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Thread: Whats wrong with OE ?

  1. #1

    Question Whats wrong with OE ?


    I must say I have a problem, whats wrong with OE ? I mean, can anyone really tell me?

    Sure I understand why you shouldn't use bugs in the game to get on a 6x belt on lvl 10 or ql 200 implants at lvl 30, but thats not OE, thats cheating and something entirly different.

    I use ql 112-114 implants at lvl 49, I work very hard to get em on, buying lots of different sets of implants to do it, buying buffs from other players, using my ip very well ( or at least I think so .

    I then go and get buffs, getting a warbot up at lvl 49...I agree this is a very powerful bot to get up, but you can only get it up if you spend untold hours and days calculating, twinking into new implants, not using ip on fun stuff like map upgrade...its infact very hard.

    This is not at bug, I just used the rulez of the game to their max, whats wrong with it? everybody can do it, not everyone bother to do it, instead using time to chat, wear cloths and just have fun..but then they shouldn't expect to be as powerful as the rest of us that thinks that twinking is great fun. Not to win pvp matches, but as you say in the states: To be all that you can be!

    I have not used a single exploit, never cheated, never even dual logged, and still all you out there think I should be punished for the way I play the game? I mean I am not as nice looking as you guys in your new cloths, I don't have as many online friends as I could have had if I used more time chatting, but I am very good at what I do, building whats wrong with that?



    Lifedrain lvl 65 engineer
    Frozenblade lvl 51 enforcer

  2. #2

    Smile Agree !!

    I totally agree !!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    You could say the same about dual wielding FFAs as they were pre-nerf. Just using the rules of the game as they existed at the time, but obviously not what was intended - even though nefing them destroyed some characters (yess I'm still pissed )

    Self improvements through implants and self buffs were intended and are an important part of the game. So were (are) team buffs. But buying buffs you couldn't possibly do yourself which permanently improved your character after they wore off was not intended.

    You're right - it's a part of the current 'rules.' This doesn't make it any less broken than Total Mirror Shields were (and they weren't). Characters should OE to they extent that they can maintain themselves. That was the intent. The fix is even more generous than that, allowing full use if you could only self maintain at 80% (which I personally think is too generous).

    Normally I would oppose any nerf as being "anti - fun." This is a global thing though and doesn't target any profession as now anyone can OE way past what they should be able to. I't way overdue.
    Last edited by Paldorr; Mar 11th, 2002 at 13:13:38.
    "Life is too short to drink bad ale."

  4. #4

    Question Still don't get it

    I don't agree to what you say, how can you say that you where not supposed to buy buffs? then its easy to fix, just let all buffs be self only?

    I am sure thats not intended, no rather buffs are meant to be sold and used, this I am pretty sure on. After all you still need a good ncu'belt to get these buffs and their are only for a limited time. If you remove the buying and selling part then this game has no more depth then Wolfenstein and other such games, just with a chat client, you must buy and sell stuff, and buffs.

    I agree to nerfing some things that gets to powerful, but if you use the rules, take your time, why in all the gods name should't you be allowed to do it? what possible harm can be done? after all every single one of you can do it? just cuz you don't bother or want to do it is no excuse, you still can.

    So, my question is still unanswered, whats wrong with it? what harm is done? who is the suffering ones? why do we need to do anything against it?

    I just don't understand? its just a question of learning the game? if the mobs are to easy at higher lvl, make em harder, if its to easy to equip implants, make it harder, but why...for the love of God must you put a limit?


  5. #5
    who suffers? the newbs
    y do they suffer? cause they are newbs and are only just starting to get into the game
    does this meen it is unfair on them? yes but ALL games are unfair on newbs - did u see multiplayer quake catering for those who has less skill so they could still face up to a uber l33t killing machine (aplogies for the leet speak but im just getin a point accross)

    as the newbs grow they will understand the OE more and more and more - slowly they will reach the point those that have played for a long time ave allready reached and will OE - OE adds complexity to the game - nothing else in this game does that other than OE this is just a scifi everquest clone
    I am a Pacman Ghost.

    I like to hang around with friends, chatting, dancing, all that sort of thing. We don't appreciate outsiders, and do our best to discourage others approaching us. I enjoy occasionally wandering around randomly, and often find that when I do so, I get to where I wanted to be.

    I taste of Death.

    Doesn't everyone want a taste of death? Well they should. Most people deserve death. Keep away from me unless you think you're better than that. I probably won't like you.

    Cpl. Damon "Moodyman" Kozar
    RSGE Division 9
    "Go For the Eyes Boo!!"
    Moodyman - 3rd Mp and last (i hope)
    lilmoody - everyone needs a break...

  6. #6

    My point


    Tnx, that was a good one, its my point to, you need to learn the game before you can be good at it.

    If you give up and complain then you never will be good at it, and many don't want to be good at it, they just play around..and then they are suprised when they get out classed by veteran players....and then they complain...and they complain more then us others cuz we are generally happy with the game..when we complain its ingame and such.

    And therefor, the complainers that never really took their time to learn the rules and how to take advantage is the ones who get heard, and thats not ok..not at all.

    Its the veteran players, like Wollibolli, Set, Dankman and all the others that should be listen to, they spend more time on playing, they fight, they learn...fc should have a forum for veteran players where they could come with suggestions, in this forum its just about who shouts the highest.

    If fc bows to the unlearned and those who just play the game a short while then they do a grave mistake, its the others, the really loyal players that love the game and takes their time to learn the rules they should listen to, love the game, please don't make this mistake.

  7. #7

    Thumbs down I don't even think I'm going to wait..

    I don't even think I'm going to wait for 14.2 to be released to cancel my subscription. The release notes were enough.

  8. #8
    The problem which you OE'ers so BLATENTLY ingore is the fact that not all classes can OE there weapon!

    MA's cannot over-equip there fists or there special attacks

    NT's cannot over-equip there nukes (unless they pay a MP 50k every half hour for every hour they play in every day.)

    Fixers cannot OE to the extreme. Sure a +120 wrangle and +100 soldier Burst buff helps. But there is simply no way to let a lvl30 Fixer equip a QL100+ gun.

    In this sense it is outragiously unfair to these classes. And do to this these classes find it increadibly hard to solo anything over a 50% mission.. especially at higher level.

    Not to mention many people choose not to OE. Should these people be punished for this? As it stands right now they are. NPC hitpoints and AC were buffed to uber-status simply to keep the game as challenging as possible for those that OE.

    NOTE: I'm not saying OE is exploiting.. infact everyone can and should OE to an extent..

    but it's simply not possible for you extreme over-equippers to be so ingorant anymore.
    Last edited by Fion; Mar 11th, 2002 at 20:05:30.
    "Yea, I've got your information.. you got my money?"
    Proud member of 3305 Local
    A non-GA Fixer, and pround of it!

    Fergus ~ 27 Soldier (after wipe) ~ Test
    "No escaping pain! You belong to me.." Megadeath-Skin o' my Teeth

    Fion ~ 25 Opi MA (after wipe) ~ Test
    "Woh look at that MOB! Think I can take it? *SMACK* OUCH!"

  9. #9
    In another thread I posted something similar to this:

    - anything you CAN'T do yourself, i.e. that you have to be buffed by somebody else to do
    - that has a built in time limit i.e. it is INTENDED to expire
    - but which has a permanent (unintended) affect
    - when used by a player to get around the fact that it doesn't expire

    IS, by definition, an exploit.

    Equip what you can with your OWN ability, or with the buffs a team member is willing to give. It's just a bug fix; not a nerf. If anything, the 60% mob nerf will probably affect a lot more people as a buff than the OE fix will limit, due to their unreasonable OEing.
    "Life is too short to drink bad ale."

  10. #10
    Yes NT's can overequip
    Yes it will save you in pvp some of the time

    125 nanomage nano-technition

  11. #11



    (caplock is not down, I´m just shouting to get noticed).

    Exploiters, dear OE-ers and griefers: STOP WHINING (oh gawd I wanted to say that )

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