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Thread: The "After dying in PvP bug"!!

  1. #1

    Exclamation The "After dying in PvP bug"!!

    Well, im not realy sure if this is a bug but it realy has to be!. Well it´s like this.

    Twice in PvP recently when i have died, i have respawned at reclaim and about 3 seconds from that i DIE AGAIN??? how the hell is this possible?`. And nooo i am not doing **** , like attacking again.

    When i look at what killed me it´s poison dmg, it seems like it hits me even after i died the first time. It realy pisses me off.

    lvl 130 SOLDIER RK2

  2. #2


    I had this last night....

    I think its an exploit..

    I had a lvl 60 ma (omni) do it twice to me last night and just before i died he did the same thing in the arena that caused the bug/exploit.

    I wont say what he did as everyone will try it...but after res killing me twice he got a title from killing me..:/

    So beware there is a pvp/ress kill bug exploit

    Persil (Rk2)

  3. #3
    Thats not possible to get a title like so, if you have lost a certian amount of hp or are in rez shock something you cannot get points off a person.

  4. #4


    Well regardless if he gets title from ress killing the bug is still there....


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