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Thread: Graphics card recommendation

  1. #1

    Question Graphics card recommendation


    I have begun to consider the update of my video card, upgrading from a Voodoo3 2000 PCI. However, I know that Anarchy Online has some issues with some of the many graphics cards, and was wondering which card might better suit my needs.

    The GeForces are obviously high on my considered list, but I would prefer a card than can handle OpenGL, Glide, etc, as well as Direct3D, while still being compatible with AO.

    Things such as TV out and all those other kinds of little bragging right extras wouldn't be required or desired. I'm simply looking for a high-end AGP card that gets the job done.

    Thank you for your recommendations,
    -Dr. Ervin "Hayjyin" Houston

  2. #2
    Forget Glide, it's dead. No card supports it anymore. Get the fastest card you can afford (at least a GeForce 3), then it'll still be useful when you upgrade the other parts of your PC. The GeForce cards are good, my GF3 works perfectly with AO.

  3. #3
    If you're intent on playing the older games still, you can just use Glide Wrappers (GL2IDE is about up to 84% of instructions supported.).. So long as you have a decent agp rate, 500megs or low end sdram, or 256 of ddr/rambus memory (64 on the video board, clocked at 300+), and a P3 700 or higher, you'll attain over 100 fps in all games up to Tribes1 with no vissible texture rasterization lag or graphical abnormalities.. I believe there are/were some deals for exchanging certain mannufacturer Voodoo's for Geforces..

  4. #4

    Talking Long live 3dFx

    Honestly 3dfx Was so ahead of every one, Voodoo Cards(specifically the Voodoo 5 5500 AGP card) has been around for hmm, like at least 2 years.

    Video cards that can toast the Vd5 Have only been release in the past 6mo. the G3's/g4's are nice but if a card that is 2 years old is just now getting outdated that tells ya something about the mfg & quality of the card. the Voodoo 6 6000AGP card would have Blown EVERy thing out on the market today out of the water, Including the new G4 TI 4600. In fact The voodoo 5's have a high clock rate, only diffrence is that the Ti4600 has more ram.

    unfortunalty I caved in and bough the g4ti4600, since some games will not run with the vd5, even with the 3rd party drivers.

    Long live 3dFx, erhm kinda.
    ~I am the Virtual Virus

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