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Thread: Is this all MAs will get for now?

  1. #1

    Angry Is this all MAs will get for now?

    13.8 was supposed to be the MA fix. My question to Funcom is very simple:

    Is this all? The next patch has limited to no additional MA fix (except "fists" line of dammage doing a different nature of dammage - which is a non-event as those nanos are not powerful).

    To make it clear the only real fix that came with 13.8/13.9 was an increase in dammage. Nothing more really (MA weapons are still bugged it seems).


    If this is what is meant by a fix, FC should have no problem fixing the adventurers and all the other professions ASAP!
    RK2 Omni Martial Artist

    Honorary Sensei of The Dojo - Omni School of Martial Arts
    Visit us at:

  2. #2


    I suspect there were lots and lots of subtle changes in the MA class with 13.8. I interrupt more frequently, avoid some damage (!), I even kicked a few times.

    It's easy to interpret this as if the only fix was increased damage, but i guarantee there were lots and lots of small fixes.

    MA weapons to phys init? Zoning with weapons/fists? Crash of thunder nano line breaking root?

    Yes I hope advs, agents and fixers, NTs and everybody get their "patch" as soon as possible, but i prefer a well worked through patch, not a rush job.


  3. #3
    two points:

    1) I agree with you there is other minor ('subtle') changes, some of them may not even be in the patch notes: well it would be nice to know about them! and MA Weapons are still bugged btw.

    2) I'm happy about potential subtle fixes, but i would even prefer big & clear fixes. I won't get into all the details of what im thinking about, there are other threads for that.

    But anyway, the point of my post is really to ask FC for a final statement about MA fix.
    I would love quick statement saying something like

    "Guys, in 13.8/13.9/14.0 we fixed the MA Profession. Some changes we made you wont know about, because they involve game mechanics we dont want to disclose. However, this is what w'e have done
    * ...
    * ...
    With this we think the MAs are much better off, and, although we would continue to improve marginally the MAs and correct bugs, it is now time for us to focus our efforts on the other professions that need be fixed, like adv and agent."
    Last edited by nikh; Mar 8th, 2002 at 16:57:23.
    RK2 Omni Martial Artist

    Honorary Sensei of The Dojo - Omni School of Martial Arts
    Visit us at:

  4. #4
    Funcom still needs to address the weapons bug (it's a bug and needs to be fixed), because the weapon wielding MAs are still screwed. However, for fist using MAs like myself, patch 13.9 did wonders and addressed our main concern - min damage.

    I can honestly say that Funcom needs to look at Fixers and Adventurers and give them some real MA/MP-type love. The weapons bug along with the dead mobs still attacking bug and the chain-casting bugs should be fixed ASAP, but here is a list of professions that need to be looked at in order they need balancing (My opinion of course).

    1) Fixers
    2) Adventurers
    3) NTs

  5. #5
    hehe cson, I would also think about agents

    and once again my point is really to have a statement from funcom saying whether some of the open issues we may think about (MA weapons, phys init maybe not working,special attacks not really satisfactory whatever...) are intended to be fixed soon or willl not be adressed right now.

    Just as a matter of information really on what to expect and not to expect.
    RK2 Omni Martial Artist

    Honorary Sensei of The Dojo - Omni School of Martial Arts
    Visit us at:

  6. #6
    It took Funcom 6 months to finally fix the min damage bug. The chain-casting bug has been around for two months, and every patch promises to fix it. The inventory shifting around bug finally got fixed after 10 patches (every patch saying that it was fixed). My tolerance of MMORPG is very low, as are my expectations of Funcom. But at least they DID fix the min damage bug, finally.

    As far as MA attacks are concerned - yes, half of them are still broke, but they're not going to make or break an MA. Same goes for some of our nanos.

    I just want to reiterate that I think the MA-weapons bug should be fixed right away, and I am in no way implying that it should wait.

    I also see how much damage I can do when I turn on my Flurry of Blows. For the first 25 seconds of every 90 seconds, I punch like a madman. If I punched that way all the time, I would be way overpowering. Yes, Funcom should tell us how the whole init thing worked, but if we started to punch really fast with our new damage output, everyone will start yelling nerf.

    Fixers and Adventurers can barely to 50% missions, and I think that's a real problem. The same problem MAs had prior to 13.9.

    Agents do need a fix, but not until they remove their ability to summon MP pets. An Agent with MP pets still do very well solo and in PvP. Low level Agents also do well because they typically have rifles 3 times their level.

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