Project Guinea Pig:

In a dark research room, two doctors of psychology discuss the possibility of an interesting idea…

Dr. Braun: “I tell you it would work, they would create on their own a cohesive unit to take on all perils we dish at them!

Dr. Joanas: I do not doubt that, but what I doubt is the personality conflicts that will evolve. You don’t put those type of people together and expect an elite unit.

Dr. Braun: Want to bet?

Dr. Joanas: Sure, what do you have in mind?..........

And thus, the story begins..

As they woke up from the crash of their shuttle, each of the passengers did not know where or what had just happened to them. The blistering sun, and a nurse beaming bright as if nothing had happened greeted them on a rock just shy of the shore line. Each one in almost unison ask the nurse what had just happened to them. With a brief explanation, she told them that the Aliens attacked their shuttle and it had crashed near the designated landing pad.

After a few more question, the small group determined to gather their belongings and make it to their original destinations ventured off to the beach, and their adventures together, not knowing it wasn’t the aliens, but some one else who arranged their misfortune.

Part 1: The first day: Mandromi’s Journal.

Well, this sucks! Landed on the rock finally, stranded with a bunch of dolts who well, along with myself have no clue what the hell just happened. Better than going off on my own, I decided to grace them with my presence and learn the area. I am sure glad I was there. They seemed to be in a total daze all through out the day, not knowing what to do or how to do it.

With a few bit of hours of gathering some basic equipment, we finally found the Whompa to get us to the main land, if you call that city main….

(stay tuned for weekly updates of “Le Guineapig” )