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Thread: Question about selling buffs.

  1. #21
    As a doc I buff Iron Circle and Treatment for money, but it is only for donation. I get varying amounts but I have no set price. Most people gie what the can afford and I have no problem with that. IT is the thought that counts. Now the one thing I do sell are emergency med kits. I sell those for 300-400k, why? Cause your treatment does not have to be as high and it heals much more the the same QL med kit. Also it costs me about 150k to make, plus I have to find the monster parts that are around the right level then travel around to diffent shops to ge the right QL parts to do the job. Think of it as a real economy. IT works for the game.

  2. #22
    Originally posted by ryu1313
    (eg. lvl 200 Support Beams)
    I thought I read somewhere in the board that u can't find weapons of higher level than 120. That's where Engineers came into the picture.

  3. #23

    Re: Going rates for buffs

    Originally posted by Honbo
    So, what is the going rate for the MA crit buff?


    There are so many MAs running around. If an MA tries to charge you for a crit buff, find another one. 95% of MAs do not charge or try to charge for a crit buff. Same goes for Enforcers and their Essence.

  4. #24
    You may have problems buying higher level weapons, but you can find them in missions easily. Anytime you loot an MOB that you have just killed and find a gun, the gun will be the same level as the MOB. Therefore, if you do a 150 mission with MOBs ranging from 125 to 175, the guns you loot will be 125 to 175.

    At least, that's what I think...I'm just a donk engineer that doesn't bother making weapons 'cause nobody will buy them...I'd be glad to sell you a pharma buff though...
    RoboKa & RoboKaKa
    Solitus Neutral Engineer & Pet

  5. #25
    OIC. So we still can find weapons of high level. Strange then, cause remember reading that engineers shall be among the richest profession. However, since weapons can be found, the only thing I can think of (for an engineer to earn money) is only thru making Nano Formulaes and still those rare instructions still need to be found. (From what I understand, 2 NF only come in instructions form)

  6. #26
    Originally posted by drago

    I thought I read somewhere in the board that u can't find weapons of higher level than 120. That's where Engineers came into the picture.
    not quite true...

    items over ql125 is mission reward /loot only, and not sold in shops.

    There has been TALK about not having high ql items ying around in locked chests and giving them out just to look at a shining slashing crystal.
    But as far as I've understood, it's just players that has talked about it. No official word from FunCom about that. (but i might be wrong about that).

    get ao missin data to help picking out items you want/need/know sells for good money when selecting missions.

    And the blood plasma-thingy that was mentioned above here, is worth alot. but beware of the ip's you use. if it's blue skill, I'd not spend too much into it. Lots of people run round buying monsterparts (for a slightly less price than you would get for the converted blood plasma), and thus saving you alot of trouble with ip, converting, etc.....

    AND as always, friends/guilds are there to help you. That's what it's there for.

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