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Thread: Gaute - Its time for you to move on

  1. #1

    Gaute - Its time for you to move on

    Gaute here is a mail I got some days ago from one of your employees.

    Thanks for the reply Lamonia. I think you will see advances with the adventure class sooner than you may think (J).

    If you feel you have been treated really bad for no reason, and that the mentioned in-game representatives does a bad job towards the players, please e-mail me a specific if there is something which requires action.

    See you on Rubi-ka

    Best regards

    Jørgen Tharaldsen

    Product Manager


    There is no backbone or vission to fall back on - you move from one to another. As the person I think you are you are really in the need of it

    Its due time for you to hand over this world to someone more fit for it, a big broom is needed here.

    A broom that wipes out all the mambo-jambo and gets this game back to basic.

    The OVEREQUIPP is really no question to spoil a whole world whith. You should simply have demented such ideas - eihter you equip or you don't.

    I'm sad to say that your ideas about an overequipping patch will break this game even more - for god sake people have adapted the situation as you think it is.

    I really think that you should hand over world to someone with a lot more directing abilities.


  2. #2
    Over-equipping is the number 1 problem in AO and getting it solved is long overdue. So many problems that people gripe about all the time were instituted just to make the game more challenging to people with weapons 50+ levels above them equipped.

    I do think that AO should return to their original game concept and implement it along those lines instead of relying on public opinion polls. But this fix is so necessary it is ridiculous. It will single-handedly make professions SO much more balanced...


  3. #3

  4. #4


    over equiping blows and should have been fixed along time ago followed by game balancing.
    Biffatnugly 200 Enforcer
    ->Stats 150 Engineer
    Jadeivy 98 Doctor
    Jamms 40 Keeper
    Zipsky 20 Martial-Artist

  5. #5


    I agree, overequipping is a big problem. Once it is fixed the game will be much more balanced.

  6. #6
    Lol Customers telling FC employees to quit heheh got to love it.

  7. #7

    No this patch will not balance the game.

    It will only make people even more confused.

    This post kind of says it all - espescially "Grupert's" thoughts about 12.6.

    Not a single patch have been made that hasn't broken something else - and you think that this mambo-percentage-jambo that will render your weapon eaqual with all other is going to work.

    The game needs a person with a clear mind that brings dowm this world to its basic - then we will have balance - not before.


  8. #8
    I normally don't do this too much, but I'm gonna stand up for Funcom on this one.

    Are you a programmer Lamonia? Do you know what it takes to program a pong game, much less something this complex? As a programmer, I can imagine some of the variables that they have put in this game and I'm glad to just be able to enjoy it. How dare you take something that someone invented out of thin air and think you can do it better. No one is perfect and I think Funcom has done a great job at fixing some of the bugs and listening to whiny little people complain all day long.

    Personally, I don't want the OE patch either, I think it's a cool advantage to have above newbies (the knowledge aspect). But that doesn't mean I'm gonna go off and say that there needs to be new management.

    Why don't you go off to a better game if you hate it so much? Why? Because this is the best thing right now, that's why. So either STFU and deal with it, or go off like all these other whiners and tell us how you are gonna cancel your account, because I don't think the game needs people like you around anyway.
    "Your village called...their idiot is missing"

    Psilex (Agent)
    Smokegirl (Nano-tech)
    Tylerdurdon (Bureaucrat)

    Proud Member of:

  9. #9
    Film director extraordinairre RandaZ's Avatar
    And just in case Lamonia does take your advice Psilex, I'm going to throw in a pre-emptive, "Can I have your stuff?"

    Slotine Zembower
    R.U.R. Member (RK1)

    Tappert Solminski
    Tailor of Rome-Blue (RK1) [currently MIA]

  10. #10

    Psilex - I don't care who you are

    As fas as I know there are other programmers who has not been that very impressed before - maybe thats why the BOARD WYPE occured in the first place - because it got to blody embarrassing.

    If you want yourself and your product out of criticism - don't go public.

    Yes you are right about the pong part - and that might be the whole problem in with FC, they simply know to much about it and less about making the right descition.


  11. #11
    i have only done some small bits of programing in my life..... and i agree that this game is one of the most complex games out there.... i cant emagin how much info is jamed on there server..... they have one of the most complex combat systems, tradeskill systems, quest systems, not to mention that must have been a hella lot of work to do the auto mission genorater. programing the ai to handle millions of npc's and ****.

    sometimes i think people enjoy complaining so much they miss the good points of this game... the gfx are extream not many single player games can mathc ao's gfx.. there are only 2 servers. no other online game can boast about 30k users on a single server with only minimal lag, the second best one out there can only handle 10k before the server shuts down ... huge playing areas.. hundreds of uniqe mobs. Thousands of "spells"... 12 proffessions with 4 breeds and 100% customisable on each combo of breed/proffession. a game with a story! no other online mmorg can boast that!

    common peopel give funcom a break..... for all that is broken and unballanced there is so much more that is working fine out there to enjoy..... now this dose not mean that you should not bring your conserns to the boards or chat but lets limit the funcom incompentance bashing..... less you think you can do better on your own.... in withc case i suggest you do.... (i dare you to make ao2 for use)
    Level 132 Nano-Techniction <---- Retired till NT fix
    Level 72. Engineer <---- why is my pet running the wrong way?
    Level 69. Agent <---- Retired sence Concealment Nerf.
    Level 58. Adventure <---- TONS of lost ip.
    Level 41. Meta.<--- Mp's are too uber.
    Level 30. Enforcer <---- press "Q" and watch tv.
    Level 29. Doc <---- Can't..... Find.... Group.....

    Quote of the week "When people complain equally about all of the classes, then the game is balanced."

  12. #12

    Lozer - you will stumble on it

    Oops you allready did

    Originally posted by Lozer
    Level 44 Soldier <---- Yawn.....
    Level 126 Nano-Techniction <---- Retired till NT fix
    Level 10 Enforcer <---- mega Twinked.
    Level 29 Doc <---- Can't..... Find.... Group.....
    Level 55 Adventure <---- TONS of lost ip.
    Level 72 Engineer <---- why is my pet running the wrong way?
    Level 60 Agent <---- Retired sence Concealment Nerf.
    Level 41 Meta.<--- Mp's are too uber.

    Its all in your own signature - can't be more clear than this even common people like myself should be able to see that there is a whole lot of wrong going on here.

    BTW - do you still think you will get those Adventurer IPs back?

    And why not try to fill in the gaps next time its awfully boring reading all those dots.


  13. #13
    Originally posted by NewShadow
    I agree, overequipping is a big problem. Once it is fixed the game will be much more balanced.


  14. #14

    Re: Lozer - you will stumble on it

    Originally posted by Lamonia

    And why not try to fill in the gaps next time its awfully boring reading all those dots.
    Look at you. You know you are wrong so you turn to people bashing. Can't even support your arguement eh? Pretty pathetic Lamer-onia
    "Your village called...their idiot is missing"

    Psilex (Agent)
    Smokegirl (Nano-tech)
    Tylerdurdon (Bureaucrat)

    Proud Member of:

  15. #15

    Psilex - your support is as good as anything

    Thx for the bump


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