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Thread: Where do lvl 120+ hunt exept missions

  1. #1

    Question Where do lvl 120+ hunt exept missions

    Im getting borred whit doing mission after mission in Broken shores pls give me some tips where i can get a team and hunt....

  2. #2
    join the club. I havent logged in 4 days. Missions are about the only thing there is to do at that level.
    I have taken days flying around looking for things to kill that are worth xp. When It comes down to it, the risk isn't worth the reward in most areas. So unless you want to do missions, your pretty much out of luck. PvP or RP are about the only other options, and most poeple arent into that either.

  3. #3
    Yeah got that right :/

    Nothings out there thats worth much to even level 100+ that I know of.

  4. #4
    I was doing a mission in Belial Forest the other day, and I came across these MOBs in a MOB village. Anyways, I attacked a red one and took it down to 50% health in 3 hits. Then his daddy jumped jumped in a I barely dented him before I ran. I went back, and same thing. The big daddy one was called a Marsh Warden. Don't remember what the other red one was, but it seemed like an easy kill. This was with my 153 MA char. I sure miss hunting outdoors. Too bad there isn't a save term in Belial Forest. Or is there? For clan?

  5. #5

    Angry yup yup yup

    High level gaming in this game is a joke.(at least for clanners it is)

    The only good place to hunt for lvl's 90+ was Mort.(which <b>WAS</b> awesome.)

    Now its a big grief zone. No possibility of finding a team, because noone wants to risk time/loot/xp just because you know that someone is going to be trying to attack you.

    So i guess I'll have to make my next 100 levels by doing missions in broken shores.(either that or just quit, whichever comes first.)

    I guess funcom doesn't want high level gamers to have any fun.(other than greifers)(yea, thats it, this game is just geared toward griefers. Well, guess i'd better jump on the bandwagon.)
    {Beyond the Drunken Master, is the Plastered Master} Lilasiandude 216 MA
    Proud Member of Storm, and the Betty Ford Clinic

    -Sllammer 216 enf. - Frank the Tank! Frank the Tank! Frank the Tank! Click!


  6. #6

    Post Save terminal

    There is one save terminal in Belial forest, it is in Hollow Mountain Clan OP.

  7. #7
    No, you can also save in Wine as well, thats a clan city/outpost, and i KNOW omnis wont go there, so many freakin guards and big guns there

  8. #8


    Where is Wine? I know where Hollow Mountain OP in Belial is, but I never found Wine. Though Hollow Mountain was Wine...

    Should be a grid point/whompa out there, really takes forever to get there in plane. And its impossible by foot...

  9. #9

    Post bump

    Can we get cords to this place?
    Princess"Lashleigh" Tabledancer - Unit member of Nirvana


    Yes, I had my own fan club. Behold the power of spam....


  10. #10
    I belive...well can't say for sure but out of my hade coords are 2200X2200...

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