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Thread: So much for SOLO PLAY

  1. #1

    So much for SOLO PLAY

    Well as of the 14.2 patch you will have to team in order to use your weapons and your armour without ridiculous penalties. Then you have to find the right combination of people to keep all of the buffs running all of the time.

    Hmmmmmmmm...... Thought i was supposed to be able to solo all the way up to the highest level in the game.

    125 Nanotechnition

  2. #2

    did you read the whole thing?

    mob difficulty will be adjusted to accomidate these changes. or at least that is what i read in the notes.

    the reason that mobs are so difficult currently is a result of rampant xp gains by OE'ers.


  3. #3
    i have read and re-read the notes and the only mention of mob rebalancing was about the reduction that was done in patch 13.6.
    If they dont reduce the hit points on mobs before they introduce their patch of doom i have a feeling that there is gonna be one big very unhappy player base

  4. #4

    solo missions

    I agree with Darkomen totally. I am a lvl 105 solitus enf. with dual wield executioners. I have after two other enforcers got my ip right and am not wrangled or twinked into my swords. (damn it!! lol). I do 50% missions solo and pretty much can be guaranteed death by a greenie who is way more powerful than he appears to be - that is if I do not crash first.

    So I find myself doing solo missions for money and grouping for xp. I would like to be able to do solo for xp!! and earning 5-10k a killl takes lvling solo a pretty long time over lvl 100!!

  5. #5
    Err really, I for one haven't OE to the extent that those that are whining have and can solo fine. If I OE it's for something like I did last night three points in bursting so I could equip a slightly high Mausser then I could currently equip. Guess what when I level I balance those points out so I don’t have to worry about it anyway. I could for the most part strip out my implants and do mission with out them.

    If this forces people to play their actual levels this means they can retool the MOB levels to actually bring them in line with the players. Personally I don’t see a problem with this, and on the plus side your going to be able to redistribute your Ips.

  6. #6
    Dual Rider-Executioner Enforcer here too.
    Level 99.
    All my armour & weapons are self-buff only.
    I don't have any serious problems running 50% missions.
    Sure I have to do a lot of running around, sometimes I have to exit to finish off a particularly nasty mob, but all in all 50% mission's are not too much hassle.

  7. #7
    I look forward to the 14.2 changes. :P

  8. #8

    Thumbs up

    They need to stop OE if they ever are going to lower health and nano pool of MOBs.

    I look farward to it.

  9. #9
    Umm, its a catch 22......

    First plz point me to where they mention RETOOLING NPC / MoB.........

    Yes, IP Reallocating has been asked for and finally coming.

    Yes, OE is Rampant and bad on general player base.

    But if the fix the OE and dont Retool the NPC / MoB were all F*d.

    I dont OE, unless using General Buffs I apply myself is OE. I built the Implants myself too, does that mean their OE? I can wear QL50 Implants at level 30 without Buffing, that means their OE?

    I can barely survive a SOLO mission where I dont touch the EASY / HARD slider. As I progress upward this changes for the worse. I shouldnt need a TEAM for a SOLO mission. I shouldnt find 3 NPCs or even 2 NPCs that are my level or higher in same room in a Mission. But I do. If Ql50 Implants in a lvl30 is OE, which I think is, then Im dead in any mission.

  10. #10
    I am in no way OE'd over the 20% mark and I haven't done a mission at less than 65% in a very long time, and I do 70-75% unless I'm tired and getting sloppy. I'm only level 84 and I know that percentage will go down in time, but I can't imagine having any trouble with a 50% mission.

    Now if they applied this to implants (no, I'm not an exploiter with Q200s, only 125), then I would be in some serious trouble.


  11. #11
    at 154 i solo even missions

    Did you guys actually spend points in evades?

    154 Adventurer

  12. #12


    With this OE patch u cant solo mission for items u need, so any chance of getting the drop loot increased to 20% above or below ur level/ability? as this means u dont have to try to do the 80 % missions just to get an item u want or some stuff worth selling.

    Fixers and people that u see in the Distance.

  13. #13

    Wink I solo ok

    Heya gang. Im a level 53 Agent on RK1 I've made it to 53 soloin 50% missions pretty much the entire way. I'm not sure to what extent those whiners are OE because i know for a fact that im not. At 53 I'm curently using a QL 86 Tsak. Given my skills, no i dont meet the requirements for it and, yes i had to get extra buffs on other than my own to equip it. But ya know what? The requirements of a QL 86 Tsak atleast the rifle skill requirement is 415. Self buffed with just Rifle Expertise and Snipers Bliss my skill is about 407. Usin this gun and my Meta pets (if im soloin i use FP Meta all the time) i have no real problems doin missions at 50%. Yes like the rest of you there have been mobs that have me pullin out my hair in frustration, and yes i have died a few times doin missions. But you know what..... thats life. If i was able to do 50% missions without ANY fear of death id be a lil disappointed cuz the game is too easy. 50% means just that, the mission SHOULD be a coin toss as to whether or not you survive and get your item. Even then with the 20% OE rule i could more than likely be using a QL 100 Tsak without penalties.
    And yes there was a mention of retooling the mobs with OE patch. However it was only mentioned in articles from back in october and here in the forums. I was a little disappointed they didnt mention it in the OE letter to the players and would like them to formally follow up on it but hey what can ya do eh? Designers dont always do what they say they will. Look at how they fixed chain casting(ROFL). So to all those whiners out there that hate this patch because of the penalties they gonna take i say this:

    Either Quit the game or Adjust to the new rules.

    Feel freee to flame me since im not gonna be readin this thread. I just wanted to throw in my 2 cents since i solo alot.

  14. #14
    I have never OE'd beyond my ability. I have never grouped - I ONLY solo, and 99% of the time it is in missions. I've been playing since beta and the ONLY character I have trouble with in missions is my oldest - a parked L50 Soldier (gimped dual pistol wielder).

    If you have trouble soloing missions without gross OE then you have a bigger problem than the equipment.
    "Life is too short to drink bad ale."

  15. #15

    Re: did you read the whole thing?

    Originally posted by yotogi
    mob difficulty will be adjusted to accomidate these changes. or at least that is what i read in the notes.

    the reason that mobs are so difficult currently is a result of rampant xp gains by OE'ers.

    The article said that mobs were already lowered.

    "Reduced AC on humanoid monsters with 60%. (13.8)"

    Also notice how it says "humanoid" Those blaster beetles are going to hit just as hard and have just as many HP after OE goes in. And you will be weaker........ Good luck.
    Undercover Soccom Brother

    Blackness confirmed!!
    Welcome to the Brotherhood.

    Buying ql 161 Art of Peace nano

  16. #16
    Originally posted by Bobotheone
    Err really, I for one haven't OE to the extent that those that are whining have and can solo fine. If I OE it's for something like I did last night three points in bursting so I could equip a slightly high Mausser then I could currently equip. Guess what when I level I balance those points out so I don’t have to worry about it anyway. I could for the most part strip out my implants and do mission with out them.

    If this forces people to play their actual levels this means they can retool the MOB levels to actually bring them in line with the players. Personally I don’t see a problem with this, and on the plus side your going to be able to redistribute your Ips.
    Show a link to your character. Just wondering what lvl you are. If your under lvl 80 you don't know how the yellow mission mobs get after that lvl. If you are over lvl 100 and can solo missions 50% with no implants in you are the only Fixer (guessing by the Mausser) more power to you. You must run around and root a lot. =)... Most classes can till lvl 80 or so. Then all start to have problems.......
    Last edited by Soccom; Mar 13th, 2002 at 22:07:19.
    Undercover Soccom Brother

    Blackness confirmed!!
    Welcome to the Brotherhood.

    Buying ql 161 Art of Peace nano

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