Representative Shakrae of the Sentinels appointed as new Council Speaker.

Saturday at the Council meeting a messenger from Commander Silverstone invited the members of the Council and Clerical Staff to a special meeting to take place yesterday. At this meeting we would meet the person that Silverstone had chosen from within his ranks to be the new Speaker for the Council. Silverstone had a short speech prepared to introduce the new Speaker and to explain his reasoning for not being the Speaker himself.

Quote Originally Posted by Simon Silverstone
No time to screw around. I'm going to introduce you to someone tonight who you'll be seeing plenty of at the next couple of meetings while I straighten a few things out.

First, I'm just going to say a few things. No mushy crap, though. This is all business. As you've all heard, I'm going to be busy as hell for the next couple of months. Possibly longer, but not likely. Yeah, I know you've been practically abandoned by one Speaker already, but I've already taken measures to keep that from happening. I'll tell you about that later. First of all, I'll still be around. Not at the meetings, but I'll show up elsewhere. Aliens, Omnis and fence-sitting bastards still need ass-kickings and I may call upon some of you to assist. But don't expect any casual B.S. I have a lot of work to cut through and it's gonna make for some pretty big news about the next step in our fight for freedom. That's freedom both from all that corporate junk and from those slimy, green eye-sores that occasionally kamikaze their asses at the walls of Tir. I might even dig up some dirt on the whole Tempus Coma thing.

Second, what I'll be doing and places I'll be going aren't topic for discussion. Toss your little rumors around all you like, but neither I, nor my representative are going to answer your questions with anything but a thorough beating.

Lastly, though I will be gone, The Sentinels will still be aptly represented here at the Council of Truth by the newest addition to my upper staff. It took a damned long time thinking to decide who, within our ranks, was adequate for the task at hand and a couple weeks of training to get her ass in gear. But it's all led up to the final product of an intelligent, politically-minded person who represents The Sentinels with the tenacity, tact and battle-ready attitude that makes us who we are. It's with some humility that I admit she may even be as good as I am at this whole political thing.

Enough bull****, though. This here is your new speaker and second representative of The Sentinels, Shakrae. She'll be filling both the role of Speaker and, in my absence in the coming months and any future absences, the sole representative of The Sentinels. While I'm away, she acts as my eyes, my ears, my voice and, if need be, my weapon. Her votes will be as valid as mine would be, her thoughts as strong, and judgement as unquestionable. What I'm trying to say is that if you screw with her, you're screwing with me. And you all know what happens when I get angry, so don't do anything stupid. I'll let Shakrae take the floor from here.

All yours.
Commander Silverstone takes a step back, and Sentinel Shakrae steps forward to introduce heself. She also had a short speech prepared.

Quote Originally Posted by Representative Shakrae
I don't have much to say. The Commander covered most of it, but I would like to introduce myself to you all.

My name is Shakrae and I've been involved in political debate and discussion for most of my life on Rubi-Ka. Commander Silverstone saw this natural ability in me, obviously, and chose me to fill the role of Speaker and secondary representative for him after a bit of training. Though I may not be as quick to speak my mind as the Commander is, don't think for a second that I'll yeild to force or heavy-handed reason without fighting back. If there's one thing I want to make clear to all of you, it's that I'm fair, just and reasonable, but like Commander Silverstone, it's unwise to cross me. So long as we can all establish an atmosphere of mutual respect, I think we'll be able to work together splendidly. Thank you, Commander Silverstone.
After the formalities were out of the way the floor was opened for questions. Commander Silverstone responded in his usual manner, and the meeting was promptly ended.