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Thread: Quiting because of 14.2? Good riddance

  1. #1

    Quiting because of 14.2? Good riddance

    *warning - this post is a vile vent*

    I don't know how the majority feels on this, but I for one am sick of all the lamers out there who are threatening to quit just because of the proposed OE fix. Your posts are just wasting hard drive space - to be honest no one really cares if you leave. The sooner players like you are gone, the sooner AOs population of selfish whiners declines, and thus the sooner AO becomes a better game and more players subscribe to replace you.

    Now you may think that if you hop on the bandwagon and whine loud enough, you'll scare FC into stopping the OE "fix" (it's a fix, not a nerf), or that you'll convince people to whine along with you.

    Most likely your reason for whining is that you simply feel threatened. You've become used to the way the game works, the routine of starting your day asking for this buff or selling that buff, and then enjoying the benefits of all your hard work and calculations.

    Sure you spent all that time, money, and research to gear yourself into uberness. As a trader I did so myself, and helped others do it too, but i have never felt that this was how the game should be played.

    It just doesn't seem right to spend so much of my time looking up nano lists and calculating every single skill point i can scrounge to get on that equipment two times my level. Instead I should be out facing a challenging game with the friends that I have made. I don't want to be asked "what QL gun do you have" when i join groups. I don't like how people group with engies just for their super-bots.

    While being over-equipped is fun, it shouldn't be the defining measure of your characters power. It's simply gotten too extreme and needs to be checked.

    Common sense should tell you that over-equipping severely messed up this game, on many levels. In it's current state:

    - PvP is severely unbalanced. I understand veterans should have an edge, but the way it is now, a newbie has no chance up against someone who has spent 10 mil on a twinked character.

    - Classes are imbalanced - we all know that some classes can't over-equip as well as others. FC could give those classes the same ability (NTs casting nanos without skill check so long as it is uploaded for example). This I can see as an alternative solution, but what's the fun when you have all the best stuff when you've still got 100 or so levels to go.

    - PvM is next to impossible for those who can't afford the implants, the concrete cushions, etc. to get the best gear on... Mobs have insane HP because of OE. Wouldn't it be better if
    fighting a mob actually felt more like fighting another player? I want to feel the influence of all the classes in the game when I'm hunting PvM. An NPC doctor should have stats similar to a PC doctor, not the hps of an atrox enforcer twice its level and a seemingly limitless nano pool.

    The bottom line is that while over-equipping is fun, it causes too many imbalances in an already unblanced game, making the problem harder to solve. I personally would enjoy the game either way, with or w/o over-equipping. It just annoys me that people can be so vain and arrogant as to think they're going to shut down FC just because the game is changing (and for the better).

    Whatever class you play, it's going to get balanced out in the end. One patch is not going to destroy the game. It may rock the boat a little, but it's to steer it down a different path before it goes over the falls.

    I hope all of you babies out there who say you're going to quit because of 14.2 actually carry out your little meaningless threats and leave - it would be a great service to the AO community. And yes I need a valium.

  2. #2
    wow... im starting to see more in favour of the patch that opposed... hurah!! =P

  3. #3
    I'm certainly getting the feeling that the people who are saying they will quit aren't people I will miss terribly.

  4. #4
    Good post! Bump!

    I enjoy a little OE myself but I agree that it should be a limit. 20% OE compared to stats are ok as long as this does not account for implants.

  5. #5
    Yep. 14.2 = good. 20% is a good amount. You shouldn't be able to OE more than that unless you are an exploiter, or else one of those kiddies that no one likes, even your parents.

  6. #6

    Good post

    I am not terribly fond of sharp corners, and would
    much more have liked to see a sliding cost.

    Like, you have 75 % of reqs for a gun, you do 75 % of full damage.

    I also would have liked the reqs for casting a nano would be removed, so that it would work more like a weapon. ( I.E when uploading you have to meet the reqs, but when using, you will be penalized according to standard overequipping. )

    As far as adjusting mobs, it is NOT enough to only adjust ACs. Hitpoints should also be adjusted, otherwise you may not be able to outdamage the monsters heal rate...

    All in all, this patch is one that may make me NOT cancel my account, but instead may make me keep it by evening out the playing field.

    While I can see the fun in ganking newbs, how many newbs have quitted because being repeatedly ganked by cheaters, exploiters and twinks ??

    The patch will even the playing field a lot, while still giving an edge to the player who can think out and plan their char.

    I am a bit concerned about the debuffs though. Perhaps make them 40% in PvP like weapon damage ?

    Regards, Tommy

  7. #7

    Cool Just wait...

    Remember me when your OE "fixed" AO starts to suck because everyone realizes that the MA skill is better than any weapons and everyone runs around as a MA or a Doc using MA skills. I mean.. Why use a weapon when fists are the best thing out there, and so many MA's will be around to buff your MA combat ablities? The MA is the only prof that can deal a considerate amount of dmg per lvl without OE weapons. Wow, what a "fix".

  8. #8
    Well said Kahj Mook, it's good to finally see something positive for once.
    Some people seem to overreact like there was no tomorrow. The testserver can definately sort out those "gamebreaking" fixes. I'm going to make sure of it.

  9. #9

    Re: Just wait...

    Originally posted by Raxle
    Remember me when your OE "fixed" AO starts to suck because everyone realizes that the MA skill is better than any weapons and everyone runs around as a MA or a Doc using MA skills. I mean.. Why use a weapon when fists are the best thing out there, and so many MA's will be around to buff your MA combat ablities? The MA is the only prof that can deal a considerate amount of dmg per lvl without OE weapons. Wow, what a "fix".
    Didn't you post yesterday, 11 March, that your subscription was getting canceled that night? It's 12 March, and you are still here. If you are going to leave, stop spamming the boards. If you are going to stay, you should retitle your other thread "14.2 Notes = My Cry for Help."
    Numi7, Omni-Tech Employee
    Solitus Engineer
    Division 3 [Omni Reclamation]

  10. #10
    /me travels to ganker-camps and hears nothing but chirping crickets...

  11. #11

    Yea right

    try posting here ..that is where funcom asked for feed back

  12. #12

    Thumbs up

    I say, if patch go through a lot of more new players will stay then there is twinkers that will leave.

  13. #13

    Talking Re: Just wait...

    Originally posted by Raxle
    Remember me when your OE "fixed" AO starts to suck because everyone realizes that the MA skill is better than any weapons and everyone runs around as a MA or a Doc using MA skills. I mean.. Why use a weapon when fists are the best thing out there, and so many MA's will be around to buff your MA combat ablities? The MA is the only prof that can deal a considerate amount of dmg per lvl without OE weapons. Wow, what a "fix".
    MAs are supposed to be best at dealing out damage in melee over time.

    Anyway, MP rules.

  14. #14

    Re: Just wait...

    Originally posted by Raxle
    Remember me when your OE "fixed" AO starts to suck because everyone realizes that the MA skill is better than any weapons and everyone runs around as a MA or a Doc using MA skills. I mean.. Why use a weapon when fists are the best thing out there, and so many MA's will be around to buff your MA combat ablities? The MA is the only prof that can deal a considerate amount of dmg per lvl without OE weapons. Wow, what a "fix".
    You know, I ran around as a Doc with horrid MA skills for 6 months. I didn't ***** and complain and I didn't see you feeling sorry for me.

    Yes you're right it will be unbalanced the other way now but like everything else it can be changed in the future and with the IPR's it doesn't matter what they change.

    I have 0 sypmathy for you.

  15. #15
    Kind Regards
    Prince "Morphex" Olveda

    Agent Professional
    Proud Member of Legion
    [pic] [stat] [eqp]

    Unknown: "I am a nobody, and nobody is perfect; therefore, I am perfect"

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