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Thread: looking for special NPC "Leg Chopper"

  1. #1

    looking for special NPC "Leg Chopper"

    THe Leg Chopper or something similiar to this is its name. Where can i find him?

  2. #2
    hehe, follow the road out of tir west all the way to varmint wood. Then head into varmint following the road and you'll find leg chopper a minute or two of run distance west from the zone border, along the road.

    Save before ya go tho cause he's aggro, and you won't survive long enough to even dint his health (unless you're an eng ).
    Sredniaka Sherrmanaka Posthasteaka Thanatopsysaka Vashtareliusaka Nnerroaka Alexxander

    "Quidquid latine dictum, sit altum viditur"

    Sredni Vashtar went forth,
    His thoughts were red thoughts and his teeth were white.
    His enemies called for peace, but he brought them death.
    Sredni Vashtar the Beautiful.
    by HH Munro

  3. #3

    Cool he hits hard to..

    He hits for around 1k

    When i first met him it whas with my first gimped char(lvl ish 20) then he hit me for ca 1.1k

    And 2 days ago i met him again with my main char (lvl 69 MA) and he hit me for 900dmg(1.9ac),luckely i was in my Yalm so i got away

    Scyter lvl 69 MA

    RK 1

  4. #4

    Talking Not so funny at the time...

    I was at BB once and had been there for awhile (with my lvl 72 enf) when I said over public chat "I just need 22k to lvl". One of the other teams started trying to tell me that we should take our team to hunt Leg Chopper because he was easier than BB and I wouldn't be at such a high risk of losing almost 350k xp. The rest of my team (since we were sharing BB with two other full teams) was like "that sound good, lets go.." I'm just glad that I had already heard about The Leg Chopper from these forums...or I'd never have mad it to lvl 73 on that day.
    Princess"Lashleigh" Tabledancer - Unit member of Nirvana


    Yes, I had my own fan club. Behold the power of spam....


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