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Thread: Question about Pets in 14.2

  1. #1

    Question Question about Pets in 14.2

    "All pets being commanded by someone with 20% less than the requirements to make the pet, will have their pets go into "/pet behind" mode after their current battle. (Or at once if in no battle.) Pets will refuse to obey commands until the skills are back up." - 14.2 OE article.

    Does this mean that if an engineer, 'crat, or mp gets divested/plundered in battle, that the pet will be put into /behind mode after killing the current MOB?

    What if there are more than one MOB? Will a /behind pet warp/grid/zone with the master, or get left behind (as seems to happen a lot now, like when they are rooted, etc.)?


  2. #2
    That's a good point. It's going to really suck for a pet class to get hit with a ransack, especially if there are adds around.

    Also, how are requirements determined for charming? I don't want to see crat charmies go into useless mode.

  3. #3
    That's a good point. It's going to really suck for a pet class to get hit with a ransack, especially if there are adds around.
    Deal. An NT hit with a ransack is made entirely useless as is. It's time that some of you other profs realize just how NTs have felt since this game was released.

    Snarf: Level 165 Atrox NT

    "At one time you were maybe a little useful Snarf. Now you're just being annoying." -- Hawkman

    "Well one guy said Atrox was the worst breed for the NT. The other guy said......'You tell that to Snarf....he'll kick your arse!' You are a NT Rockstar!" -- Hemicuda

    "Snarf, Snerf, Nerf. It's YOU that brought nerf to NT's you you!" -- Rhayden

    "Snarf cuts to the core of the problem like a chainsaw to a bunny rabbit." -- Deaddreamer

  4. #4
    An NT hit by a ransack can still cast his lower level nukes/roots, just as any other class can step down its spells (i.e. Adventurers using lower level heals, crats using weaker mezes, etc). But, pet casting is a lot different than most other spells. With the casting time/cost on making additional pets, a Crat/MP/Engi whose pet gets ransacked into non-attack mode is going to get murdered if there's more mobs around than just the trader. Not to mention having to terminate the current pet if you want to cast a weaker one.

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