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Thread: Problem with shopbot

  1. #1

    Problem with shopbot

    Could someone tell me when and IF auctions end? I've got the highbid on 4 auctions and have for the past couple of days, and they're just like, sitting there, with no information as to when they will end.

    How does it work?

  2. #2
    Am i the only person that's ever used shopbot? Someone MUST know.

  3. #3
    I have the same problem. My winning auctions have been sitting there so long I no longer want the items because they're too low QL now

    I *THINK* (not sure) that when the auction ends on shopbot, the seller is notified, and if they don't do anything about it the auction will just sit there.

    I have had much better luck using Auctionbot.

  4. #4
    Tell me about this.... "auctionbot".

  5. #5
    do /tell auctionbot help

  6. #6
    Hey. I just wondered if any1 knows the answer to the original question ???. I got the same problem, and I don't think I'm the only 1. Please help !

  7. #7
    I may be wrong here but I think that only the original auctioner control if the auction is stopped or not.
    "Donner à des millions une connaissance de l'anglais, c'est les rendre esclaves". (Hind Swarâj, ch. 18)

  8. #8
    when the person selling the item wants to stop he does /tell shopbot remove XXXXX...shopbot wont stop the bid itself, its up to the seller when hes decided he has enough money for the item. dunno about on rk1, but on rk2 ive bid on a bunch of items and tried to sell a few items and given up, because nobody apparently knows what theyre doing with it

  9. #9
    LOL, and all that spam, noone knows how to use it.

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