not all of the Org leaders on Rubi-Ka are interested in the internal recruiting ongoings of Division 9 RSGE.
    (PS: The topic is far off Org politics anyway...)
    Director "Meister"
    President, Omni-Pol
    Level 207 Omni-Tek Dictator
    Meister's Reinforced Suit - Bureaucrats may be gimps, but at least we know how to look good.
    Account Created: 2001-06-27 23:07:32

  5. #5


    Im sorry for bothering everyone with my personal problem. I thought that this would be a good place to get an answer. I guess emotions can run high when your family is involved and you ask for answers and get silence.

    I will not bother any of you all again.


  6. #6
    No problem, I hope you got your answer. If not, I will pester Tredge personally to get one for you
    Director "Meister"
    President, Omni-Pol
    Level 207 Omni-Tek Dictator
    Meister's Reinforced Suit - Bureaucrats may be gimps, but at least we know how to look good.
    Account Created: 2001-06-27 23:07:32

  7. #7
    How I miss those days at Division 9 HQ listerning to some rambling little drama queen complaining about this or that.

    So glad Tredge has these problems instead of me.

    Keep up the fight Tredge !!!
    Ye Olde and Original Founding is BACK !

    Australian Timezone - RK1

  8. #8
    Darn it Founding! I am not a drama queen, I just have all these issues that only you can fix.....

    Stay safe out there Ma'am (Salute)

    Lyda Carnalla, Colonel
    ARES, Division 9

  9. #9
    And Garran, just to chime in here..Im not sure what email you used for me, but I never got any emails from you regarding your brother..

    If it was anything other than what's posted in my sig, I never saw it...and I go through my emails several times a day.

    I remember this discussion as well..Im not positive what form our requests for more info took, but I do seem to remember that at least 1 more email was sent (more like 3 or 4 though) as well as in-game tells that went unanswered as well...

    Im sorry you felt you had to leave just because your brother didnt get in...and Im sorry you assumed he would automatically get in due to his being your brother...

    Just for future reference, if you have other concerns with us, please post them on our General Exchange boards on our site...everyone and their grandmother can post there and we all read through em constantly..
    Commander Barron
    Prime Director: Omni-1 Operations
    2nd in Command
    Division 9 [R.S.G.E]
    Click Here to Visit the ALL NEW Division 9 Website

  10. #10


    This is finished! What is done is done...

    Last edited by Garran; Mar 20th, 2002 at 05:47:10.

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