**New Log**


Many years have passed since I last walked on the soil of Rubi-Ka.

The comforting smell of the freshly cooked burgers at the bronto stand in Omni Entertainment or the sweet taste of Omni Rum I have missed so much.

I died over two years ago now, My face pushed down into the dirt by vengeful clanners.

Happily gathering Bio Samples for my research I was attacked by some clan, yet they used a weapon on me which I thought never existed and was only in the hands of the Dust Brigade. Dead I was, unable to use the reclaim terminal as my DNA signature had been lost.

The rest is hazy, from what I know, my body was sent to Omni prime as part of a new medical research program, they reconstructed me using strands of DNA from my dead lifeless carcass.

Well what can I say, the last two years have been pretty boring, I have spent 1 year in a cryogen chamber sleeping as they call it. My cells needed re-animation so locked up I was and put into a deep sleep.

Well Im sitting on a shuttle now, typing this into my comm unit. Never in my life did I think I would get to see the world outside of Rubi-Ka, considering that Nanotechs need Rubi-ka to survive.

Yet the wonderful scientists at Omni prime have constructed a system that sustains my levels of nano bots so I can travel where ever.

This seat isn't too comfy, Omni-Tek seem to be cutting back on quality and opting for mass production. Oh well, not long to go now.

Im about a days flight away from Rubi-Ka, we have hit one or two meteor showers on the way but the ships shields seem to be holding up.

It wil be so nice to get back home, back to my apartment in Rome. I wonder If my pictures of Templus in her bikini are still on my side unit?

When i finally get there I will need to get customed to the new ways, I believe I have missed so much. My mind is somewhat lacking in content at the moment but im sure visiting my old haunts will bring back memories.

Ahh damn it, another meteor shower, the bloody electric discharge will start effecting my comm soon so I better sign off for now.

I need the bathroom anyways, not that im looking forward to going, the bathroom on this shuttle isn't what you would call clean.

***Log Recorded****

**Log Stored**
