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Thread: Discuss: 13.8 Unique item fix / change (added Tuesday 19th)

  1. #81
    I thought no-drop was to keep from trading.. *FIX* the cause of the exploit, don't just add crap that pisses everyone off.

  2. #82
    Originally posted by Psilock
    Most of you ppl seem to be whiners. As an eng I have no problem with one shell in stock.

    As for the MA special attack... that is another story and I've never understood why they are "unique, no-drop". Maybe someone could explain the reasoning behind this?

    Let me just add that those who say they will quit a game because they now cannot have mutliple unique items in inventory who are quitting are losers. I'd imagine that this is to fix duping. Besides that how is this really effect your character?

    As for why eng pets are unique is probably to prevent being looted in PvP, that would allow other professions to get eng/crat bots.

    ...quit the game because only one unique that is so lame. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out!

    A friend of mine with a pioneer pack had someone ask to buy his pack from him for money plus 4 more pioneer packs he could get him. Why would he buy one to give 4 away? Because the guy knows of a dupe but doesn't have a pack to dupe in the first place. As one of the players with a pioneer pack I know I do not want every tom, dick and harry out there to have one also.

    Good fix Funcom. Keep targetting the dupers/exploiters.
    This doesn't have a single bit with exploiting to do, if they want to stop exploiting with putting a unique tag on items they have to have it on every item, it's just stupid to even say that it would.

    I can understand that pioneer packs have unique tags, it was given as a present from FC, and anyone should only have 1.

    But all other items, that I can't pick up cuz I already have IQ rings or some other rings...

    I was soloing a mission the other day and found a IQ ring, if FC think it's overpowered to use 2 of those, I can understand it, but why can't I pick it up? Maybe I would like a really nice gift for someone...
    It's just so damn annoying, I only used another comp and another account and went to the mission and picked it up ofcourse, and for those that only have 1 comp or 1 account they only need to get a friend to pick it up and then transfer it to another character on your account.

    So only thing FC is getting from this is anoying customers...
    ICQ: 419860

    Clan Apocalypse - The guild for models

    Account closed.

  3. #83
    The IQ Ring Problem- I don't think its too keep you from trading it off, I *think* its because of the way that equipment slots on your character are set up. You get two ring slots, so no matter *what* those rings are, if there is a free slot you can wear two rings. The items arn't set up to check the other slot, the slot only check if the item is a valid placement. The solution then, without recoding the the code that deals with characters, is to put a limiter on the inventory, which *does* have a control for keeping duplicated, yet valid, items out of it. The Unique tag.

    Now, if we ever see items that gain greater funtions as you get more and more of them on your person (like a armor set that the pieces ar +10AC, but if you have two of the pieces on they each pick up a extra +2AC), then I am simply wrong in my assuption. But as of right now I don't think so (all of the multi-piece items we have at the time work by substitution of tow items for a single combined item).

    The Battle Suit (or which ever back location armor it is)*might* throw a wrench in my reasoning, but I don't think so as it simply *locks* all of the item slots against armor, not against a specific item.

    Anyhow, back to waiting for a answer on MA specials

  4. #84
    I havent read the rest of the thread, so maybe someone has mentioned this... but.. doesnt this make the dodga mission impossible? for the dodga mission you need to have alot of nodrop/unique items and combine them dont you??

    or is it too early and I am confused?

  5. #85
    hm... 84 replies and no remark from funcom...

  6. #86

    Wink Hey, shut up!

    -> Intra, you are not supposed to ask (intelligent) questions.

    Aren't these items different?

    So long,

    Max(imilian) #85
    100% curious

  7. #87
    One Unique item in inventory, does *not* mean one single Unique item in the inventory. It means one of any single Unique item in the inventory.

    Aka, you could have 1 IQ ring and 1 Bot Shell in invetory

    Thinking is good

  8. #88

    Angry ???????????

    Well aint that a nice new twist to add FC.

    I am player with a high level NT who gave up when NT's got nerfed so badly I couldnt solo even a 25% mission, and then made myself a Crat in the vain hope that they might be playable, and to my surprise they are. This sux majorly, in a full on battle you do not have time to recast a bot. This is as stupid a decision as making vehicles NoDrop, dont they have used car lots in the future?

    My crat is a female char how about you screw your paying customers more and make each breast on a female avatar unique, that way I wouldnt be able to even cast myself a bot. I am sure thats why I came to AO in the first place, endless frustration.

    I DO love AO, so dont flame me. I just think this is a silly change that will have more players leaving.

    Is it not time to sit up and listen? With Necron and Project Entropia both in Beta now and Star Wars Galaxies not far behind people aint gonna stay very long when the competition comes as THEY have been learning from YOUR mistakes.

  9. #89

    You people are making a big deal out of nothing.

    Books of Knowledge. Just carry around a Book of Knowledge for all your MA attacks.

    And for other uniques like bot shells and IP ringss? You can only have 1 in your inventory, but you can have one in every bag in your inventory. If you're like me you carry around 3 trash bags for loot. You just put one in there, and pick up the one you found. And you engineers and crats just keep a shell in each bag. Problem solved.

  10. #90

    Angry Test before posting answers

    Putting objects in various bags to avoid dup test DONT work...

  11. #91
    My MA attacks are just NODROP and not UNIQUE. I upgraded my Docs MA attacks recently and had 3 of the same type in my main pack.

    So no problems.

  12. #92
    depends on the MA attack.

  13. #93
    Ok, this change really pisses me off, I have an engineer (who always carried at least 3 shells at his lower levels) and an MA. My feeling on the NODROP tag are that if you can buy it in a shop (MA attacks, vehicles) it should NOT be NODROP. And now when i want to upgrade my MA attack I have to delete my old one? and what if i'm ransacked - NTs can cast old nukes when they get deprived, why can't i use old MA attacks? This is insanely stupid of FC to put in. The rings that are UNIQUE, if you think it overpowers us make it so that you can only wear it on either the left finger or the right finger, so you can still pick another up if you find it but you can't dual weild them. This change makes no sense other than to make exploiters find another way around (which i'm sure they will) and piss off the normal players that are trying to have fun. I've cancelled this game before but came back to promised changes, had fun for a while but its getting boring again. If FC continues to punish non-exploiters for what dupers are doing instead of fixing the dupers the right way, their player base is going to slowly fade away.

  14. #94
    My highest level character is an engineer with a MA doc as my alt and I have absolutely no problem with this.

    For my MA attacks I must say that I only use snake attack currently as my doc is still low so the MA attacks may be a greater nuisance than I hav experienced.

    But the engineer shells is absolutely no problem. I cast one bot for a gaming session that can last up to 5 hours long and will only recast another bot if I level high enough to get the next bot.

    At most I have one bot shell in my pack incase of emergencies but usually don't bother as I end up having to delete them. Three shells? What the heck do you need three bot shells for as an Engineer? A bureaucrat I could see having a problem as their bots only last 30min.

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