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Thread: Letters to home

  1. #21

    New Friends

    So often have friends come and gone, now was the time where real bonds were formed. Ones that would last a life time.

    "How is it this fortune cookie stuff is always right?"

    Flashwing couldn't remember a time when things were how they are today. Working for R.U.R security has brought him many new opportunities that were never around when he was simply an Omni Agent for hire. It is strange that it took the death of someone close to change him, and even more to remind him of that change.

    Since the death of Curtains and hs burial, Flash was reminded of the days when he felt like everything that was good was lost. The feeling of being alone and un-noticed. It seemed that for the first time, this stone hard agent was broken into a being of compassion and a want to change the world for the better. Strange how bad things can have good consequences.

    After putting up the last painting in his new Jobe apartment, Flash stepped back with a certain satisfaction which his new surroundings. With no family to write to, no other place to call home, this is where the important stuff was.

    Sometime tugged at Flashwing, like there was something he should do. The death of Curtains had really made him evaluate his friendships which had only been made reciently. The feeling to reach out to someone was echoing in his mind. Flash quickly pulled up the R.U.R directory to see who might be around...and perhaps pay a visit. Flash could only think that maybe it was just the need to talk to someone.

    "Miremeld?" He noticed the Jobe address, and was someone surprised by him stopping on her address. Flash usually only saw his friends while he was working or coming back from work. Maybe it was time to start a new trend. "I'll see if she's around, maybe bored like myself."

    Flashwing grabbed his trenchcoat and sunglasses while moving the twin swords from the ground onto the wall racks and headed out the door. His datapad led him to the apartment which Miremeld called home.

    There was a sense of nervousness that overcame Flashwing. The years of being an agent had distanced himself from people in general and making that transition after being gone over a year was still tough. He braved the sensation, and pressed the voicelink com to Miremeld's apartment hoping mabe she was home...

  2. #22
    Mire continues to read her letter with an increasing amount of distress. She had left Omni-Prime for many reasons, to make a better life for herself, improve her work conditions and to get away from her heavy handed brother always adamant of reminding her of his success in front of her parents. Mire knew her parents didn’t think that of her, on the contrary. They had always spoken to her and about her achievements with a tone of pride in their voices.

    The news her mother gave her about her brother leaving Omni-Prime and expected to arrive on Rubi-ka was startling to Mire. She knew her brother and how he is, and felt a sudden dread knowing he would be looking for her here on a place she thought would be free of his influence. Mire’s door alarm abruptly interrupted her reading of the news allowing her a quick moment of separation from the soiled thoughts to those of the present. Looking up at the monitor that displayed the entrance to her apartment complex she saw one of her new co-workers Flashwing standing outside looking almost as if he was lost or not sure if he was in the right place.

    Laying her datapad down on the bed beside where she had been sitting she got up and headed to the control unit to go out and meet him. She had not cleaned up her apartment for a while and wasn’t about to let anyone see how messy she lived. Grabbing her pack on her way she headed out the door with the new news heavily on her mind….
    Offer a flower to your enemy..
    If he refuses it, offer a hand
    If he refuses it, offer a bullet
    If he refuses it, give it to him anyways...

    Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.

    Isn't it just a relief when you wake up in the morning and find you didnt wet the bed?!

    Beyond your perfection,
    beneath you and who you used to be
    awaits who I am.

    Excess Radio! Bringing you tunage 25/7!

  3. #23

    The long night

    The entrance to the apartment complex opened and out stepped a average sized woman with pigtails and almost that morning look on her face. Miremeld looked every bit like a woman who was often overlooked, but this was a mistake to many as she is as fierce as she is beautiful.

    Flashwing's expression turned from one of confusion to surprise.
    "Mire, I didn't expect you to come out and meet me. I'm glad your here. I just wandered over from my place looking for someone to talk to."

    Her deep thought expresion had ceased for a short time forming a smile on her face and she adjusted the pack slung over her shoulder.
    "I thought we could do something."
    Flashwing wasn't sure how to respond, other than doing what he normally did when he wasn't working or training.
    "Well, let's go to Rompas and get some tea or coffee."
    Mire nodded in agreement, though she seemed less eager to talk than Flashwing was. It was a wonder they made it to Rompas before the conversation began.

    They grabbed a Booth and took advantage of the slow hours by simply getting down to business. Flash noticed Mire seemed preoccupied in her thoughts, but she insisted Flash talk first since it seemed so urgent.

    Looking down into his coffee, seeing his own reflection he began with his story.

    "Ever since I've been an agent, people close to me have suffered. I've ran from my past over and over again, and now it may be time that I face it. A man who I used to call my mentor is now looking for me. He thinks I have information that could get him locked up or killed but I don't know what it is. Any clues about it have been destroyed and my friends have all either vanished or been killed as well."

    Mire's expression changed from one of fear, then of surprise and sympathy...though deep down she knows the feelings of escaping her past.

    "Point being Mire, I'm thinking about having to leave R.U.R. because I don't want to put my friends in danger. Though if I left, I don't know where I would go. For the first time in my life I'm sick of running. All my training and I have never been able to stand up to my own enemies."

    One thing was clear, the years of solitude and toughness that made Flashwing into an agent with no emotion and no feelings of guilt were starting to break down. Underneath was a person who was concerned for the life of his friends, and himself.

    He looks up at Mire, who seemed to be lost in her own thoughts of her past. Her seeming to be unable to withstand her brother and how he treated her.

    "Mire, I know a little about your family and your past. Call me crazy, but this wasn't something I wanted to bring up to Dabblez or Nash at the moment. I...I guess I'm just looking for some advice as to what to do. What do you think I should do?"

    Flash knew the weight this question had. Though his feelings told him that Mire was the right person to answer...he stared waiting for her answer which he hoped would be the right one.

  4. #24
    Mire sat there in a distant daze trying to take in just what was said to her. Her thoughts of her brother’s arrival had vanished completely out of her head as she listened to Flashwings last statement.

    There sat before her someone who she had just met only a few days prior. The first time was at Curtin’s funeral, and some deep words that Flashwing had spoken immediately flooded her mind. With a soft smile and a soft tone she repeated his exact words to him that he spoke that day for his response.

    “Flashwing, a friend of mine said something the other day that moved not only me, but many of those he said he thought were his friends and family. He said,

    “To stay close to those around you, and always strive to stay with your true family”

    I think his words were truer than he realized when he spoke them even till this day. I think the man who spoke those words has already answered his own question.”

    With saying that she grew silent, looking into Flashwing’s eyes with a slight smile hoping that he would recall the wonderful speech he gave that day and what he actually meant by it and if what he said was actually how he felt he would understand her answer.
    Last edited by Mire; Feb 17th, 2004 at 16:10:06.
    Offer a flower to your enemy..
    If he refuses it, offer a hand
    If he refuses it, offer a bullet
    If he refuses it, give it to him anyways...

    Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.

    Isn't it just a relief when you wake up in the morning and find you didnt wet the bed?!

    Beyond your perfection,
    beneath you and who you used to be
    awaits who I am.

    Excess Radio! Bringing you tunage 25/7!

  5. #25
    Mire's words seemed to almost open a tunnel in time as Flash suddenly remembered the people who he had considered family, and how many of them were no longer around. His parents, killed in the war, no brothers or sisters, and how his past friends were all but gone. The trip through his history taught him one thing, that all running would do is guarentee that his friends...his family would now to dissapear.

    Flash looked up with a renewed sense of self, realizing once and for all this was a threat to meet on equal ground.
    "Your right Mire." He let out a small sarcastic laugh. "Yeah, you are right. I meant what I said at Curtains' funeral, I guess I never thought I would have to repeat the past. R.U.R. is my home now, and I'm not going to let anything change that."

    Flash stared at Mire with a smile of hope, though he knew that the next few months would mean trouble ahead. With all the security risks with RUR's products going missing it was clear already that something was up. Flash suddenly realized that his past just might be caught up in the mess.

    "Mire, thanks for listening. I've lived solo for so long that I've forgotten what it was like to actually belong somewhere. It was really good of you to say what you did. I know you and I haven't known each other long but..."

    Mire simply shook her head and replied "Don't mention it."

    Flashwing's datapad beeped with urgency as a message was displayed across the screen. He looked up with a confused look at Mire.

    "Someone stopped by the old R.U.R. facilities in Newland and happened to catch Nashka checking up on the place. Nashka said he mentioned he was family...a relative of yours? He was looking for you."
    Last edited by Flashwing; Feb 17th, 2004 at 19:49:26.

  6. #26

    Jasziak had watched the two walk off together. They were moving away from the apartment complex in Jobe. Jasziak hadn’t seen the man around Miremeld before. It didn’t matter, they were moving off towards the Jobe Platform back to Rubi-Ka’s surface.

    Jasziak was now outside the door to Miremeld’s apartment. The security system on the door was a standard J.A.M.E. lock. This obstacle didn’t take Jasziak more then a minuet to get past using her Hack Tool.

    Slipping inside the apartment Jasziak thinks to herself, “A bit messier then I expected…” Quickly taking in the contents of the apartment, Jasziak begins her search for what she’d been sent here to get.

    With an impressive speed, Jasziak moved through the apartment looking for her prize. As usual, she took special care to make sure not to move something out of place. It wouldn’t do her any good if Miremeld realized somebody had searched her place, especially since she was having a harder time finding the item then she expected.

    It wasn’t long before Jasziak had searched every drawer and every box and every corner for her objective. Still, there was no sign of her prize. “Where is it!” Thought Jasziak, her anger growing. She finally paused for a short moment to read over some letters from Miremelds mother, which she found tucked away near her bed.

    “She’s really close to her mother. She must keep it on her at all times.” Thought Jasziak.

    Leaping to the apartments tellaphone, Jasziak began using her Computer Skills to create a tap on the line. After finishing the line tap, she closes up the apartment and heads to the streets.

    Alone to her thoughts Jasziak thinks, “Miremeld is making this harder then I expected…”
    Jasmine Ziakara but everybody calls me Jasziak
    Unit Member of The Mockers
    Perks - Armor

    Want to be a Mocker? Ask me.
    Want to RP? Let me know.

  7. #27
    ((A week later))

    Mire slumped into her apartment after what had seemed like a never ending weekend. With the news of her brother’s arrival, the entire events surrounding the holiday, and the day afterwards, she finds her bed fast to try to regain any energy she had spent. Pulling out her datapad, Mire tries to recapture the events that had taken place.

    Dear Mom,

    Thank you for your recent letter, I was relieved to hear that daddy’s back is feeling much better and that he has been granted leave from the doctors from his medical hiatus. I hope he gets a cushy job. I was not happy to hear that Amando was coming to Rubi-Ka, so far I have been able to avoid any confrontation with him. Although he is doing his hardest to locate me with hanging around some of the places I have come to know. Did he say why he was coming here?

    My Valentines Day was a great day indeed! I hung out at Reets Retreat, at first with Ms. Jurik at this party that was being held by the ICC ARK program. I am still not sure exactly what they do, but they all seemed nice and pleasant and put on a great light show! Shortly Ms. Jurik (you know my boss at R.U.R.) had to leave, but not before she had told me that all our bots where recovered by Omni-Pol. I was so excited yet totally frustrated. After spending all day Sunday and most of Monday preparing insurance claim forms! Well, Ms. Jurik tried her best to make me see the brighter side of it by telling me it was good practice for me. I wasn’t amused to say the least.

    Soon after Ms. Jurik left and Lunar joined me. Oh, he was so sweet! He had bought me some candies and gave me a card. I had told him where I was because I made a promise to him when I first arrived and I thought the party was a good chance to make good on it. He was surprised to say the least! No, nothing like that happened Mom! Get your head out of the gutter! He was a perfect gentleman. At one point I saw a girl carrying some flowers, I think he noticed how fond of them I was and excused himself. Soon after he brought me a bouquet of my own, oh they smelled wonderful. I have them in a vase in my apartment; they say the stay alive for along time because of the Notum in their veins.

    After that party I headed to Rompa’s only to be told that Armando was there waiting for me. Bleh, why does he have to be so insistent! Once I was told by Whynne that he had left, I finally showed up only to find out the party had kind of died down. Poor Whynne, he was not too happy with the showing. A few of us hung around to try to cheer him up by giving him some ideas on what he could do to bring more customers to Rompas. I do hope he is in a better mood. Sometimes all it takes is a good night’s sleep to recharge your batteries. This is what I should do now, so I will end the letter with a kiss and a hug for both you and daddy.

    I will try to write again soon, there is so much I have to tell you.

    Love you!
    Offer a flower to your enemy..
    If he refuses it, offer a hand
    If he refuses it, offer a bullet
    If he refuses it, give it to him anyways...

    Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.

    Isn't it just a relief when you wake up in the morning and find you didnt wet the bed?!

    Beyond your perfection,
    beneath you and who you used to be
    awaits who I am.

    Excess Radio! Bringing you tunage 25/7!

  8. #28
    *Mire woke to an afternoon sun beaming down from the skylight after sleeping most of the day away. Her eyes clouded with sleep scanned the room and found her flowers that she had been given this past weekend and gave a soft smile with the enjoyable memory of the entire day. Moving her sight over to the main area of her room allowing her sight to come into focus she noticed a slight movement in the shadows of the opposite corner*

    “Good afternoon Mighty” the gruff voice said in a tone just above a whisper. Mire, startled pulled her covers over her body, not because of fear, but just out of pure instinct when a woman is caught off guard in her own bed. Hearing her nick name from her sibling, Mire questioned the shadow figure knowing the voice instantly from years of hearing it. “Ado?”
    “Yes Mire, it is me” the figure responded as he stepped out of the corner’s shadow. Dressed in typical Omni-Tek executive attire the sun from the skylight lit up his black hair. “You were hard to track down, you know” he said in a firm and commanding voice. Mire sat there still with a bit of shock from the surprise not really sure what to say.
    ”Well, you don’t have anything to say to your brother?” He spoke again with a slight smile growing on his face.

    “I, What are you doing… How did you get in here? She said quickly before she could think. Mire knew why he was here, well, some what. She also had a really good idea on how he got in. There isn’t many places her brother couldn’t get into. All but a few credits thrown here or there or some papers brought to bare and access was his. She thought she would have been safe in Jobe, safe from prying eyes, safe from the politics of Omni-Tek, safe from things she knew not of. It was a falsity Mire surrounded herself with, one that now came to a bright light of realization.

    “Mother gave you something before you left, I would like to take a look at it.” Her brother said in a voice void of emotion. Mire looked inquisitively at her brother not understanding what he was meaning. “The only thing she gave me was this locket.” Mire brought the locket that had hung around her neck. It was oval in shape, no bigger than an inch in length and half an inch in width. Made of platinum, this piece of jewelry was the only thing Mire could think that her mother gave her before Mire’s departure from Omni-Prime. Her brother walked up to the edge of her bed and leaned down with his hands grasped behind his back, giving Mire the impression of safety and an illusion of non-confrontation. “Yes, That is what I am looking for. May I borrow that for a few days?” He spoke and inquired softly.

    Mire, not thinking to clearly just with the thought of getting out of this situation with her brother fast and with out the normal lecture she was expecting reached around her neck to unlock the clasp. With a slight hesitation she handed the locket to her brouther’s out stretched opened hand. “Thank you Mire, I promise you I will return this in a few short days.” With that he stood up and turned around and began to walk out. “Ado”, Mire spoke up quickly before he left. “Since you now have my apartment entrance codes and all, next time just send me a call instead of just entering as you please.” Her brother looked back with a sly smile and left.
    Offer a flower to your enemy..
    If he refuses it, offer a hand
    If he refuses it, offer a bullet
    If he refuses it, give it to him anyways...

    Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.

    Isn't it just a relief when you wake up in the morning and find you didnt wet the bed?!

    Beyond your perfection,
    beneath you and who you used to be
    awaits who I am.

    Excess Radio! Bringing you tunage 25/7!

  9. #29
    Originally posted by Mire
    Well, as respectful as I could I walked up to one of the worshipers and asked to see the deacon or someone in charge of the place. Now, I don’t know if it was some thing I said, or for that matter something I did, but the guard looked me up and down and attacked me! I thought to myself, self, why do all these people on this planet have to start a fight?
    J00 got attacked because you must take off your shoes in my temple and show me your bare feet. A nice sign of respect might be to put them in my mouth and whisper "OMG TEH FOOTNESS" in my ear.....
    Nanomage: The OTHER other white meat

  10. #30
    Jasziak’s time had arrived; Miremeld was going to be talking with Flashwing at Rompas. After leaving Baboons with a case of Omni-Champaign, Jasziak headed to Rompas to listen in on their conversation.

    Jasziak walked into Rompas and headed to a quiet booth where she could spy on Miremeld’s conversation. Shortly after sitting down, Aarowin walked up her and offered her something to drink. Jasziak was quick to order some more Omni-Champaign. Aarowin returned with her order. Opening up a bottle, Jasziak started to pour a glass of the bubbly…

    “Well… well… Look who’s here!”

    Looking up from the glass, Jasziak let out a small groan of disappointment. Standing before her in the Black Omni-Pol armor was no other then Templus and to her right was Saxon1.

    “How are we going to handle this, Jasziak?” Said Templus.

    Jasziak replied, “I thought Rompas was open to everybody now…”

    “It’s not open to you… Saxon, will you help Jasziak to the door?” Templus ordered.

    Jaszaik stood and moved with Saxion towards the door, a disgruntled look on her face. This was really interfering with her job. She was going to have to stay low for a while and come back. While being escorted to the door, Jasziak stoped and set down her glass of champain… that was a mistake.

    Templus demanded “And leave the Omni-Champain behind, Jasziak!”

    Grinding her teeth, Jasziak placed two more bottles on the table and said, “That is all I have.” Templus’s response was standard for Omni-Pol, she said, “Saxon, search her!” Immediately, two more bottles were found… and a few more after those.

    “Care to explain?” Templus was really hounding Jasziak now.

    “You and I both know there is no need for that,” replied Jasziak

    Templus, becoming further annoyed by Jasziak said, “I want you out of this city… We’re escorting you to the Grid.”

    It wasn’t long until Jasziak was out of the city and moving away… She needed to get back to Rompas and see Miremeld. Templus was probably going to be there waiting to see if Jasziak would come back but she had to try.

    Being careful, Jasziak waited outside Rompas to watch for Omni-Pol activity… It wasn’t long till Templus stepped out of the bar. Jasziak knew that Templus was a very skilled officer and would need to move quickly to avoid being seen by the Commander.

    Jasziak took of with the incredible speed that was the nature of any Fixer, but it was too late. Templus was right behind her. It was time for Jasziak to pull out a few tricks. All her years as an experienced Theif taught her now to escape from these kinds of situations… Jasziak’s speed increased dramaticly… yet still Templus was gaining… “What the Hell,” thought Jasziak. Thinking quickly, Jasziak injected herself with a Burst of Speed stim… The world began to blur she was moving almost as fast as a Yalm could fly… Glancing back, Jasziak saw Templus right on her heels running with the speed only a Fixer knows. Jasziak was running out of space to run.. they had already taversed half the length of Omni-Entertainment in just 20 seconds.

    Jasziak’s only choice now was to perform a Ruinous Grid Jump and evade capture by hiding among the data packets.

    The last thing Jasziak saw before entering the Grid was the look of pure satisfaction on Templus’ face. She had beaten Jasziak on foot and could tell that Jasziak was furious about it….
    Last edited by Jasziak; Mar 1st, 2004 at 23:25:12.
    Jasmine Ziakara but everybody calls me Jasziak
    Unit Member of The Mockers
    Perks - Armor

    Want to be a Mocker? Ask me.
    Want to RP? Let me know.

  11. #31
    Sitting out side her apartment complex’s entrance on the bench just outside over looking the Rubi-Ka sky cluttered with transport ships, Mire gave a slight sigh. The weather up in this altitude was kept at a pleasant temperature, no doubt because of the superior technology that Jobe has available to it. The slightly brisk wind kept the loose strands of hair out of the young girls face while giving her sunglasses a run for their money by keeping her eyes from drying out. With all the sounds of the city running around her, this spot tended to be the least traveled area she had found except for her apartment. Pulling out her data pad unit she decided to write another letter home while taking in the peace she was experiencing.

    Dear Mom,

    A few weeks have gone by and what can I say, exhausting is the only word I can come up with. There has been so much drama and such going on it is sometimes hard to keep up with it all.

    I have been hanging around Rompas a lot lately giving my support to the establishment’s manager Whaynn. It seems a string of bad luck has fallen on him and he needs as much support as possible. Honestly I am totally impressed by how he has handled himself with it all. With him being charged with slavery, being sent to reclaim and constantly harassed by Omni-Pol and others. The charges for slavery are hilarious to tell you the truth. I have herd bits and pieces of both sides, and I have actually gotten to know one of the girls who Whaynn is allegedly being accused of slavery. She is so nice mom, I think you would really like her. I tell you, all this stuff is just crazy to see go on.

    Sitting there all week long listening to all the arguments for and against these charges, lending an ear to my friends who just need to vent, asking questions or probing for more information so I can understand got tiring for a while. Everyone who is involved in this case has their emotions running high. I must admit I allowed my emotions get ahead of me a couple times as well. I actually got into an argument with two people who I barely knew. Once this all dies down, or even before I think I should apologize for my behavior. I can’t blame them really, they believe something has been done that was wrong to these girls and they seem genuine in their worries and concerns.

    Even Flashwing is worried about the whole thing. We sat in there one night just talking about it. Course, we had to almost yell at each other over the noise that Omni-Pol and some other people where causing.

    Oh, that reminds me, Armando paid me a visit. I am still not too happy with him on how he got into my apartment, nor the fact that he borrowed that locket you gave me. I suppose he misses you guys too. He said he would be returning it soon, but we both know what soon means to him. Huh? It is kind of strange really; I seem to have had a lot of visitors recently. First Armando, then one of his associates, a Dr. Huff or something like that. Flashwing was the one who talked with him. He gave some stuff from Armando which I have yet to figure out what it is for.

    I also seemed to have someone else try to meet me. I really don’t understand it though, the other night when I was leaving Rompas after drinking my tea and talking with Flashwing, I received a call from Officer Templus from Omni-Pol. She sounded really mad and told me not to invite people to Rompas anymore. She said someone named Jazzika or something like that was there to see me. I had no clue what she was talking about but I told her that and I don’t think she really believed me. But, I suppose that is her job to always be su****ious of things.

    *Mire’s comm. unit starts to beep telling her of an appointment she had with Whaynn to finalize the joint contest R.U.R. and Rompa Ent would be hosting.*

    Well mom, I will end this here. Tell daddy I miss him and I miss you too.

    All my love to you both,
    Offer a flower to your enemy..
    If he refuses it, offer a hand
    If he refuses it, offer a bullet
    If he refuses it, give it to him anyways...

    Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.

    Isn't it just a relief when you wake up in the morning and find you didnt wet the bed?!

    Beyond your perfection,
    beneath you and who you used to be
    awaits who I am.

    Excess Radio! Bringing you tunage 25/7!

  12. #32
    Mire sat there in the “Green Room” in the back of Baboons. She had just recently discovered the place a few weeks ago. With the atmosphere and ambiance it gave her a place to relax aside from her dark and lonely apartment. She often witnessed a myriad of people wonder in and out and only a few would stop and have a pleasant conversation with her to pass the time.

    She was there to meet Whaynn, the manager of the Rompas Bar just down the street. She hoped he wouldn’t mind meeting her there seeing as it was his competition. Surprisingly he welcomed the change of venue and she couldn’t blame him.

    Her discussion with Whaynn about the award party for R.U.R.’s promotional contest went better than she expected. Trying to avoid the dreaded subject of his pending trial, Mire tried to keep the conversation on a light hearted pace. With an agreement in place to have Rompas Ent to be the host of the award party as well as help in the awards, Whaynn had leave to take care of other business matters, no doubt to prepare for his upcoming trial.

    Once again by herself, Mire pulled out a few documents and her data pad so she could finish up on a few reports she had to do before she was able to focus her efforts on the upcoming contest. Just as she was about to get started a voice, warm and soft broke her concentration with a “Hello.” Looking up, there stood a young woman, Mire guessed in her early to mid twenties. She smiled and responded with her own hello. Setting her data pad and papers to one side of her trying to seem orderly, Mire waited to see if this visitor was going to join her or if it was just another passerby getting something from the party mixer that is stationed in the room for guest’s convenience. “Mind if I join you?” the lady asked with a pleasant smile. Mire shook her head and smiled back with a slight motion of her hand to the open spot at the booth. “Of course not.”

    Mire always liked talking to new people, learning about their lives, and what they do. It is one of the things she enjoyed most about this place. Everyone was usually friendly and very easy to hold a conversation with. With the introductions over with Mire learned the lady’s name was Jasmine and thought it was a very pretty name. The two of the spoke of small matters and subjects, the usual topics of what each did, who the worked for and the like. The lady explained she was in the courier business. Ever since Mire started working for R.U.R. she had kept a keen interest in delivery businesses. Always looking for better ways to get the products to their customers, Mire cataloged the information for future reference to the management.

    As usual, conversations like this lead to some interesting tidbits of information being given out. The lady, this Jasmine, was one who seemed genuinely interested in Mire and her life. Mire talked about her work at R.U.R. as well as her family, which seemed to spark a small common interest between the two. Jasmine after learning that Mire was originally from Omni-Prime had mentioned that she herself has often visited the planet delivering items for her customers. This information perked both ladies it seemed. Mire sat there excited knowing that someone who has been there could possibly deliver some items she had been collecting to send back to her parents, and it seemed to Mire that Jasmine was more than willing to do so.

    The conversation, as most do when two people become more comfortable with each other, lead to small personal details and subjects. One subject was that of Mire’s brother and the locket she had allowed him to borrow. It was a small personal subject, of which Mire didn’t find at all intrusive or odd to be spoken about, but the lady did seem to show an interest in the item.

    After a short while, it seemed both girls were inundated with communications from each respective friends and employers. Giving each other their thanks for the pleasant conversation, Mire got up and headed to Jobe to meet up with a current friend to help him on his training.
    Offer a flower to your enemy..
    If he refuses it, offer a hand
    If he refuses it, offer a bullet
    If he refuses it, give it to him anyways...

    Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.

    Isn't it just a relief when you wake up in the morning and find you didnt wet the bed?!

    Beyond your perfection,
    beneath you and who you used to be
    awaits who I am.

    Excess Radio! Bringing you tunage 25/7!

  13. #33
    Dear Mom,

    Hello again! I hope all is well with you and daddy. Sorry I haven’t written in a while. Things have been a bit slow lately. I have been spending most of my time getting together this new promotional contest R.U.R. has going as well as some intense training.

    The contest is going really well, although I had hoped we would have more entries at this time then what we do. But, I suppose people are the same where ever you go, procrastinators always waiting till the last minute, which will cause me to stay up late in the night preparing the voting ballets for the contest winners. Oh well, I suppose it is worth the trouble. Good news though! Whaynn, the manager for the Rompas place has accepted the deal to help with the contest and the party afterwards! I was so excited to get his help in this. I can’t wait until the party but it is two weeks away and a lot of work is yet to be done with it.

    Oh! I met this nice lady the other day after my meeting with Whaynn. She said she often travels to Omni-Prime for deliveries and such. She offered to take some of the items I have collected for your vase collection. So far I have three ready for her, but I think I will wait until I get two more so the box will be full. There will be less chance of the vases getting damaged in the travel.

    I have been training a lot recently. This past weekend I was asked to go to the ScaryLands. Scary it is! Lots and lots of weird creatures roaming around, more so then on Rubi-Ka it seemed. Some of them, even if they look scary, are very friendly and some that look cute are very mean! I was shown around by this young Opi-fex. He gave me a tour of this thing they call the gardens. Oh the place is really pretty. I talked with this mean looking guy and he gave me this thing to try to harness these horsy type of creatures called Swiftwinds. Trying to put the harness on one of those is a feat in and of its self I tell you! I eventually got three harnessed and now I have to bring the harness back to the scary guy. He told me if I did I could get a permanent key to one of the gardens.

    I eventually joined up with some people and we ran around this area called the Twin Mountains. Now mom, I know my hands are strong from working in the factory for those few years, but what I had to go up against, OUCH! They were made of rock and steel and they hurt each time I tried to punch them. Luckily I remembered I had picked up these special type of gloves in the temple one day called the Rockcrusher gauntlets. They helped a bunch with them. The three people I was with called this things Hecklers, I called’em Rockguys, ‘cause that is what they were made of.

    I am almost done with the voting brochure for the contest so when I get it done I will send you a copy so you can look at it. Best get going or I won’t get any work done today.

    Love you lots!
    Offer a flower to your enemy..
    If he refuses it, offer a hand
    If he refuses it, offer a bullet
    If he refuses it, give it to him anyways...

    Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.

    Isn't it just a relief when you wake up in the morning and find you didnt wet the bed?!

    Beyond your perfection,
    beneath you and who you used to be
    awaits who I am.

    Excess Radio! Bringing you tunage 25/7!

  14. #34
    (bumbity! new letters on there way soon!)
    Offer a flower to your enemy..
    If he refuses it, offer a hand
    If he refuses it, offer a bullet
    If he refuses it, give it to him anyways...

    Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.

    Isn't it just a relief when you wake up in the morning and find you didnt wet the bed?!

    Beyond your perfection,
    beneath you and who you used to be
    awaits who I am.

    Excess Radio! Bringing you tunage 25/7!

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