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Thread: quick an easy soloution

  1. #1

    quick an easy soloution

    to the OE nerf - many like it many dont no way of tellin how much of each and those who voice their opinions (im among them) tend to start flames and counter flames which confuse and make the arguemants made viod when they may be good ideas or points

    so a simple way to judge whether or not people like the way FC plans on 'Fixing' OE as stated in the article on OE (couple of patches back) is to use the poll secation of the Boards - make a poll with simple - Do u agree with the article - Do u Disagree

    its one vote per account so this should give a very good judge on how the community feel on this change
    I am a Pacman Ghost.

    I like to hang around with friends, chatting, dancing, all that sort of thing. We don't appreciate outsiders, and do our best to discourage others approaching us. I enjoy occasionally wandering around randomly, and often find that when I do so, I get to where I wanted to be.

    I taste of Death.

    Doesn't everyone want a taste of death? Well they should. Most people deserve death. Keep away from me unless you think you're better than that. I probably won't like you.

    Cpl. Damon "Moodyman" Kozar
    RSGE Division 9
    "Go For the Eyes Boo!!"
    Moodyman - 3rd Mp and last (i hope)
    lilmoody - everyone needs a break...

  2. #2

    there is no such thing as easy solutions

    Really that is sooo easy...

    Who's checking the forums? People who gather information, OE's usually gather information... who might be against the idea? Casual players, roleplayers, people who don't enjoy powerplay being thrown at their general direction. What percentage of these two populations would show? That kind of poll would be largely biased.

    Now, some people don't even understand overequipping, for some its just equipping stuff that has QL above your level, so a level 10 guy using a QL13 armor might go crazy and shout to maintain 'overequipping'.

    Some people consider the soloing aspect of the game, they can't solo without overequipping? well, maybe not. You need a basic overequipping to be viable, but the problem is with major overequipping. Self overequip would not be influenced.

    I remember reading that mobs would be reduced as well, so there goes the argument for soloing. Unless of course you mean soloing reds? Which of course, should not be possible in the first place.

    Why the buffs then? Lets see, the +80 treatment buff could be used by a doc to use a healthpack of higher quality than what he needs himself (having lower hp) on an atrox enforcer when they group during the small downtime, to complement his nano heals.

    Wrangles are combat buffs, you get more skill, etc.. you can hunt bigger stuff ... in groups. Eh, what a new concept, grouping with other classes to kill red stuff...

    Overequipping killed PvP. I was all for PvP but will not set foot there anymore while OE is present, and yes I was overequipped, but only to my own possibilities without relying on 10 people to buff me into my gear. Why? Because we used to duel a lot in the arena, and then have fun with friends at the babboons... that's a new concept to OE'rs, having fun using social clothes. You would know the winner of a fight even without fighting, only comparing their implants would do... fun, no action/reaction skill needed for PvP, just plannings. PvP should be planning + skill + using your class strengths against other classes weaknesses... OE only reduced PvP to whoever has the best implants wins.

    Sorry; but bugs can be irritating, they don't break the game as much as the uber overequipping does. Overequipping yourself without the need of anyone else will always work. It doesnt remove anything to any class. It only removes to a certain class of players.

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