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Thread: IQ Rings nerfed

  1. #1

    IQ Rings nerfed

    Just a quick note to say that IQ Rings were nerfed in 13.6. You can now only have one of a Unique Item, no matter the QL, and IQ Rings are unique items. Thus you can no longer dual-wield these even though they can be worn on both the left and right fingers, unless you already have two in your possession. If you try and add a second one to your inventory, from another player or the bank or as loot, you will get a message saying that you already have the unique item.

    All other Unique items were similarly nerfed. I don't know if there are any others that you would have dual-wielded (well, I'm sure there are, just don't know what they are), but at the least you will not be able to buy a new Flurry of Blows, say, until you have rid yourself of the old one.

    Could have been a good change, but was poorly implemented and reported.


  2. #2

    Thumbs down

    Funcom does it again.

    The day a patch is released without braking more things then it fixes I will be supprised.

  3. #3
    Err - UNIQUE items worked like this prior to 13.6, I've lost count of the number of Flurry of Blows and the like I've had to leave in missions!

    If you could carry more than 1 UNIQUE item prior to the patch then it was a bug - that's the whole point of UNIQUE items...... they're unique.....

  4. #4
    in my mind if 2 items are of different quality levels then they are NOT unique and you should be able to have 2 of differing quality level

    Unique means just that unique. If its not exactly the same its not the same as the other one

  5. #5
    Actualy unique means that no other item of that sort exist, not that you don´t have more then one. Funcom might have made the same intepretation as you of course, but then they should rename them to singular itemes or something.

  6. #6

    Unhappy sigh...semantics anyone?

    unique, as intended, meant that you could only have ONE of em. THAT was the intent. just as nodrop means ya can't farm an item, or give it or sell it off. they are NOT realistic concepts...they are game balance concepts.

    hence the not selling off of planes, the fact that you have to BE there to get a neleb robe/loving hands etc...and if you want a new better quality item, you have to delete the old one. THAT was the that people that earn a pad of interest don't go do it again, cause the mission is supposed to be one time only..etc etc...

    it is a game concept people. UNIQUE refers to YOU get ONE. It ain't just a silly tag anymore.

  7. #7

    Thumbs down

    Woha I found a new MA maeuver of much higher lvl, but of course if I´m to take it up it means deleeting the maneuver I have and can use right now. Oh well, what is a few lvls without a maneuver. OK it is death.

    Let me put it this way: NOT A GOOD IDEA!

  8. #8
    I have no problem with the idea but I think that:
    1) It should have been in the patch notes!!!

    2) It should have been coupled with a review of all unique items to decide if they should be unique or not. Flurry of Blows?!? Why this and not a parrying or riposte device? Why IQ rings and not defensive rings? And the problems that this creates for MA attacks should have been obvious to any Funcom programmer!


  9. #9
    You can have more than one(two actually) unique item on your person at one point in time, just put one in a back pack.

    else you could just place them in the bank in which case you can have more than two, i have like 4 unique items of same Ql (with the additional NODROP) since i can't sell them or get rid of them with out deleting them.
    ~I am the Virtual Virus

  10. #10
    Originally posted by Xyberviri
    You can have more than one(two actually) unique item on your person at one point in time, just put one in a back pack.
    Actually, that was the bug that got fixed.

    When you now try to pick up, summon or are given a unique, it will scan your characters entire inventory to determine if you already have one of these uniques in your possession.

    If so, it won't let you add it to your inventory.

  11. #11

    IQ ring removal...

    Ok, I no real problem with this new nerf unless I've misinterpeted the upcoming changes. I would however like to see certain issues addressed.

    IQ rings have an enequip requirement of Level 190, therefore, it is impossible to unequip one of these unique items without deleting it if your character is below that level. If this nerf sticks then please consider removing the unequip requirements to allow dual IQ ring wielders to sell or pass along these expensive items.

  12. #12

    Talking IQ Rings

    MANNNNNNN I hate to do this.. funcom will change it now..

    to get your IQ ring off.. drop it on the ground.. and pick it back up.

    well... have a good one AO Players.

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