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Thread: Guild Omni-Pol declares war at TBA

  1. #21
    Red Tape will acknowledge the Argentum Coalition and will take appropriate action to honor our aggreement if the official declaration of war against the TBA carries out.

    I do urge however that a less destructive course of action on the TBA's part to avoid further damage to their image and ask their leader to step down in acknowledgement of his past mistakes.

    The alternative very well could be armed conflict against radical elements within our own company. To Zephoralyn of AOR, it is with my deepest regret that we have to meet again under these circumstances. I hope you will reevaluate the value of maintaining relations with elements that seek Omni-Tek's eventual destruction from within.
    Charles 'Kithrak' Houston - Equipment
    Administrator, Omni-Admin
    Bringing the politics of Rubi-Ka to life!

    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster....when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..." -Friedrich Nietzsche-

    "By denying support to the possibility of peace, the Council of Truth is guranteeing an outcome of war."-Administrator Houston-

  2. #22
    Ugluk: Ross did show up in Omni-1 Ent a few weeks ago, when he then was brutaly attacked by that traitor Freen, and his like. THATs why Ross cant come out, people want him dead, and TBA seems to want that as well, and that is treason.

  3. #23
    True, but why didn't he appear at either of the OT faction leader meetings? Doesn't he feel safe with the core of the corporation? Without us he wouldn't be where he is now, he should at least show us that he exists.

  4. #24
    At the first meeting, as far as i understand, the entire area was cawling with Dust bastards, and at the second meeting, there where... hostile faction leaders, such as your self.

    Even though you may be loyal towards Ross him self, then it is not all who is. We cant besure if he even have made a DNA scan, from what we know, tehn it dont seem like he want to be scanned.

    If he is not, and he is killed, then he dies, permanently. Which we cant have.

  5. #25


    Damon Krycheck scanned the Omni-Tek public forums with interest, noting the positions each side was taking in the brewing internal conflict.

    He had been keying the most important information into his personal datapad, and building in refernce links to every name, the better to research backgrounds later.

    Satisfied that he had read his fill, his deactivated his holoscreen, and turned to face the city outside his office window. The dark spires of Rome rose up in all their gothic splendor about him, but he was deep in thought.

    So it has come to this... the battle lines are being drawn, the sides taking form. The Loyalists versus the Radicals? Would that be correct? Perhaps.

    Damon glanced down at this datapad, one name catching his eye. The Omni-Tek Security Council.

    Soon, Damon thought. Soon. There was still much to do.
    Last edited by Krycheck; Feb 26th, 2002 at 19:38:20.

  6. #26


    First Order will stand by and await orders from Mr. Ross or any person(s) designated to give us orders.

    As Azazzel holds the same rank as ALL OMNI leaders, it does not give us the right to pass judgement.

    At any job, if a coworker is misbehaving .. if you hold the identical title to that coworker, it is definatly *not* your place to judge him/her guilty.

    That is a job for our employers.

    Untill told otherwise by Omni, We consider Azazzel innocent of these crimes, and await a trial where we may determine if he is guilty, or innocent.

  7. #27
    Statement withdrawn for OTSEC interests.
    Last edited by Meister; Mar 5th, 2002 at 17:15:12.
    Director "Meister"
    President, Omni-Pol
    Level 207 Omni-Tek Dictator
    Meister's Reinforced Suit - Bureaucrats may be gimps, but at least we know how to look good.
    Account Created: 2001-06-27 23:07:32

  8. #28
    For your information as of last week the official Omni-Pol has signed a non-aggression pact with TBA.

    Please consult your Omni-Tek employers or TBA leaders for details.
    Ananke - Carrah - Loretta

    ZWhen the going got tough, the tough ran away

  9. #29
    A Non-Aggression pact with TBA???
    That certainly is a joke...
    Show me the proof and I will see what we will do... if this is indeed true...
    Director "Meister"
    President, Omni-Pol
    Level 207 Omni-Tek Dictator
    Meister's Reinforced Suit - Bureaucrats may be gimps, but at least we know how to look good.
    Account Created: 2001-06-27 23:07:32

  10. #30
    Aye, it's true that Omni-Pol wanted a non-aggression pact with us, and they are not looking for me or Azazzel. As early as last night I was at baboons to take care of a minor issue when Omni-Pol got called in. They didn't even glance at me, not even ask for my ID, but they asked for the others.
    So Omni-Pol are not looking for us. As for trying to get us removed from TBA, hah. Good luck.
    There is, and will never be a trial, trust me. Im just curious, are we only going to wipe out Meister and his goons or the whole OTSEC?

    Death to Peace, War at Last.

  11. #31
    Ugluk.. very funny...
    You dont know who you are dealing with.
    If you underestimate OTSEC or Omni-Pol, you might be gone from OT altogether faster than you can say "Doh!".
    Dont forget that politics still rule the world and we have no intention to change that.
    Director "Meister"
    President, Omni-Pol
    Level 207 Omni-Tek Dictator
    Meister's Reinforced Suit - Bureaucrats may be gimps, but at least we know how to look good.
    Account Created: 2001-06-27 23:07:32

  12. #32
    Meister.........even funnier. A "Political" War that OTSEC wants to have with TBA is a joke. Do you think having a non-trade agreement against TBA between OTSEC members is going to hurt us(TBA)? I think not. Im an active member in The BlackHand(TBA), and I cant remember the last time someone in my guild has needed to buy anything, excluding nanokits and treatment kits. TBH is a self-contained guild. We have no need to rely on anybody else to purchase equipment, buffs, etc. If you want to start a political war.......fine. Next time one of your OTSEC members comes begging for me to cast Essence of behemoth, im going to laugh in his/her face. Ill give you 1 million credits Meister for every TBH member that buys something off 1 of your OTSEC members. dont worry about getting a pen and paper to keep track of the tally, because there will be no need. I dont even think any member of your guild is capable of casting a worthwhile buff. Maybe a few of you are, but then again youre too busy shouting in Omni ent/trade not to help TBA members. I wish you the best of luck Meister in staging your political war against us. Thats all for now.

    General Spydervenom
    The BlackHand(TBA)

  13. #33
    Meister's statements and opinions are not those of all OTSEC members, and his premature announcement of our boycott mis-words certain key points.

    OTSEC does not support war with TBA-- even if some OTSEC members are engaged in just such a war.

    Personally, I think this little internal struggle is distracting us from the far more serious traitors/renegades/terrorists/rebels represented by the Clans and Dust Brigade.

    Acting president, Omni Shadow Ops
    member of OTSEC

  14. #34
    Originally posted by Meister
    You dont know who you are dealing with.
    If you underestimate OTSEC or Omni-Pol, you might be gone from OT altogether faster than you can say "Doh!".
    Dont forget that politics still rule the world and we have no intention to change that.
    Hmm, this sounds like you have begun to dig for fire. Are you an official spokesperson for Omni-Tek, or even OTSEC? Or are you just speaking as the head of Omni-Pol?

    That trade war of yours, is it something sanctioned by the official OT administration, or rather, a solo decision taken up by a leader of one guild (namely Omni-Pol)?

    If it's the latter, then you are breaking the same laws which you have accused TBA of breaking; I would find it ironic if Omni-Pol (the guild) were to be placed on the Omni-Pol (official) wanted list. Of course you are welcome to do anything you'd like on your own. Even if that, some day, could make you a renegade.

    I, for one, wish that instead of trying to make power plays, you were to concentrate on the important issues facing the Corporation as a whole.
    Last edited by Loretta; Mar 4th, 2002 at 22:03:22.
    Ananke - Carrah - Loretta

    ZWhen the going got tough, the tough ran away

  15. #35


    Seems to be some misunderstandings out there.

    So here to clear up some:

    1. There is only one official spokesman of the OTSEC and that is the chairman Gestava.
    2. There is a homepage on (OTSEC link) that will tell you the story of OTSEC, how it started, who we are, what we do etc.
    3. There is no war between OTSEC and TBA, but due to the actions of the leaders Azazzel and Ugluk (killing of several guards), it has been agreed to make an embargo on TBA, including no trade, no aid, no buffings and no teaming. It was also agreed that if you had a personal friend, that would be an exception. OTSEC is not against the policy of Omni-Pol (official) in any way, what we will ask for at some point however, is probably the firing of some troublemaker workers. This is strictly business, nothing personal.
    4. The size of OTSEC. OTSEC has 11 guilds as members right now, with, as far as I know, 6-8 guilds that will join short term and up to 20 to join in the long term. There is no official statement on this and currently the membership is closed. In comparison with TBA, OTSEC is a huge organization with close to 4 times as many members as TBA (yes, I looked it up...) OTSEC also has a lot more citizens above level 100 than TBA, due to its size of course.

  16. #36
    There was no misunderstanding. As you have just stated your actions are not officially sanctioned by the Omni-Tek, just as the actions of TBA leaders were, and which you are claiming to oppose.

    Omni-Tek is a big corporation, and leaders of various organizations are bound to make decisions which seem to be appropriate at the time. I just wish that these actions would address the issues a little more appropriately, instead of putting a rift in the Omni-Tek itself. Granted, your actions were taken in response to a perceived threat. That threat, however, has been addressed by the truce between Omni-Pol and TBA.

    As to sizes; Congratulations, but I'm not sure how that factors into the equations. Most of the decisions made are done at the the senior leadership level; if they weren't we, as the corporation, wouldn't be discussing this right now. Besides, at higher levels, guilds tend to become self sufficient.

    And I don't believe it's personal either.
    Last edited by Loretta; Mar 5th, 2002 at 08:08:52.
    Ananke - Carrah - Loretta

    ZWhen the going got tough, the tough ran away

  17. #37
    The denial of trade/assistance to TBA members is not going to "hurt" the TBA literally. Anyone that thinks by refuseing to help the TBA will eventually force them to submit needs to check in with Omni-Reform.

    Indeed, Red Tape a member of OTSEC consider ourselves to be a small to mid sized sub-company under Omni-Tek's umbrella. We are mostly self sufficient and will probablly end up with minor inconviences to work around. But we take pride in helping maintain the status quo via diplomatic channels whenever possible.

    However, it should be noted that the gesture decided upon by OTSEC carries significance policy wise. It is almost as if drawing a line between the 2 sides within Omni-Tek. Those that are pro-Ross(OTSEC) and anti-Ross(TBA).We could very well end up with both sides competing to see who can defend Omni-Tek better from the ever growing threats outside the corporation. And in the end, who knows? The competition could help us perform better on the field.
    Charles 'Kithrak' Houston - Equipment
    Administrator, Omni-Admin
    Bringing the politics of Rubi-Ka to life!

    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster....when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..." -Friedrich Nietzsche-

    "By denying support to the possibility of peace, the Council of Truth is guranteeing an outcome of war."-Administrator Houston-

  18. #38
    Originally posted by Charles
    We could very well end up with both sides competing to see who can defend Omni-Tek better from the ever growing threats outside the corporation. And in the end, who knows? The competition could help us perform better on the field.
    Internal division in wartime invariably spells disaster. Since this is the declared policy of TBA and its highest leaders, they are dividing Omni-Tek to the benefit of the enemy. This makes them traitors, and they should be dealt with accordingly.

    If you are not for Philip Ross, you are against Omni-Tek.
    Numi7, Omni-Tech Employee
    Solitus Engineer
    Division 3 [Omni Reclamation]

  19. #39
    AOR and The Law have left TBA since the start of political action against TBA.
    Recent happenings have solidified the base for the action against TBA by OTSEC, Omni-Pol and other political powers within Omni-Tek.
    Director "Meister"
    President, Omni-Pol
    Level 207 Omni-Tek Dictator
    Meister's Reinforced Suit - Bureaucrats may be gimps, but at least we know how to look good.
    Account Created: 2001-06-27 23:07:32

  20. #40
    hehe, with all the politics here this game is getting fun! Wait, game? I thought this was RL for some reason. Whats that? Oh no! This game is not real life, its a game! Oh the agony, oh the sorrow. At least I can move on because I remember that this is a game.

    unlike some.

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