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Thread: Broadcast

  1. #1


    Three - Two - One.

    The public video channel picks up noise, buzzes for a moment and a figure of a red-haired young woman appears on the screen little out of focus.

    "G-reetings." The figure raises her hand.
    "I, President of clan Assembly, Jenae G-odfray, declare war on Council of Truth. These liars are to be executed. Death must come to them!", she hisses and the broadcast is cut abruptly.

    ((This is not related to previous posts by 'Halogen'.))

  2. #2
    *raises an eyebrow curiousy to the broadcast* Hrm.. alright.. whats this about then?
    "I have no idea what you're talking about.."

    Glenn "Stefano" Kyren - Lieutenant of The Black Company, Grandmaster Assassin for the Clans and proud supporter of Silverstone and the Sentinels.

    Romulus "Arnthem" McChristian - Trigger Happy Soldier for the Company.

    ''The Wraiths never die, merely fade away. Only to appear when someone least expects it.'' - Shrine of the Wraith

    The Black Company Forums
    Roleplaying Profile of Glenn "Stefano" Kyren

  3. #3
    Very interesting indeed, considering that Assembly are a member guild of the council, i find this a little hard to swallow.

    Now who's trying to play tricks i wonder.


    leftenant of The Black Company.

    Silverstone: Get off your asses, kids, we're under attack!

  4. #4
    The rare sound laughter can be heard echoing through Tarens apartment in Tir.

    "Best thing i've read all morning."

  5. #5
    Hmm, so that means if she declares war on the CoT the building will be made vacant (assuming Assembly doesn't destroy it in some vain attempt at looking macho) and thus be put up for sale on the open market to pay the war debts.

    I think DA's new city in the Southern Artery valley would look nice with the tower.

  6. #6
    Having been out of the loop for close to a week, Jen looked through her mail and messages. It was the normal stuff. New members, new promotions, messages to and from the clerical staff, a lot of unaddressed spam and then...a whole heap of messages from people she both knew and had no idea who were. The general consensus of these messages was "What?! Are you serious?!" A couple of them had a videofile attached and after much confusion, she brought it up on the holoviewer to watch it.

    She saw herself, a little out of focus, in one of her favorite sets of clothes. She noticed how there were a lot of loose strands sticking out of the braids, so this was probably late afternoon. The thin gold chain around her neck was barely visible as it stuck up under the shirt, and her right eye was moving a little slower than the left, like her new eye implant did, so this had to be recent. The background was neutral and unimportant.

    'Funny,' she thought. 'I can't remember doing a filmed announcement.' She barely had time to finish the thought before her voice rang in the small speakers.

    "G-reetings. I, President of clan Assembly, Jenae G-odfray, declare war on Council of Truth. These liars are to be executed. Death must come to them!"

    Blinking, she replayed the clip. 'What the...' she thought. 'I never said this! Even if I sometimes think pretty bad things about them, it's not like I wou- ...this is ridiculous!'

    She quickly sent a message to Kotts and to Chris, attaching the file. With it, she asked if they could remember her doing a filmed announcement at any time.

  7. #7
    "Alright, now this is just rediculous."

    Jaszt had caught the feed early in the morning upon returning home. He knew Miss Godfray had a temper, she had shown it to him in The Cup previously. He also knew that she could probably go off on someone like this. But to say she wanted to kill the council?

    "Utterly rediculous."

    "Find out who did this," the spirits whispered to him. They knew he would soon be sitting with the council, and as always they wanted to guard him. No, he thought, this is an idle threat and someone's idea of a joke obviously. Assembly would be more than capable of finding where this came from and dealing with it.

    Besides, who could take something like this seriously anyway? She may have hated him and disliked the prescence of certain people at the council, but this was certainly not her style at all.

    After deleting the feed, he sat back and looked at the cieling. Despite what was said, he held no ill-will toward her or her clan. For a moment he wondered if he should at least look into it a little.

    "Nah, it's too early in the morning, and I'm gonna get some sleep."
    "Yay, full team of 6."
    "With Jaszt's ego, it's more like 8."
    "Hey now, that's not fair... it's more like 18."

    [16:28] <Escritores> Jaszt for president

  8. #8
    Legaron layed down on the grass of the garden of Cama. He shut off his com-link and rested his arm underneath his head. As he browsed the daily news his mind cought one specific broadcast and he ordered it to be played.
    "Eh..eheh...Eheheheh..hahahah...HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAH!"
    The unredeemed hunter turned his head towards him in confusion and legaron lowered his loud laughter into a chuckle as he gestured that he would keep it down.
    So thats what Gherrit was wondering when he asked "Are we at war, commander?" Then again...we are always at war...but the Council of Truth? The same council Jen had helped rebuilding? This is just utterly stupid. Whoever it is slandering must be out of its mind.
    Legaron was certain that it could not be Jen...They had talked about it. Jen in her disapoinment had said that she might want to leave the council as clerical staff and Kya himself and some others of Assembly had told her that her role was important in the Council.
    He chuckled a bit more. The sentence "No rest for the wicked" popped to his mind and suddenly he stopped laughing. He shrugged and rested his head back on his arm as he commanded the news feed to shut down and he closed his eyes.
    My title Keeper. My mind on my grind. Assembly's my heart. They shine when I shine.

    Kyarash "Legaron" Davoudi
    Keeper of Assembly

    "Seen through human experience there are as many worlds as there are humans. Understanding that the word "human" defines a point in eternity and not a seperate reality is the begining of knowing"

  9. #9
    Chris had told her that he would ask Chozo to scan the footage and cross reference with images of her. He didn't believe it was her. She was more in doubt. It could be her...afterall, the image in the screen was her. And if it wasn't, she had a twin mom and dad never told about. The same freckle pattern, the same style of braids, the same small scars, lines and dimples in the skin, the same injury to the eye structures, the same evertything. In a way, it was creepy.

    She played the cut over and over, desperately trying to remember. She was convinced that this had something to do with Clyburn, his abuse of her and whatever drug he had used that day she couldn't remember, and that he had used her short trip to Miralen to finish up and send this to the broadcast stations. The message was utterly ridiculous of course, but she didn't want to go out and publicly deny it just yet. Not if this was something she had done, but couldn't remember. What if it was true and it was her and it had happened? And what if someone had taken footage of that? She couldn't deny her own existance, could she?

    Muttering, she closed the small flip-top screen. 'Too much now,' she thought and asked Sembly to reroute all her incoming calls to her answering service, and shut off the doorbell signal. Picking out more candy and soda than what was good for her from a cabinet in the kitchen, she plumped down in one of the soft bag chairs in the living room and put on the holo. Her favorite show as running, and soon she didn't think much about the mystery broadcast.
    Last edited by Tussa; Apr 28th, 2005 at 10:12:13.

  10. #10
    <finihed watching the attached video>
    Kotts shoke his head, he was almost certain when this happened, and whom. question is how.
    "Clyburn you dirty son of a mini-bull..."

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