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Thread: Council of Truth Press Release - April 30th 29479

  1. #1

    Council of Truth Press Release - April 30th 29479

    Council of Truth Press Release - April 30th 29479

    Tonight in the Council of Truth Chambers a lot of famous faces once again. We were graced with the presence of Commander Silverstone of the Sentinels, Sister Elsabeth of Gaia, Aideen Landau of The Unionists, and Alan Jacobi of The Vanguard, for the Legacy leaders in attendance. As well as a majority of the Council's Clerical Staff.

    A new guild was admitted into the Council this week RKA United, they will be represented in the Council by Marylynn "Eracet" Seisler and Hal "Colanton" Stych, and have declared their affiliation with Terra Firma.

    After the welcoming was finished, the monthly agenda began. First up was a showing of some Concept Art on the rebuilding of Old Athen. Digital copies of these images can be found at this link. It looks like a lot of foliage has been added into the city to breathe a new and more organic feel, rather than the sterile cement landscape that was laid by Omni-Tek.

    The Clerical Staff of the Council has also put out a call for a new banner for the main Grid-site. The current setup can be seen at, submissions should be sent to and should be no larger than 500x120 pixels in size.

    After releasing details on the banner, the meeting moved to a more serious matter. Recently during a security patrol some Clan personnel opened fire on Vanguard personnel. I felt that since the main instigator of the attack was from my guild Lost Chapter, it was my place to appologize to Mr. Jacobi.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fixerben
    As we all know earlier this week there was an altercation in Old Athen amongst a group of Clanners, and the Vangaurd.

    I'd like to take a moment to make a public appology to the Vanguard for this. So please bear with me for a moment while I explain. As you are aware I am from the Clan guild Lost Chapter. It seems that this entire altercation the other day was caused by a little word battle between one of your security personnel and a member of my guild. In order to save face for those involved I will not name any names, but I will give an explanation and appology for the incident.

    During your Security teams patrol through Old Athen a member of my guild, whom was admittedly a tad drunk, verbally taunted your personnel due to his inebraited state of mind. One comment made by your guard set this member of my guild into a drunken rage and resulted in the two attacking each other. By the time I arrived on the scene one of your Veteran security guards was all that was left standing and I did my best to halt the assault. Once I finally got the rest of the Clansmen around to stop attacking your security forces the remaining man walked off shouting his spite for the events that took place as I berated the men that attacked your forces.

    I, for one, am willing to say that this was a mistake that my guild member is deeply regretful for, and has expressed remorse to me personally.

    I publically appologize for the incident, and I promise that henceforth you will never have such trouble from my guild members again.

    My deepest and sincerest appologies, Mr. Jacobi.
    Jacobi responded in kind.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alan Jacobi
    First of all....Ben, thank you. I also saw your appology earlier on the grid site, and I believe it takes a very strong person to stand up and come forward as you have. I want to appologise as well for the wounds were still fresh at the time I made my comments about leaving the council. I of course hold no responsibility on anyone here

    It was fustrating...yes....insulting.....somewhat...but I hold no grudge on you or your clan. Tell your clan mate he is forgiven...but maybe lay of the booze a bit.
    After the polite words between us two, the meeting continued to the next subject. The "Tempus Coma" investigation, Glenn "Stefano" Kyren stood to give the report.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stefano
    Greetings fellow Clansmen..

    Unfurtunately, Lieutenant Steelyglint is currently during recon in the Shadowlands and cannot be here, these are his words regarding the terrorist Shades with some reccomendations for the investigation.
    As I have already reported on the Council Gridfeeds, the Shades base of operations had been taken out by a mixed force of Knights and loyal Clansmen that responded to the call to arms..

    To those that contributed to the assault force, you cannot be thanked enough. It was a extremely tough fight with many being sent to reclaim, a fight that we could of just as easily lost as won.
    The shades refused to surrender and fought to the death, denying us the chance to question them about their motives for their attack on the clans and as reported, left us with an omninous warning of worse to come.

    It seems the work of the investigation has only just started, and that only the very tip of this has been bitten off. I do hold grave fears for what is to come, Sir Tristam warned of a battle like no other was going to take place and for us to be prepared.

    I was going to ask for more information on this threat, but Sir Tristam left the vicinity before I was able to do so. I was hopeing that a Knight's representitive would be here to fill us in on that very issue.

    In the wash up of all this, the invesigation team correlated all our known data and have come to several key reccomendations that we feel need to be put in place and adhered to.

    Reccomendation Number 1: The investigation team requests that the council member guilds provide the investigation team with additional recources. Possibly along the line's of a ready reaction force should this threat rear it's head. We dont ask of this request lightly and have taken Alien Incursions and Omni attacks on our mining operations into consideration when debateing this amongst ourselves.

    Reccomendation Number 2: The investigation team will continue aggressive scouting operations and intelligence gathering in the Shadowlands with the hope that we can identify this threat and preferably launch a pre-emptive strike before it can attack us.

    Reccomendation Number 3: Security around the Old Athens Jobe Whompah be increased. I'm sure everyone would agree that placeing some more guards and possibly a defence cannon cant be all that much to ask of the Vanguards.

    During this investigation, the team has spent many hours watching the whompah exit, and it is open for anyone to walk through with normally no guards, or maybe 1, whether this be by unintentional oversight or by design, we feel that it is far too risky to leave. Unless anyone has anything to add, or any questions they would like answered, I believe that that is all from the investigators at this time.
    Anyone wishing to chat about this out of the meeting can contacy either Anuket or myself. Even though these aren't my own words, I can attempt to answer to the best of my knowledge.

    Thank you.
    After Stefano's informative speech, Commander Silverstone was called away on some urgent business and offered these words to all Clans before departing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Commander Silverstone
    From now on, I will fire upon any Clanner who I see even thinking about firing or swinging a weapon at a fellow clanner for any reason other than, perhaps, recreation.

    And if recreation be the case, keep it to the sanctioned arena areas.

    This is just a warning: Traitors will not be tolerated. They won't be given a fair trial, a just sentence, or the benefit of the doubt. They will be shot. on sight.

    If you have any information or questions, direct them to my public relations department.
    Commander Silverstone's words echoed through the silent chamber. After the short interruption he left, and Sir Tristam of the Knights of Avalon continued the discussion of "Tempus Coma" with a short speech.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Tristram
    Well. Let me address everyone then.

    For those that were at the attack and helped fight back the threat of the shades. I give my thanks. For those close enough to hear her dieing words, you know as I do that it's just the starting

    Tristram takes in a deep breath

    With the death of those shades in the ShadowLands we opened up and invited a war with their kind. They promise us a war, a battle, that we have never seen. My words to all you present today...

    Prepare, and prepare well, because when this force strikes, I fear what scale of war they will bring. That is all I have to say.
    Short words, but important. Sir Tristram seems to think that these Shades and their kin are a large threat to the Clans. Anyone with information on these persons are asked to contact Stefano.

    A few more shorter topics were discussed, and the meeting was dismissed.

    <edited due to slanderous statments and to correct grammatical errors on 5/6/05>
    Last edited by Fixerben; May 7th, 2005 at 03:48:57.

    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

  2. #2
    Oh... so the goatheads are rallying themselves to war against shades? That's interesting.

    As a shade, I agree with your stance against us and say that anything that leads to more of your blood spilling is a good thing. Look forward to digging my knives out of... or... into you.
    Sundai -Atlantean
    "Cheap Dominatrix" of RK1 (lol!)

  3. #3
    Are you part of Tempus Coma, maybe? If you'd read through the statements, this is not actions taken against every shade and their dogs, it's action taken against a specific group called Tempus Coma, that just happens to consist of shades, not against every shade on RUbi-Ka. Get over it.

  4. #4
    Now, what did I say about how the general public views such statements?

    As for any other Shades out there who might be concerned by this message, I've already spoken to the council about being more tactful of their wording in the future. As a Shade and a member of the council, I can tell you I wasn't very thrilled about how they put it either. It is something I will continue to address until it is changed.
    "Yay, full team of 6."
    "With Jaszt's ego, it's more like 8."
    "Hey now, that's not fair... it's more like 18."

    [16:28] <Escritores> Jaszt for president

  5. #5
    Shades are know for their so called Loyalty, and their nature as assassins and backstabbers but i dont think all the Shades need to be put in 1 category due to a very small group of close minded Shades that act like that.
    And my piercers need some action, the only thing that depends is where the action will be. In your Neck, poisoned , bleeding and eating your soul, while breakin your heart into nether, or far away in omni-tek territory doing the same thing.
    Its up to you.
    Something i wrote
    My agent Guide...take a peek if you need assistance

    Evilsneak. 209/13 shade clan
    Ilyanius 151/2 adv ex omni now clan

    Currently on a small vacation on the fields of Kalimdor
    best of luck to you in game or RL life

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Sundai
    Oh... so the goatheads are rallying themselves to war against shades? That's interesting.
    I think you need to read more carefully. No where in that whole Press Release did Silverstone or ANY Sentinel say ANYTHING about the Tempus Coma incident. The ONLY comment Silverstone made was about Clanners shooting other Clanners. The two persons that made comments about the Tempus Coma were Stefano of The Black Company, and Sir Tristram of the Knights of Avalon.

    Read carefully and thoroughly before making responses to my Press Releases or I will verbally run you down.

    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Jaszt
    Now, what did I say about how the general public views such statements?

    As for any other Shades out there who might be concerned by this message, I've already spoken to the council about being more tactful of their wording in the future. As a Shade and a member of the council, I can tell you I wasn't very thrilled about how they put it either. It is something I will continue to address until it is changed.
    Honestly I dont give a damn what Sundai thinks. I have, since your expression of discontent with the phrasing, changed how I refer to the group. However, My quotes in the Press Release are direct quotes from the words of the people who spoke them, and therefore I can not change them. You will notice that each time I reference the incident I refer to the offenders as "Tempus Coma". Honestly, I think that you should learn to differentiate yourself from the Tempus Coma shades in your own mind, since myself as well as others dont connect the uninvolved shades with the Tempus Coma. Had the Tempus Coma come as Soldiers, or Keepers, they'd still be referred to as such.

    Personally I think you just need to get over it. But for the sake of your fragile personal defenses I'll gladly keep the references as Tempus Coma.

    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

  8. #8
    Oh no. I hope I am not verbally run down... that would be so tragic.

    The two persons that made comments about the Tempus Coma were Stefano of The Black Company, and Sir Tristram of the Knights of Avalon.

    So you're saying they are insignificant then? That's what I was thinking too. Thanks for clarifying.

    I'm sorry if you poorly word or portray exactly what you mean in your press releases, perhaps you should have someone who is good "verbally" and can "run down" people to explain exactly what you mean when you say "Shades and their kin are a large threat to the Clans. "

    Last edited by Fixerben : May 2nd, 2005 at 20:43:42.
    Nice edit by the way... guess you can "run people down" easier when you change your former statements. Had I known you would resort to changing your statements, in your grammatical brilliance, I would have saved what you had originally stated.

    Oh well, you're all just branches swaying and creaking in the wind; of no relevance and no consequence. Please continue with your insignificant meanderings.
    Sundai -Atlantean
    "Cheap Dominatrix" of RK1 (lol!)

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Sundai
    Oh no. I hope I am not verbally run down... that would be so tragic.

    The two persons that made comments about the Tempus Coma were Stefano of The Black Company, and Sir Tristram of the Knights of Avalon.

    So you're saying they are insignificant then? That's what I was thinking too. Thanks for clarifying.
    I didnt say they werent important, I was just pointing out that Stefano and Sir Tristram are NOT Sentinels. Keep putting words in my mouth, maybe one day it will work out for you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sundai
    I'm sorry if you poorly word or portray exactly what you mean in your press releases, perhaps you should have someone who is good "verbally" and can "run down" people to explain exactly what you mean when you say "Shades and their kin are a large threat to the Clans. "
    The words that you quoted are mine. But that phrase is just my personal interpretation of the point of view expressed by Sir Tristram. It doesnt mean that I share the same feelings as him, its just how I perceived what he said.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sundai
    Last edited by Fixerben : May 2nd, 2005 at 20:43:42.
    Nice edit by the way... guess you can "run people down" easier when you change your former statements. Had I known you would resort to changing your statements, in your grammatical brilliance, I would have saved what you had originally stated.
    Ok, Now let me explain to you this little concept that we normal people call "time", that Press Release was posted May 2nd, 2005, 23:41:39 , the Edit that I made was to correct some mis-typed links and was completed 2 minutes after the original posting on May 2nd, 2005 at 23:43:42, which is 3 hours before your First post Yesterday (May 3), at 02:10:19. I didn't edit the thread to change anything after you posted, you just need to learn how to read time.

    Thank you, Come again!

    ((Seriously Sundai, that was kinda silly...Your claim that I edited the post so it would fit what I said doesnt make any sense if you look at the times and dates of the posts.))
    Last edited by Fixerben; May 5th, 2005 at 05:26:28.

    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

  10. #10
    somehow i think the omni's have forgotten that Tempus corma attempted to assasinate their hailed and all exalted leader as well( a pity they failed) and are quite possibly just as much as a threat to them. The difference is, regardless of however this terrorist group is refered to, is that the clans are the only ones doing anything about stopping them


    leftenant of The Black Company

    Silverstone: Get off your asses, kids, we're under attack!
    Last edited by steelyglint; May 5th, 2005 at 06:49:23.

  11. #11
    Personally, I don't care wether what catagory the Shades thing is in. I've only known a few Shades and they don't seem to care at all. So all in all, this whole catagorizing issue isn't my problem, I would be more worried about whats next rather than what to call the investigation.
    "I have no idea what you're talking about.."

    Glenn "Stefano" Kyren - Lieutenant of The Black Company, Grandmaster Assassin for the Clans and proud supporter of Silverstone and the Sentinels.

    Romulus "Arnthem" McChristian - Trigger Happy Soldier for the Company.

    ''The Wraiths never die, merely fade away. Only to appear when someone least expects it.'' - Shrine of the Wraith

    The Black Company Forums
    Roleplaying Profile of Glenn "Stefano" Kyren

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Agent Stefano
    Personally, I don't care wether what catagory the Shades thing is in. I've only known a few Shades and they don't seem to care at all. So all in all, this whole catagorizing issue isn't my problem, I would be more worried about whats next rather than what to call the investigation.
    Ah, the simplicity of being a soldier. I envy you.

    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

  13. #13
    Simplicity of a soldier? Maybe. I could be jaded by everything around me but.. not in my opinion, no. I just do not care for a couple people who do not approve of our wording. Want to stop me from calling this the "Shades Investigation" then kill off all Tempus Corma from Rubi-Ka and I will stop. Simple.
    "I have no idea what you're talking about.."

    Glenn "Stefano" Kyren - Lieutenant of The Black Company, Grandmaster Assassin for the Clans and proud supporter of Silverstone and the Sentinels.

    Romulus "Arnthem" McChristian - Trigger Happy Soldier for the Company.

    ''The Wraiths never die, merely fade away. Only to appear when someone least expects it.'' - Shrine of the Wraith

    The Black Company Forums
    Roleplaying Profile of Glenn "Stefano" Kyren

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by steelyglint that the clans are the only ones doing anything about stopping them...
    No, the Clans just are the only ones broadcasting what they are doing about this situation.

    At this time, it's just not prudent for Omni-Tek to make public knowledge what they are doing about Tempus Coma, and nor do we need to make the knowledge public to Clan members.

    But do consider for a moment what would happen if Omni-Tek issued a statement such as the following:

    "Prepare, and prepare well, because when this force strikes, I fear what scale of war they will bring. That is all I have to say. "

    The standard accusations would be done against Omni-Tek, and we would be no better of than where we started. So let the Knight start his war with the Shades. But do not think that Omni-Tek isn't doing our own thing to deal with threats to our security.


  15. #15
    I would agree that most shades don't care about being categorized and I believe most may even quietly or subconsciously support the Tempus Coma. I know nothing of them, but I'm sure I agree with them regardless of whatever "crimes" they have supposedly commited.

    Having said that, I mainly just can't resist causing trouble during goathead press releases and that was really my only motivation for commenting. I think I actually heard Fixerben's teeth grinding for a moment, which makes it somewhat worthwhile.

    Anyway, I'm sure Tempus Coma has a reason to do whatever it is that they did, you probably deserved it, and deserve much more.
    Sundai -Atlantean
    "Cheap Dominatrix" of RK1 (lol!)

  16. #16
    Just like Omni-Tek deserved whatever they did to them, hm?

    In any case, it's clear this isn't over, and I'm interested in who is pulling their strings and what their real motivation is. Until we know that, all we've got is another terrorist organization that's trying to make people afraid. Whether they are Shades or not doesn't really concern me, but associating them with all Shades does. I'm glad some people are able to make the distinction.
    "Yay, full team of 6."
    "With Jaszt's ego, it's more like 8."
    "Hey now, that's not fair... it's more like 18."

    [16:28] <Escritores> Jaszt for president

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